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  1. Drilikath

    Updated: Rooster / Drilikath's StarGate System

    Thanks for the kind words @RedRooster. Was a pleasure for sure. I as well look forward to see what everyone does. Will be available soon to talk on the ring teleporters. Message me in discord soon.
  2. Drilikath


    Item item = new SkillMasteryPrimer(SkillName.Peacemaking,1); Item item = new SkillMasteryPrimer(1,SkillName.Peacemaking); Is the issue.
  3. Drilikath

    Custom Vendor & Runic Tools

    //String Name/CliLoc //Type //Price //Amount sell//ItemId/Hue //Craft Recourse, Charges Add(new GenericBuyInfo("Valorite Runic Hammer", typeof(RunicHammer), 40000, 20, 0x13E3, 0x8AB, new object[] {CraftResource.Valorite, 50})) ;
  4. Drilikath

    I wonder where user information is stored.

    Everything is in the save folder.
  5. Drilikath

    Play sound when NPC spawns

    Just add that code to the mobile you want will have the same effect. I misread it or looked at it funny when I gave my solution. Still works.
  6. Drilikath

    Play sound when NPC spawns

    Toss it in the BaseVendor add a region change it will fire the sound change public override void OnRegionChange(Region Old, Region New) { base.OnRegionChange(Old, New); PlaySound(0x1FC); }
  7. Drilikath

    Resource Toggle on Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel

    Standard UO resources only or dynamic/custom as well?
  8. Drilikath

    Creating a new weapon "System"

    The way I did this was without targeting. If you want targeting I would suggest looking into HitchingRope.cs and see how it is done. This one when you double click the item it checks for 100 diamonds in the backpack and if it can consume 100 of them then it performs the transformation. using...
  9. Drilikath

    UO used to be the Wild West. Why not embrace it fully?

    I have offered my C# knowledge to this project, I'm currently working on the rail road system.
  10. Drilikath

    Level System

    Any system that needs playermobile edits can be done with XML attachments. Some code has to be changed for obvious reasons but. Making an xmlattachment for all the information and changing basearmor/weps/clothing etc etc can use the xmlattachment code to make it so the system is technically drag...
  11. Drilikath

    Level System

    Using XML Attachments you can make a simple attachment that holds the player level, current exp, Next Level and then attach it to the player when it is created or by some other means. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Server; using Server.Mobiles; using...
  12. Drilikath

    Ye Olde Worlde Looking for Beta Testers

    This project has been in the making for a while now, and need a few active people to test out some of the things we have been doing. Player Level System Factions Treasure Hunter System Chest Of Change Personal Vendor Stone Item Mall Exchange Limited Offer Store Dark Guardian Room (Doom)...

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