
Apon running server this morning, i received a fatal error for loading gold? Any help is much appreciated !

An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Items.Gold
- Serial: 0x400238AB
Delete the object? (y/n)
Delete all objects of that type? (y/n)
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate.
System.Exception: Load failed (items=True, mobiles=False, guilds=False, data=False, type=Server.Items.Gold, serial=0x400238AB) ---> System.Exception: ***** Bad serialize on Server.Items.Gold *****
at Server.World.Load() in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 667
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Server.World.Load() in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\World.cs:line 878
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\funpw\Downloads\ServUO-master\ServUO-master\Server\Main.cs:line 640
This exception is fatal, press return to exit
need more information. what was the last change you made to the server and scripts. and need to see your world.cs in server scripts did you do anything to that script. if not chances are it is a mistake you made with a script change. and now it is throwing errors.
Hello and thank you for the reply.

I have made zero changes to the base install of the server, other than of course the config files.
World.cs is the exact same as the distro, I have tried reloading a new copy of World.cs directly from the distro again and same error got spit out.

I have very few custom scripts at this point. i can try to remove them and see if it works, but none of them spit out errors with the version of the server I had back in march 2018.
it can be that you edited the serialisation of the Gold class or the Item class itself. Something doesnt align there thats why it wants to delete it
the only things i edited are:
Server Config
Loot config - added extra property weight in fel
Datapath Config
PlayerCaps Config
Venders Config - Increased Item holding from 500 to 999 and restock time down to 10 mins

1 item - Sash
1 Mobile - nothing too special, new tamable *does no special things like earthquake or anything just immune to poison*

Other than that, it is a fresh download from the current .zip
i don't know then . it has to be something simple i am sure but it is beyond me. and it is to early in the morning to think hehehe. what i would do since your server is pretty fresh is remove those two scripts and redownload the server and reinstall. maybe something simple like the download was corrupted not sure if it could be something that simple but it is worth a try.
[doublepost=1547852401][/doublepost]did you edit gold.cs ? if so did you modify the weight something like this.

public override double DefaultWeight
return (0.01);

Active Shards


Total amount