Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource:

NEW Item ART - Walls with New Window Styles - 26 Wall types with 4 new Window Styles (294 Images)

These new Item ART BMP Images can be added, to give your shard more options when it comes to Window styles throughout your custom built or modified towns and cities.

There is 1 Item ART BMP Image (see sample image RED outlined) that is a FIX for a missing Plaster Wall with Square Window facing N-S (they have an arched window instead of the square).

Sample image only shows the E-W facing walls with windows so you can get a feel for the looks.

You can import these new images into any of...

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Suggestion some cool hued Bright purple and blues crystal like colors would be nice for like Underdark D&D Drow buildings would make a great collection for those looking to create those types of buildings. I know for years been looking for those types of files. If you ever read any of RA salvatore books the Drow books they give great descriptions of the buildings and colors.
Here are some examples. My daughter is opening up a Tattoo studio and this is her theme so also gathering art so two birds one stone lol

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