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  1. Creating Wereables anims in 1 hour.

    I'll release the blender file and the program for the post processing when i find the time to write some documentation and instructions on how to use it. The problem is, the blender file alone is not of much use and the program is not what you would call intuitive. But it works quite well, it...
  2. Fallout 4 in Ultima Online

    - If it's mainly about having a fallout mmo There is a fan made client called "Fallout Online". I played on two servers a couple of years ago, "FOnline 2238" and "FOnline Reloaded". Basically they combined the mobiles, items, maps and other content from Fallout 1 and 2. There are other servers...
  3. Animated Snowman for Christmas Champ

    Have you seen the animated snowman on uo-pixel? I haven't tried it, but the stuff from narja is usually pretty good :)
  4. UO File Formats

    Another resource:
  5. Randomize Map Tiles

    Feynman submitted a new resource: Randomize Map Tiles - Small program to randomize map tiles Read more about this resource...
  6. Maps Randomize Map Tiles 2017-01-20

    When looking through some old stuff i found this little tool to randomize map tiles. I made it some years ago and maybe someone has a use for it :) The map tiles are defined in an xml file. If a tile on the map is found in a pool, a tile from the pool is assigned randomly. I used it only for...
  7. Bat-Staff Animation

    Yeah, i would love that :D (And also flails!) Sadly a deformable object is much more difficult to create. All the animation's frames are in one big sequence of loops, beginning with: loop "walking unarmed/1-handed-weapon down" (10 Frames) loop "walking unarmed/1-handed-weapon down-left" (10...
  8. Utilizing mobiles as "animation containers"

    Thanks for the hints! I will have a look at that :) @baldunum Is the character in the video a player character? I mean, is it still controlled by a player? I had a look at your other videos, interesting stuff :) Did you change the animation for the "wall of stone" or how did you stop the...
  9. Utilizing mobiles as "animation containers"

    I was working on a flag animation when i had an idea to store the animation in a mobile. Mobiles consist of 300-1050 frames, featuring 5 directions and several actions like walking, running, attacking, and so on. There would be some great advantages in patching a flag as a mobile. - just one...
  10. Bat-Staff Animation

    Thanks! If anyone has an idea for something special... bring it! :D (No promises that i will create it though :p)
  11. Holes

    Good stuff! Do you use them as map or static tiles?
  12. Bat-Staff Animation

    Feynman submitted a new resource: Bat-Staff Animation - Animation for a Bat-Staff by Cain Read more about this resource...
  13. Bat-Staff Animation 2017-01-14

    My project for this saturday afternoon :) An animation for a bat-staff made by "Cain" on uo-pixel: An image for the backpack would be great to complete the package. Does anybody have one? (Or could make one?) My 2D skills aren't that great ;)
  14. Creating Wereables anims in 1 hour.

    I am using blender for all my graphics. ( I've uploaded my basic scene as a resource in ClientMedia/Tutorials. What are your camera settings in 3dsmax? I am working on a program to process the rendered images to: - reduce the images' size to the visible part and naming them...
  15. How to add custom animations to UO

    Looks nice :) Did you patch it over an existing animation or is it a new slot? What about other items you can equip? Can you target them?
  16. Halberd Test

    Feynman submitted a new resource: Halberd Test - a new halberd animation Read more about this resource...
  17. Halberd Test 2016-12-27

    This is my new halberd, ready to be scrutinized :D It is a test item for pole arms and staffs, etc. and can be used with WeaponAnimation: Bash2H, Slash2H, and Pierce2H. Some animation cycles show the colored halberd on the right side. I am still figuring out which animations are really needed...
  18. Creating Wereables anims in 1 hour.

    I thought about this for quite some time and decided to go with the first way. A whole body would be great, but it's just so much more complicated. And then you might as well just creates something else like dwarfs for example :) I used the crook staff as a model. The animation works for items...
  19. .mul info request.

    The Mulpatcher has exactly what you need :) There are two options called "Save to Directory" and "Load from Directory". This will export/import all the animation's frames and a list with the positions (liste.txt) into/from a folder. But the animation will be slightly wrong positioned if it's...
  20. Are You Good With Animation And UO Graphics?

    It's not really complicated, but quite a lot of work ;) Basically it is like Romanez said. This is the way i do it: Export an animation of something similar to the one you want to add. I use the mulpatcher to do this. You can choose to save the animation to a folder ("Save to Directory"). In...

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