I added my $0.02 to the credits list.

I think it is also note-worthy to mention that we could also add to that list every single player that ever reported any issue to their shard owner so that bugs and exploits could be fixed. The list would be too long to display, but .... You know who you are .... Thank you!
Added some of the core RunUO dev team members that were missing, a few others. Is there a specific format we want to follow? I kinda just used the same style as the person above where I added mine, which was Grimoric, I believe. Also how far can we branch out from just ServUO/RunUO?
EDIT: Do we want to consider alphabetizing the list o prevent prominence/ordering disagreements?
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We can add at the top of credits

To all the players that has helped report bugs on shards and servuo.

Active Shards


Total amount