Search results

  1. LimpBizquick

    Imagine Nation looking for xmlspawner staff member.

    At least they have a start of website. I think, as a player, myself, clicking a link for what you think is a website, just to get a discord server is turn off. I want to read about the server, and most often its just a bunch of players talking about everything but what the server has to offer.
  2. LimpBizquick

    Looking for...

    A shard to play on. I'd prefer a non pvp server. Custom content I can take or leave. In general, I am looking for a place to relax, craft and build. A few places I have tried have wanted to promote me to staff, or the staff would just sit and talk and talk. I have no interest in that. Again, I...
  3. LimpBizquick

    Damage Meter?

    You could this as a starting point.
  4. LimpBizquick

    KP and EP Pets

    Try [add rali For some reason the evo dragon is called Ralis Dragon or something like that.
  5. LimpBizquick

    Missing Something Somewhere

    Thanks Visam. I did that and, well, that was the issue. Something that simple I kept over looking it. Feel like I should trade in the PC for a Speak and Spell after all that =)
  6. LimpBizquick

    Missing Something Somewhere

    Thats what I was thinking also. I did a xml roll back, didnt help. So i just put juka's in like old wrong. I do appreciate the effort you put in helping though.
  7. LimpBizquick

    Missing Something Somewhere

    Yessir. I did. When I do [genwrongrevamp i get the following
  8. LimpBizquick

    Missing Something Somewhere

    Yeah. I thought that also. I tried as "owner" access, used the staff to become a player, and made a second account that was just player only. Nothing. I appreciate the response!
  9. LimpBizquick

    Missing Something Somewhere

    So.. I have tried [createword.. Dungeon Wrong wont spawn. Try to just [xmlload it, says it doesnt exist. Yet, Im looking at the file and the directoy. (See attached image). Any ideas / suggestions? I am sure it is something Im just too blind to see.
  10. LimpBizquick

    VNC Errors on Pub58

    If Voxpire does not mind. I can upload a butchered up version. Its not the "best" but it does load and work with the newest repo. He spent a lot time on this system and I do not want to release a hacked up version out of respect for his efforts.
  11. LimpBizquick


    Timmy is great. He could be in Exodus =)
  12. LimpBizquick


    Timmy Trumpet everywhere would be great. Set it to double click the trumpet add on for bonus points :D Had to compress it. Wont let me add just .mid files
  13. LimpBizquick

    Instant Ethereal Mount - Player Version

    Ahh. That would be handy. I will look at his then and see whats what (or try to least).
  14. LimpBizquick

    Instant Ethereal Mount - Player Version

    Inside your ethereals.cs find the line public override TimeSpan CastDelayBase => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.0); Change the 3.0 to 0.0 for instant. I will make all ethereals instant
  15. LimpBizquick


    Works like a charm! Thanks
  16. LimpBizquick


    Does anyone have a pet that can be used for unraveling (for imbuing materials), they'd be willing to share ? Kind of like the fire beetle smelts.
  17. LimpBizquick

    Hit Poison Area

    Whats the script?
  18. LimpBizquick

    Distillation Quest? This has wine crafting / brewing I do believe.
  19. LimpBizquick

    Bad Spawns

  20. LimpBizquick

    Bad Spawns

    I dont know of one. Go to you servers root directory look for a file called "badspawn.log". Open it. In game type [go and use the coords that are in that log file. Thats what I did when I had one.

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