
JBob submitted a new resource:

Account Deposit Box - Account Use ONLY chests

I have Always wanted an account use only bank box but couldn't get it to work like the regular banks. After alot of trial and errors I have decided to go an easier drop and drag route.

You just place these chest's around banks or designated account banks. Keep in mind only one account box per... account, and cannot be used by anyone else.
The player that would like to buy it just needs to have 50,000 gold in the bank when they Double Click on the chest.
When another character on...

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Thanks i downloaded this placed one bought it with a player account then deleted player and the box says Unavailable and cant be re-bought if you want people to be able to re-buy a used one so you dont have to delete it you could look at the code from Tresdni's Safety Deposit Box script thats on runuo it lets players rebuy a box from a account thats been deleted but the items stay in it.
Well, What if that person that deleted the character made another few characters. this chest would still be in there possession.
I was thinking about an inactive timer for 30 days or so.
Really like the rent able account boxes there really cool for role playing having to go to a bank to open there box and rent the space at the bank instead of yelling "bank" & having a invisible chest pop up open out of nowhere,
Just a idea instead of saying [Unavailable] have it say like [This Deposit Box will need renew in {0} days] having the 0 start at 30 & count down each day like how the random treasure map script does its countdown on the treasure maps.

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