
So I've been doing quite a bit of modding for Bethesda's games: Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Fallout 4. I've been noticing how simple it would be to port graphic textures from the Creation Kit (a free tool provided by Bethesda and given to the public so people can mod their games). This would take some time, but it could be done.

What I know how to do is apply the textures to walls, ground tiles, and objects; I can even add the objects into UO from Fallout 4 in the 1:1 isometric ratio that UO uses so they wouldn't look out of place. What I don't know how to do is create gun animations, how to add guns to the paperdoll, and how to create mobile animations even though I have the creature lists for all 3 games and can mimic the frames fairly well; I could even possible get each creature in the isometric ratio needed and export it into an image file. However I don't know how to add animation to them. The point is if I am going to do this I will need help.

The end result will be that we will have the worlds first true Fallout MMO the way Interplay wanted things to be; not Bethesda. UO has a lot of the same mechanics as all 3 games mentioned above including effects and abilities like throwing and building etc. This would be a nice addition to the community as a whole and I would have it support both ServUO and RunUO. If anyone is interested then I would love to hear your ideas. I will not be able to work on this until the end of December as I am moving and need time to set up again after the new place is unpacked and organized. I hope everyone is well. Thanks for reading.
An animation is a step by step process, Like any Animation You must work Frame by Frame, adding the effect of which guns normally have like Recoil, reload, and firing. You would need to Learn The Basics of Animations to Achieve this. Not too many people here would Tackle Animations as much. Plus you would need to resize Those Creatures to fit UO Graphic Format, Same with The Walls and such, you can't really copy and paste then resize, cause you will lose Image Quality most the time, if you were to do the textures you would need to do it by Eye. Though Best of Luck If you Do Tackle it.
Agreed not many people know about animations on here. However I CAN resize the images for both creatures and game graphics without too much resolution loss; at least it wont be noticable. I know a lot about UO graphics with 10 years experience with it so I don't think that porting images in the same visual perspective that UO uses will be an issue. The only issue will be porting the animations.
[doublepost=1507062443][/doublepost]On a side note the whole premise to this forum post is to see if anyone with experience wants to assist in making this a reality. I have no intention of doing this project alone. So if anyone would like to help we have until the middle of December to decide. Afterwhich this will turn into a closed project that will eventually happen and wont be released until it does. With that said I think this is a nice spin off UO and while I can do this alone, I would rather have a few people help me out as well from this community. If not then there is not much to type about. I know some of you will love the finished product, and like the post above I am sure a lot of you will critique how hard you feel it will be to achieve this. That type of response is not what I am looking for, so if you genuinely interested then I would love to hear from you; if not then please refrain from putting a negative spin on things. This will be a learning experience for sure for some of you and me as well.
This Technically wouldn't be under the UO General forum though if you are looking for help with a project. Your best bet is to post this under The Looking For Help Forum.

Not trying to be negative in any shape or form, just pointing out the things that could be a hassle. Like I said I am looking forward to seeing it.
It is not simple to create a gun frame by frame and have it fit to the player mobile frame by frame. I believe UO uses a 3D model program for the base animation. Then they face the model in all directions. Except right. The game automatically mirrors left frame to right frame to save space. This is why weapons and shields magically change hands. This includes, idle, attack, fidget, walk, run, death in all directions. The most ever attempted or achieved Is a shield I believe. Found on UO pixel. It is not impossible but, so tedious that no one would try. We are talking 100s of frames or more. And we are talking about one gun. Now imagine fallout guns. pistols, rifles, shotguns, grenades, machine guns, plasma weapons. It becomes 1000s of frames. And all this work to make ultima simply look like fallout. Then you have to script everything to make it feel like fallout. And that is just the weapons. Then you need the mobiles. You can use stand ins like a troll for a mutant, hellhounds for dogs, giant scorpions for rad scorpions, but some mobiles you would want like rad roaches. Since this is a conversion idea you could use crossbow as your base and manually paint a gun over it using its handle to keep things centered. Possible a shot spear for a pistol ect.. Then duplicate it to replace all animations like bow, axe, then replace all those skills with small arms, rifles, heavy guns instead of archery, fencing ect.... It is a nightmare really. On side note you could scrap 90% of UO graphics. All you need for fallout are a handful of ruined walls. Lots of debri, ruined earth, toxic waters, dead vegetation and a little alive. Then items. Done You could convert all the land where it is. Converting the map to ruins. Kill all the grass, radiate all the water, leave rock ect.... Could keep the map intact.
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- If it's mainly about having a fallout mmo
There is a fan made client called "Fallout Online". I played on two servers a couple of years ago, "FOnline 2238" and "FOnline Reloaded".
Basically they combined the mobiles, items, maps and other content from Fallout 1 and 2. There are other servers out there with completely new maps also.
The client was working really well, very good resource and crafting system, scalable screen, faction system with own bases (generally houses from tents to big bunkers), vehicles, nice side quests, random encounters, and a LOT more.
The feeling was a lot like the original game and on a first glance you couldn't tell the difference.
It is really well made. Almost every game mechanic from the original games was working.
To achieve anything close to that with the UO client would take an insane amount of work. And i doubt it would be as good.

- If it's more about the process
It is possible to create new animations, but like otimpyre said, it is a lot of work.
I don't know for sure, but i estimate it took me >80 hours to walk around with my first working animation. (2-handed staffs)
You basically have to create every frame of an animation (which means 1050 for clothing)
Not all 1050 are needed for weapons. (A spear doesn't need an animation for a crossbow attack etc.)
But it's still like >800 if i remember correctly.
The good thing is, that most of the work needs to be done only one time. The bat-staff animation in the download section here on the site took me only about 15-20 minutes once the 3d-model was finished.
I finished the base animation for shields a while ago, at that point i needed about 1 minute/frame.
The helmet and right hand layer should not be too hard as well. Clothing on the other hand is a lot more complex...

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