So.. I have tried [createword.. Dungeon Wrong wont spawn. Try to just [xmlload it, says it doesnt exist. Yet, Im looking at the file and the directoy. (See attached image). Any ideas / suggestions? I am sure it is something Im just too blind to see.
If I remember correctly, You have to go there with a player character. If you're using a gm or owner account you wont see any spawn as it only spawns for the regular characters.
Yeah. I thought that also. I tried as "owner" access, used the staff to become a player, and made a second account that was just player only. Nothing. I appreciate the response!
Thats what I was thinking also. I did a xml roll back, didnt help. So i just put juka's in like old wrong. I do appreciate the effort you put in helping though.
Thanks Visam. I did that and, well, that was the issue. Something that simple I kept over looking it. Feel like I should trade in the PC for a Speak and Spell after all that =)