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  1. UO Architect Questions

    Seems alot of patrons here just run windows. For the last couple days i was wondering why i switched lol. but i solved my own problem. I am not going to go into detail of what i did . i think it would be lost for the most part most ppl on here don't even use linux. but feel free to leave me a...
  2. UO Architect Questions

    So I removed both wine and mono and reinstalled still no go. i am lost i hope someone has a idea how to get architect to work in linux kde neon. i just don't see what i am doing wrong. here is a copy of my uo architect.xml file mybe someone can tell me what is going on by that. if i try to...
  3. UO Architect Questions

    I am running kde neon a linux distro. I have installed mono and wine. I followed all directions for installing UO Architect. watched the tut video from this site. uninstalled and reinstalled wine. changed wine from stable version to staging. Architect says it is connected on port 2594 on my...
  4. yahtzee

    ok thanks i will give that a try
  5. yahtzee

    yes i am it is a older version that uses client if i remember correctly and the server is from around 2010 so other words i can't run yahtzee without getting a more updated server. or can the script for yahtzee be moded out some?
  6. yahtzee

    i am running current net framework. are you saying my server is to old and is not running the proper netframe work. and if so how do i fix that.
  7. poker or texas hold'em

    Thanks i will try that.
  8. yahtzee

    not for sure what is wrong i am sure it is simple though if someone can help i would be forever in your debt. RunUO - ["]] Version 2.1, Build 5868.33533 Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727 Core: Optimizing for 6 64-bit processors Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed...
  9. poker or texas hold'em

    for the life of me i can not remember how to make the poker dealer active . any help would be happy to have .. thanks.
  10. BODs

    can you show the errors that your server threw?
  11. Death broadcast

    not sure is this is even right . i have not tested but i think it is simply just..... World.Broadcast(0x44B9, true, "{0} Has Died In Style Yet Again By a {1} .", args.Mobile.Name); {1} being the mob or player that has killed the player. like i said i have not tested. I am just a novice...
  12. Announce Death script

    kevin brown submitted a new resource: Announce Death script - on charactor death announcement. Read more about this resource...
  13. Announce Death script 2019-01-19

    Just a simple script not sure who the author is but credit is not my own.
  14. NPC casting speed

    i think all faster casting has to do with FC and FCR so if you change it . It will change for players also. but don't quote me on that. I am sure there is a way to do individual npc's and monsters. in there respective mobiles scripts though. but if you are wanting to change all at once . i am...
  15. Error loading gold???

    i don't know then . it has to be something simple i am sure but it is beyond me. and it is to early in the morning to think hehehe. what i would do since your server is pretty fresh is remove those two scripts and redownload the server and reinstall. maybe something simple like the download was...
  16. Error loading gold???

    need more information. what was the last change you made to the server and scripts. and need to see your world.cs in server scripts did you do anything to that script. if not chances are it is a mistake you made with a script change. and now it is throwing errors.
  17. Death broadcast

    Here is a script i use for my server you should be able to add ({0} was killed by) in one of the cases. hope this helps.
  18. Moongates Advanced Users

    Thanks so much for the video tut. I was able to use the advanced gates with little issue after watching your video. Now i am working on adding weapons and armor. Thanks again.
  19. Res Kill Protection

    kevin brown submitted a new resource: Res Kill Protection - Can adjust res protection as you wish . Read more about this resource...
  20. Res Kill Protection 2018-10-26

    This is not my creation. This is a script by Hammerhand. no credit goes to me. All credit to Hammerhand for this great script.

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