Search results

  1. NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West & North-South

    Carl Hamilton updated NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West with a new update entry: NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West and North-South Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West & North-South - NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West and North-South

    Added in the North-South facing House Boat as well.
  3. NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West & North-South

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West - House boat 13 x 9 use as player home or freeze into map statics for quest area or other Read more about this resource...
  4. NEW House Boat Addon facing East-West & North-South 1.1

    Can be added into game world by Admin/GM, using the command [add HouseBoatEastWestAddon and target the water location where you want it created. Once the addon has been placed you can change it's X,Y,Z coordinates via the [props command and target any part of the Addon. This will allow you...
  5. NEW Wood Walls with Round Windows

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: NEW Wood Walls with Round Windows - BMP Images (6) Dark and Light Wood walls with Round Windows Read more about this resource...
  6. Art NEW Wood Walls with Round Windows 1.0

    With UOFiddler you can add these new wall types with round windows into your art files for UO. To add these images using UOFiddler: 1. In the 'Items' tab, find a UNUSED item image where you want to put the new wall type. 2. Right-click on the UNUSED item image and select REPLACE and select the...
  7. NEW White Spinning Moongate

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: NEW White Spinning Moongate - Swirling like a Vortex or Wormhole Read more about this resource...
  8. Art NEW White Spinning Moongate 1.0

    This new moongate (5 BMP images) will allow the existing moongate to be more like a spinning vortex or wormhole. Using UOFiddler go into the Items Tab and located the existing 5 moongate images, then right click on each of the 5 and select Replace and then select the new BMP images. Lastly...
  9. NEW Black Spinning Moongate

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: NEW Black Spinning Moongate - Swirling like a Vortex or Wormhole Read more about this resource...
  10. Art NEW Black Spinning Moongate 1.0

    This new moongate (5 BMP images) will allow the existing moongate to be more like a spinning vortex or wormhole. Using UOFiddler go into the Items Tab and located the existing 5 moongate images, then right click on each of the 5 and select Replace and then select the new BMP images. Lastly...
  11. NEW Red Spinning Moongate

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: NEW Red Spinning Moongate - Swirling like a Vortex or Wormhole Read more about this resource...
  12. Art NEW Red Spinning Moongate 1.0

    This new moongate (5 BMP images) will allow the existing moongate to be more like a spinning vortex or wormhole. Using UOFiddler go into the Items Tab and located the existing 5 moongate images, then right click on each of the 5 and select Replace and then select the new BMP images. Lastly...
  13. NEW Blue Spinning Moongate

    Carl Hamilton updated NEW Blue Spinning Moongate with a new update entry: FIXED - Image 3 and 5 had a few pixels that were too white Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Art NEW Blue Spinning Moongate - FIXED - Image 3 and 5 had a few pixels that were too white

    FIXED - Image 3 and 5 had a few pixels that were too white and they became transparent when used in UOFiddler to replace the existing images. jinh86 identified this small problem (Thanks so much) and I've now fixed those images and Moongates are all good to go now with this update Version 1.1 :)
  15. NEW Blue Spinning Moongate

    Oh, thanks. I'll fix those and resubmit for those that don't have access to drawing software or are not good with them. I have a Red Moongate coming soon as well. Same look.
  16. NEW Blue Spinning Moongate

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: NEW Blue Spinning Moongate - Swirling like a Vortex or Wormhole Read more about this resource...
  17. Art NEW Blue Spinning Moongate 1.1

    This new moongate (5 BMP images) will allow the existing moongate to be more like a spinning vortex or wormhole. Using UOFiddler go into the Items Tab and located the existing 5 moongate images, then right click on each of the 5 and select Replace and then select the new BMP images. Lastly...
  18. NEW Item ART - Walls with New Window Styles

    Nice! that will really help.
  19. NEW Item ART - Walls with New Window Styles

    Hi, cool. I'll take a look into that when I get some free time and see what I can come up with. :)
  20. NEW Item ART - Walls with New Window Styles

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: NEW Item ART - Walls with New Window Styles - 26 Wall types with 4 new Window Styles (294 Images) Read more about this resource...

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