I tried to install the addon generator and had these errors:

+ Customs/[2.0]AddonGenerator.cs:
CS0101: Line 21: The namespace 'Arya.Misc' already contains a definition for
CS0102: Line 414: The type 'Arya.Misc.AddonGenerator' already contains a def
inition for 'InternalGump'

and here is the addon generator script, im sorry, I looked for other instances and found none in the folders. any help is appreciated, Thanx. sorry I don't know how to post the whole script here in the thread without attachment.so if the code don't work I added the attachment. thanx.

here is the script:
//....Originally created by Arya....//
//....Updated by Lucid Nagual......//
//Now saves item names and hues.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.Commands;

namespace Arya.Misc
/// Set this value if you wish the scripts to be output somewhere else rather than in the default RunUO\TheBox
/// directory. This should be a full valid path on your computer
/// Example:
/// private static string m_CustomOutputDirector = @"C:\Program Files\RunUO\Scripts\Custom\Addons";
privatestaticstring m_CustomOutputDirectory = null;

#region Template
privateconststring m_Template = @"/////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// Automatically generated by the //
// AddonGenerator script by Arya //
// //
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
namespace {namespace}
public class {name}Addon : BaseAddon
public override BaseAddonDeed Deed
return new {name}AddonDeed();
[ Constructable ]
public {name}Addon()
public {name}Addon( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
base.Serialize( writer );
writer.Write( 0 ); // Version
public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
base.Deserialize( reader );
int version = reader.ReadInt();
public class {name}AddonDeed : BaseAddonDeed
public override BaseAddon Addon
return new {name}Addon();
public {name}AddonDeed()
Name = ""{name}"";
public {name}AddonDeed( Serial serial ) : base( serial )
public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
base.Serialize( writer );
writer.Write( 0 ); // Version
public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
base.Deserialize( reader );
int version = reader.ReadInt();


publicstaticvoid Initialize()
CommandSystem.Register( "AddonGen", AccessLevel.Administrator, new CommandEventHandler( OnAddonGen ) );
[ Usage( "AddonGen [<name> [namespace]]"),
Description( "Brings up the addon script generator gump. When used with the name (and eventually namespace) parameter generates an addon script from the targeted region.") ]
privatestaticvoid OnAddonGen( CommandEventArgs e )
// State object:
// 0: Name
// 1: Namespace (Server.Items)
// 2: Items (true)
// 3: Statics (false)
// 4: Use range (false)
// 5: Min Z (-128)
// 6: Max Z (127)

object[] state = newobject[ 7 ];

state[ 0 ] = "";
state[ 1 ] = "Server.Items";
state[ 2 ] = true;
state[ 3 ] = false;
state[ 4 ] = false;
state[ 5 ] = -128;
state[ 6 ] = 127;
if ( e.Arguments.Length > 0 )
state[ 0 ] = e.Arguments[ 0 ];
if ( e.Arguments.Length > 1 )
state[ 1 ] = e.Arguments[ 1 ];
BoundingBoxPicker.Begin( e.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback( PickerCallback ), state );
// Send gump
e.Mobile.SendGump( new InternalGump( e.Mobile, state ) );
privatestaticvoid PickerCallback( Mobile from, Map map, Point3D start, Point3D end, object state )
object[] args = state asobject[];

if ( start.X > end.X )
int x = start.X;
start.X = end.X;
end.X = x;
if ( start.Y > end.Y )
int y = start.Y;
start.Y = end.Y;
end.Y = y;
Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D( start, end );

string name = args[ 0 ] asstring;
string ns = args[ 1 ] asstring;

bool items = (bool) args[ 2 ];
bool statics = (bool) args[ 3 ];
bool range = (bool) args[ 4 ];

sbyte min = sbyte.MinValue;
sbyte max = sbyte.MaxValue;

try { min = sbyte.Parse( args[ 5 ] asstring ); }
catch {}
try { max = sbyte.Parse( args[ 6 ] asstring ); }
catch {}

if ( max < min )
sbyte temp = max;
max = min;
min = temp;
Hashtable tiles = newHashtable();

if ( statics )
for ( int x = start.X; x <= end.X; x++ )
for ( int y = start.Y; y <= end.Y; y++ )
ArrayList list = map.GetTilesAt( new Point2D( x, y ), items, false, statics );

