Apon running server this morning, i received a fatal error for loading gold? Any help is much appreciated !
An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Items.Gold
- Serial: 0x400238AB
Delete the object? (y/n)
Delete all objects of that type? (y/n)
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate.
System.Exception: Load failed (items=True, mobiles=False, guilds=False, data=False, type=Server.Items.Gold, serial=0x400238AB) ---> System.Exception: ***** Bad serialize on Server.Items.Gold *****
at Server.World.Load() in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 667
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Server.World.Load() in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 878
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\Main.cs:line 640
This exception is fatal, press return to exit
An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Items.Gold
- Serial: 0x400238AB
Delete the object? (y/n)
Delete all objects of that type? (y/n)
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate.
System.Exception: Load failed (items=True, mobiles=False, guilds=False, data=False, type=Server.Items.Gold, serial=0x400238AB) ---> System.Exception: ***** Bad serialize on Server.Items.Gold *****
at Server.World.Load() in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 667
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Server.World.Load() in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 878
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\Main.cs:line 640
This exception is fatal, press return to exit