
Just wondering if there are new shards in development ? Or I'm the only one working on a new shard?
I closed 2 shards which expansion was T2A and HS with lots of customs.
but 4Th of the monday, this month, I'll open 100% custom shard again.
Working on one now. If you want to check it out. Sometimes I am on, sometimes I am not.

Always looking for people that want to help or staff. Still have a long way to go before I can green light it.
I am hosting on a linux box from my basement.
Not many custom shards out there though. The trend seems to be, just to pick some certain OSI era and add few custom scripts on top. Anyone knows some custom shards in development though? I mean really custom , not just like a new map or level system added. Custom as in re-written how things work and such. Can't believe people don't get tired of T2A/UOR.
I am in the process of rehashing the towns so the deco is not so cookie cutter.
You are welcome to check it out.

Give examples of what you mean by how things work, I am curious now because thats what I would like to strive for.
Umm, Well I'm developing my own shard .. and I just look at systems such as combat and so forth and make them more player involving. Even crafting.
I want to like have a world where two items are not the same. For instance, take a sword. They all weigh the same. They all have the same Max and Min Damage. I want to sort of break out of this template thing... so all these attributes are going to be in the hands of the Blacksmith . But not the character's skills, the players. You can think of this as turning crafting into a mini game.

Also for instance make dungeons more different to the other. By needing certain items to stay alive in the dungeon. Imagine if you had to drink a potion every say 5 minutes to stay in a dungeon. That would give new experience to the player. Or dungeon where only gold weapons work.

It's the basic things just to give more flavor so to speak.

I got a project in development, a french speaking roleplay shard.

Maybe you can find on these forum what we done to involve Mining into something very different and more fun.

We also delete all classical ores, and now we can mine basics metals only. In a second phase, blacksmiths create "alloy" ingots, by smelting together these basic metals. Just an "alloy" script... The resulting properties of each player-crafted-single-instance of an "alloy" ingot is computed after the craft, depending of the combination (an alliage is a 12metal parts smelt) , and I left a place to include after some other effects as moon phases, incatations, and so on...

After that we delete the full BOD system... To craft a runic stuff, the crafter got to ask a scribe for a runic layer of the kind he wish, and then transfer it on the stuff. Now crafters do their own work as they need (no more craft-loto)... But they have to play with difficulty, the more acuracy they want, the more hard it is... of course.... And as a failed attempt ruined a slot, 6runic properties items (and I don't speek about 6 good runic properties items) will be very very rare... But now runic craft is WIWIWIG...

I'd also made a player constructed rail system with switch for pushing littles wagons into mines...

That is some systems I'm really proud of, and very sure players will enjoy, but we are rewritting so much things.... Yes, there's always shard in development ;)
I have been told by many players and behind-the-scenes folks that my shard has a pretty good balance of customization, including a lot of in-house development, but I've never been concerned with being "the best", it's just been fun for the most part. More than a few custom shards closed down over the past 3-4 years and after many years of keeping the doors open too. It's sad to see all that hard-work gone like that, but I'm glad that former owners and staffers from those shards have been sharing some of their customizations. It's always enjoyable to see what different folks have come up with. Best of luck to those that have gone live and that will be going live in the future. :)
I have a question, after reading about all of the custom work. If I had gates that changed only you body value, your paperdoll would stay the same, but that would add some customization to a shard. Wouldn't it?
I don't have the link for it, but on RunUO there is a custom system with race gates, just like what you are talking about.
@Milva You don't have the one that AtA was using do you?

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