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  1. arphile


  2. arphile

    Buying from a vendor overweight, go to bank instead of feet

    Add this line under method : Move To Bank Box (MobileValue).SendMessage("The item which you bought moved in your bankbox"); Also, you can change the sysmsg's color like this mob.SendMessage( HueCode, "Message" ); if you set 38, sysmsg's fontcolor will be red. If you want to use value, use code...
  3. arphile

    Turning Off Virtue System

    that's just your think. just find all the codes which include VirtueName. and remove it. you need to make sure remove the codes in Mobile.cs and modify Serialize / Deserialize function. it's little bit hard, but if you want to do that, you need to do this.
  4. arphile

    Turning Off Virtue System

    This is the easiest way to disable Virtue system. If you want to remove it, you need to modify numerous scripts including mobile.cs in core. in Script folder, and all of the scripts under there, more than 40 files has code for virtue. Do you really wish to modify all of these codes?
  5. arphile

    Turning Off Virtue System

    In \Scripts\Services\Virtues You can find VirtueGump.cs find Initialize function, blank it. All the gump buttons will not work.
  6. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback

    because GenericBuy and GenericSell get different value arrays. If SO want to make it as same calculator, muse be rebuild the method as you know.
  7. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback

    I'm really sorry to say that I will not do this. I have my private server as 100% custom, and it isn't complete server which comsume lots of time. If I have a time to do something, I can do, but now, I can't. Instead of code for you, I'll give you a hint. Extend the codes in GenericBuy.cs and...
  8. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback

    Just study more. It seems really hard, but it doesn't. what you need is time. Do something, other things, and so on. Try more, study hard. Someday, you'll find out you can handle numerous things.
  9. arphile

    congratilations! rofl..

    congratilations! rofl..
  10. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback

    Now I notice that what you concerned! On my game server, when Players sell their items to vendor, Item permantely removed. So the problem which it makes will not be happened. but in this case ,the problem which it causes, must be changed I know. There's 2 things that you can do. FIrst, If you...
  11. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback

    you mean you need to stop Re-selling which vendor bought from player?
  12. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback

    Do you wish to remove all things which vendor bought from players? There's function named IsResellable. if it returns 'false', vendor will not resell items which bought from players.
  13. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback So, this is GenericSell.cs in ServUO Repo, and now we'll see how vendor selling system works. In Line 34, we can find GetSellPriceFor(Item item) function. The price which vendor check is the value of this function...
  14. arphile

    custom map building help?

    how to make a map from scratch. -> Use CentrEd+ how to add the map to the client without taking out old maps. -> Use UOLive, but support has been finished. so some errors can occurred on your server. ( Not recommanded. ) how to put in static buildings that are not editable in game. -> Use...
  15. arphile

    Base Vendor Buyback

    in 'Scripts/Mobiles/Vendors/GenericSell.cs' , you can find GetSellPriceFor(Item item) function. This function actually can modifying what you want. if you code like this price = (int)(price * 0.60); price will be modify as 60%. So, define your item as BaseArmor and so on, check item's...
  16. arphile

    Reagents on shard

    or just return LRC always have above 100.
  17. arphile

    Dungeon difficulty

    Use OnSpawn Function for enhance basecreatures. Also you need to duplicate maps in MapDefinition.cs to make different difficulty for dungeons. I made it like this, so all of the dungeons has 2 or 4 difficulty each.
  18. arphile

    new gate orden and chaos

    copy your publicmoongate.cs twice and modify each script.
  19. arphile

    Massive Random Animal Spawner

    arphile submitted a new resource: Massive Random Animal Spawner - Auto Generate Animal Spawner in Forests. Read more about this resource...
  20. arphile

    Massive Random Animal Spawner 2016-10-11

    Just put it in your script folder and use this command. [AnimalSpawnGen for make spawners and [AnimalSpawnRem for remove all animal spawners. This Script checks the distance with other animal spawners and place it to forests. ( If a place which script want to place, script will check near...

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