
ServUO Version
Publish Unknown
Ultima Expansion
Time Of Legends
Greetings all,
I had two questions if anyone knows:
1) I could not find a place to add my shard. If I missed an obvious button my apologies. Is there a tutorial somewhere? I couldn't find it on search.
2) This one is trickier. In HardwareInfo.cs the spy on client packet is supposed to be defined, here
public static void Initialize()
PacketHandlers.Register(0xD9, 0x10C, false, OnReceive);

CommandSystem.Register("HWInfo", AccessLevel.GameMaster, HWInfo_OnCommand);
I believe that the packet number is wrong, since once you run the command it never fills in the structure to display it (gives null) and the message "No hardware information for that account was found.".
Packet id 0xD9 shows in the POL packets list but it is not the right one. Does anyone have any idea how to make HardwareInfo work?
What is the correct packet number?

Thanks in advance for your time.
Thanks Voxpire.
For question number 2, we've been hit by vpn attackers nonstop since we started 3 years ago, so I asked as to add another layer of unique identification (other than the ips).
Is there something I missed from the packets that could uniquely determine the client connecting to the shard? or it is not possible to do this? Thanks
My sincere apologies to the administrators of servuo for this person and his rant. He has been banished from my server and discord (and will continue to be so as he keeps making accounts). People like this are a boon though, since they help us come up with more protections for our servers.
If the admins or anyone else requires more information on the specifics with this individual, I'll be happy to provide it.
Merry Christmas

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