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  1. arphile

    Achievement System

    few days ago, I uploaded my achievement script on this site. Now a days, I remade this system and also works well! here's an example of database script. Here's an image of Achievements Gump. Maybe somedays, I think I'll share this code. lol...
  2. arphile

    I need my memory jogged

    This is really good stuff! I've just reminded how to use | and & operations!
  3. arphile

    Is there anyone have a problem with UOLive?

    I've interested about this method. I'll try and checkout how it happens! Thx for giving me a tip!
  4. arphile

    Is there anyone have a problem with UOLive?

    Already tried this method, but doesn't seems to be solve this problem. this problem makes me crazy omg...
  5. arphile

    Is there anyone have a problem with UOLive?

    Hi guys! I wanna ask about ultima live. I use ultimalive for using more facets, but sometimes it causes trouble which is stop data receiving on client. client can send messages to server, but client couldn't see that and also cannot be move their charactors. the only one solution is logout and...
  6. arphile

    Spawn on Equipped

    You don't need to use xmlspawner's function. what you need to do is checking summoncreature.cs in spells/magery/fifth/ It will help you to finish your work.
  7. arphile

    Spawn on Equipped

    You need to add a function in OnEquip function. and also, need to add in OnRemoved. thia is a simple way to solve your question.
  8. arphile

    how to create receipes with gamemaster

    Here is a number : 307.9300721 if you want to use only integers, you need to use int so, this number's integer part is 307 if you want to use all part of the number, you need to use double. Now this is example int number = (int)( 307.9300721 ); the value of 'number' is '307' double number...
  9. arphile

    how to create receipes with gamemaster

    Just use numbers. like [add recipescroll 302
  10. arphile

    how to create receipes with gamemaster

    No problem! have a nice day.
  11. arphile

    how to create receipes with gamemaster

    first, you need to find recipenumber. they are placed in craftsystem. so, if you want to receive fieryblade's recipe, it must be placed in DefBlacksmith.cs Now, you'll know exact number of item. use this command [add recipescroll (number) command will generate a recipe scroll for fieryblade.
  12. arphile

    For those who work with ULive Map Streamer

    If you put your map files in defined directory ( ex : UO Directory ) and if you use UOLive, UOLive will send your map files to client. It means, players don't need to put your maps on their UO directories by themselves. What the players need to do is rename igrping.dll to igrping_.dll and put...
  13. arphile

    in which .cs is spelldamage defined?

    You need to find this code and modify. SpellHelper.Damage( ~~~ ) [ Each of spell scripts use this code to deal damages to target ] and this function return to AOS.Damage( ~~~ )
  14. arphile

    Attempting to make gold weightless

    You cannot divide with Zero value. Just return 0; public override double DefaultWeight { get { return 0; } }
  15. arphile

    Recent work for custom shard

    My shard has custom skill system which is working instead of base one. Now, I'm trying to add a new crafting system and it's almost done! if someone makes an item, they will get some exp on their skill, even they failed to make it. and also, in this gump, some informations which is in 'skill...
  16. arphile

    Pre-AOS with Colored Itens Properties

    Change all of the code in scripts "Core.AOS" to "Core.SA" or etc.
  17. arphile

    manage drop rate for spellweaving and mysticism scrolls

    Check lootpack.cs in misc folder. you can find a code for that. and also, you can add some codes for that in creature script on OnDeath function.
  18. arphile

    Long time no see guys!

    Recently, I opened new shard with lots of customs. also this shard will not follow OSI expansions. Here is a screenshot about my shard Skill gump , custom equipment system, and custom spell book. It might be interesting to play in my shard, but difficulty of play.. players told me that it's...
  19. arphile

    New shards?

    I closed 2 shards which expansion was T2A and HS with lots of customs. but 4Th of the monday, this month, I'll open 100% custom shard again.
  20. arphile

    Fun with Layers

    how about this mUseItem == from.Weapon

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