
arphile submitted a new resource:

Massive Random Animal Spawner - Auto Generate Animal Spawner in Forests.

Just put it in your script folder and use this command.

for make spawners


for remove all animal spawners.

This Script checks the distance with other animal spawners and place it to forests. ( If a place which script want to place, script will check near 20 tiles. if spawner is exist, it'll not place a new spawner. )


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Error here:

+ Custom/MassiveAnimalSpawn.cs:
CS0117: Line 82: `Server.Map' does not contain a definition for `Arsene'
CS0117: Line 118: `Server.Map' does not contain a definition for `Arsene'
CS0117: Line 214: `Server.Map' does not contain a definition for `Arsene'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Running lastest ServUO git till today. Any clue?
Based on a quick look at the script I think you would need to replace Arsene with the name of the map your wanting to add spawners to.
Thanks! Changed to Trammel and it works!
Sorry for some errors :)
I just made this script for my shard which made something wrong.
Fortunately, Visam noticed this and gave you a tip!
thanks for using my script on your server lol..
arphile submitted a new resource:

Massive Random Animal Spawner - Auto Generate Animal Spawner in Forests.

Read more about this resource...
Can someone break this down for me? So for instance in case 0 below the first number according to the key should be the amount of spawns. Correct? So for the first spawner it will generate a spawner with 10 birds and a minDelay of 1 and a maxDelay of 3, 0 for the team, 0 for homeRange and then spawnrange is randomized between 22 and 30? But then the next line for the chicken is adding that creature to the same spawner? What is the number 4 at the end for? Is that how many chickens its allowing for this spawner?

//XmlSpawner(int amount, int minDelay, int maxDelay, int team, int homeRange, int spawnrange, string creatureName)
              XmlSpawner spawner = null;
              int MaxSpawn = 0;
              int Counter = 0;
              switch( Utility.Random(6) ) {
                  case 0:
                      spawner = new XmlSpawner( 10, 1, 3, 0, 0, Utility.RandomMinMax(22,30), "Bird" );
                       spawner.m_SpawnObjects.Add( new XmlSpawner.SpawnObject("Chicken", 4) );
                      spawner.m_SpawnObjects.Add( new XmlSpawner.SpawnObject("Eagle", 2) );
                      MaxSpawn = 12;
                      Counter = 3;

Active Shards


Total amount