
Lokai submitted a new resource:

14th Anniversary Mannequin Reward - Reward item that allows quick change, with optional costs

I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

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If you enable either of the BOOLEAN values at the top of the script, you can have further control over the use of this Reward item.

The first one allows you to charge gold...

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So this is an "Instantly Nude" toy for those that dont want to take their own clothes off? Or for those that like to display their "fashion statements" without actually wearing them?
Wondering, if the Mannequin is wearing an outfit/armor will this switch to the player or no?
Wondering, if the Mannequin is wearing an outfit/armor will this switch to the player or no?

Absolutely! This is it's primary feature. Outfits between player and Mannequin are completely swapped either on Doubleclick or on Context Menu selection. Everything worn (Jewelry, Weapon, Armor, Clothing) is exchanged. Items that are unable to be worn due to player's lack of requirements are dropped to the player's pack.
I am pretty sure I got all the visual bugs out, with the exception of some hues displaying lighter or darker than the paperdoll versions. I suspect gremlins in the Client for this, as there is evidence of malicious intent in other areas of the Client, but who knows, there might be a formula for perfectly displaying all hues. Very sure I fixed all the possible exploits, such as wearing invalid clothing, using from far away or not in your house, etc. yada yada. If you find something odd, let me know.
Oh, one more thing...

LOL, I forgot to add this. Think of this as a little "Easter Egg" bonus of sorts.

Try both of the following:

- Drop a container (any kind) with a bunch of armor and/or clothing in it onto the naked Mannequin. :)
- Drop an EMPTY container onto the Mannequin while it is fully dressed. :)

Please try this out. Thanks to @Milva I just discovered that this requires an extension to Item that is found in Vita Nex Core. So, if you don't have that system, then add this pretty much anywhere in Mannequin to implement the extension I used:

		public static bool IsEquipped(this Item item)
			return item != null && item.Parent is Mobile && ((Mobile)item.Parent).FindItemOnLayer(item.Layer) == item;
I wish it would withdraw from your bank rather than your backpack

True, that would make sense, especially if the sum you want to charge is sufficiently high to require a large amount of Gold on them. Actually charging at all was sort of an after-thought, which was why I did not come up with that also. Good point.
OK. For those still not able to get this working the "IsEquipped" extension requires being a member of a Static Class, so here is a simple implementation of it. Do not try adding it to Mannequin, but rather create a separate file for it:

using System;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Items;

namespace Server
    public static class ItemExtUtility
        public static bool IsEquipped(this Item item)
            return item != null && item.Parent is Mobile && ((Mobile)item.Parent).FindItemOnLayer(item.Layer) == item;

This extension is also attached to this post as a file. Do NOT use this if you have VnC, as VnC already has it.


  • ItemExtUtility.cs
    300 bytes · Views: 7
I used my staff and will also test this on my player. I was on an ethereal, and when I switched clothes, it took the ethereal also. Ok that's fine.
BUT, should you re deed the ramequin while it is riding the ethereal, the ethereal goes POOF! Does not go back into your backpack.
Tested: My player was riding my mule pack animal, on swap the mannequin was riding it. I re-deeded it while it was on the mule, the mule is gone :(
ScreenHunter Captured Image 4.jpg , it took the mule on swap clothing.
Matey You can add this line to the switch cloths statement.

if (from.Mounted)
from.SendMessage("You need to dismount before switching clothing with mannequin.");
return false;
Lokia I'm going to take your mannequin and change it and add rename context and backpack. Also Liokia on psi up mannequins have back packs.
sorry some misspell because of my tablet I meant to say UO/OSI

Any way also your missing some cliloc's. well am glad your updating this might save me the time thank you for the hard work. also note rename is just a custom option to add. for this to work in EC you have to send the rename prompt. but I do not think servuo supports the coding in there core of gumps to send such prompts or client side ID's In that case you can make a custom rename gump to be sent and it will work in ec long as you write the gump code correctly for EC to read it I have done this time and time again.
Most in what era of uo do you know my lady. As in UO more then half the player base use ec has been proven and posted by Armstrong at uo boards. also I know a lot more shards are support EC.

Future of any project would the dependability on the EC Client as if you all haven't notice next UO expansion my lady will be supporting more EC then 2D. But am not here to argue about the EC just given him suggestions or Ideas
I do not use the EC and did not like it when it came out. But I have to agree if a project want to succeed in the long term it is wise to support both and stay on top of everything. Is that not why ultimately Runuo started having issues and way was made for sites like this they only wanted to go up to a certain point? I am putting together a shard even though I do not like the EC I want to stil support the players who do like it. It obviously will not be going anywhere and is here to stay now.

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