if ( range )
ArrayList remove = newArrayList();

foreach ( Tile t in list )
if ( t.Z < min || t.Z > max )
remove.Add( t );
foreach( Tile t in remove )
list.Remove( t );
if ( list != null && list.Count > 0 )
tiles[ new Point2D( x, y ) ] = list;
IPooledEnumerable en = map.GetItemsInBounds( bounds );
ArrayList target = newArrayList();
bool fail = false;

foreach( object o in en )
Static s = o as Static;

if ( s == null )

if ( range && ( s.Z < min || s.Z > max ) )
target.Add( o );
catch ( Exception err )
Console.WriteLine( err.ToString() );
from.SendMessage( 0x40, "The targeted items have been modified. Please retry." );
fail = true;
if ( fail )

if ( target.Count == 0 && tiles.Keys.Count == 0 )
from.SendMessage( 0x40, "No items have been selected" );
// Get center
Point3D center = new Point3D();
center.Z = 127;
int x1 = bounds.End.X;
int y1 = bounds.End.Y;
int x2 = bounds.Start.X;
int y2 = bounds.Start.Y;

// Get correct bounds
foreach( Static item in target )
if ( item.Z < center.Z )
center.Z = item.Z;
x1 = Math.Min( x1, item.X );
y1 = Math.Min( y1, item.Y );
x2 = Math.Max( x2, item.X );
y2 = Math.Max( y2, item.Y );
foreach( Point2D p in tiles.Keys )
ArrayList list = tiles[ p ] asArrayList;

foreach( Tile t in list )
if ( t.Z < center.Z )
center.Z = t.Z;
x1 = Math.Min( x1, p.X );
y1 = Math.Min( y1, p.Y );
x2 = Math.Max( x2, p.X );
y2 = Math.Max( y2, p.Y );
center.X = x1 + ( ( x2 - x1 ) / 2 );
center.Y = y1 + ( ( y2 - y1 ) / 2 );
// Build items
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

// Statics
foreach( Point2D p in tiles.Keys )
ArrayList list = tiles[ p ] asArrayList;

int xOffset = p.X - center.X;
int yOffset = p.Y - center.Y;

foreach( Tile t in list )
int zOffset = t.Z - center.Z;
int id = t.ID - 16384;

sb.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tAddComponent( new AddonComponent( {0} ), {1}, {2}, {3} );\n", id, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset );
sb.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tAddonComponent ac;\n" );

foreach( Static item in target )
int xOffset = item.X - center.X;
int yOffset = item.Y - center.Y;
int zOffset = item.Z - center.Z;
int id = item.ItemID;

sb.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tac = new AddonComponent( {0} );\n", item.ItemID );

if ( ( item.ItemData.Flags & TileFlag.LightSource ) == TileFlag.LightSource )
sb.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tac.Light = LightType.{0};\n", item.Light.ToString() );
if ( item.Hue != 0 )
sb.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tac.Hue = {0};\n", item.Hue );
if ( item.Name != null )
sb.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tac.Name = \"{0}\";\n", item.Name );
sb.AppendFormat( "\t\t\tAddComponent( ac, {0}, {1}, {2} );\n", xOffset, yOffset, zOffset );
string output = m_Template.Replace( "{name}", "AG_" + name );
output = output.Replace( "{namespace}", ns );
output = output.Replace( "{components}", sb.ToString() );

StreamWriter writer = null;
string path = null;

if ( m_CustomOutputDirectory != null )
path = Path.Combine( m_CustomOutputDirectory, string.Format( @"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name ) );
path = Path.Combine( Core.BaseDirectory, string.Format( @"TheBox\{0}Addon.cs", name ) );

fail = false;

string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName( path );

if ( ! Directory.Exists( folder ) )
Directory.CreateDirectory( folder );
writer = newStreamWriter( path, false );
writer.Write( output );
from.SendMessage( 0x40, "An error occurred when writing the file." );
fail = true;
if ( writer != null )
if ( ! fail )
from.SendMessage( 0x40, "Script saved to {0}", path );
#region Gump
privateclassInternalGump : Gump
privateconstint LabelHue = 0x480;
privateconstint GreenHue = 0x40;
privateobject[] m_State;

public InternalGump( Mobile m, object[] state ) : base( 100, 50 )
m.CloseGump( typeof( InternalGump ) );
m_State = state;
privatevoid MakeGump()
this.AddBackground(0, 0, 280, 225, 9270);
this.AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 260, 205);
this.AddLabel(64, 15, GreenHue, @"Addon Script Generator");
this.AddLabel(20, 40, LabelHue, @"Name");
this.AddImageTiled(95, 55, 165, 1, 9304);

// Name: 0
this.AddTextEntry(95, 35, 165, 20, LabelHue, 0, m_State[ 0 ] asstring );

this.AddLabel(20, 60, LabelHue, @"Namespace");
this.AddImageTiled(95, 75, 165, 1, 9304);

// Namespace: 1
this.AddTextEntry(95, 55, 165, 20, LabelHue, 1, m_State[ 1 ] asstring );

// Items: Check 0
this.AddCheck(20, 85, 2510, 2511, ((bool) m_State[2]), 0);
this.AddLabel(40, 85, LabelHue, @"Export Items");

// Statics: Check 1
this.AddCheck(20, 110, 2510, 2511, ((bool) m_State[3]), 1);
this.AddLabel(40, 110, LabelHue, @"Export Statics");

// Range: Check 2
this.AddCheck(20, 135, 2510, 2511, ((bool) m_State[4]), 2);
this.AddLabel(40, 135, LabelHue, @"Specify Z Range");

// Min Z: Text 2
this.AddLabel(50, 160, LabelHue, @"min.");
this.AddImageTiled(85, 175, 60, 1, 9304);
this.AddTextEntry(85, 155, 60, 20, LabelHue, 2, m_State[5].ToString() );

// Max Z: Text 3
this.AddLabel(160, 160, LabelHue, @"max.");
this.AddImageTiled(200, 175, 60, 1, 9304);
this.AddTextEntry(200, 155, 60, 20, LabelHue, 3, m_State[6].ToString());

// Cancel: B0
this.AddButton(20, 185, 4020, 4021, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
this.AddLabel(55, 185, LabelHue, @"Cancel");

// Generate: B1
this.AddButton(155, 185, 4005, 4006, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
this.AddLabel(195, 185, LabelHue, @"Generate");
publicoverridevoid OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
if ( info.ButtonID == 0 )

foreach( TextRelay text in info.TextEntries )
switch ( text.EntryID )
case 0: // Name, 0
m_State[ 0 ] = text.Text;

case 1: // Namespace, 1
m_State[ 1 ] = text.Text;

case 2: // Min Z, 5
m_State[ 5 ] = text.Text;

case 3: // Max Z, 6
m_State[ 6 ] = text.Text;
// Reset checks
m_State[ 2 ] = false;
m_State[ 3 ] = false;
m_State[ 4 ] = false;

foreach( int check in info.Switches )
m_State[ check + 2 ] = true; // Offset by 2 in the state object
if ( Verify( m_State ) )
BoundingBoxPicker.Begin( sender.Mobile, new BoundingBoxCallback( AddonGenerator.PickerCallback ), m_State );
sender.Mobile.SendMessage( 0x40, "Please review the generation parameters, some are invalid." );
sender.Mobile.SendGump( new InternalGump( sender.Mobile, m_State ) );
privatestaticbool Verify( object[] state )
if ( state[ 0 ] == null || ( state[ 0 ] asstring ).Length == 0 )

if ( state[ 1 ] == null || ( state[ 1 ] asstring ).Length == 0 )

bool items = (bool) state[ 2 ];
bool statics = (bool) state[ 3 ];
bool range = (bool) state[ 4 ];
sbyte min = sbyte.MaxValue;
sbyte max = sbyte.MinValue;
bool fail = false;

min = sbyte.Parse( state[ 5 ] asstring );
catch { fail = true; }

max = sbyte.Parse( state[ 6 ] asstring );
catch { fail = true; }

if ( ! ( items || statics ) )

if ( range && fail )



  • [2.0]AddonGenerator.cs
    13.6 KB · Views: 34
You are getting that error because you already have the AddonGenerator script. Do you have Nerun's already installed? If so his distro includes the AddonGenerator built into it. The one included in Nerun's is also more up to date than the one you posted.
ok I found it ty for the help it was in my nerun's that's why I didn't find it . so now I know that if I see that type of error I need to start looking to see if I have any other instances of that script running, thank you for helping me see the error in my ways.

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