
Massapequa submitted a new resource:

Admin Tools: Admin Runebook, convince gumps, and more! - Some tools to help you build your world.

Admin Runebook - A Runebook where locations can be added with zero restrions and a lot of added benefits.
-Travel: travel to any added location without any restrictions.
-Admin Gate: A gate that can be restricted to staff only, or allow players to enter.
-Send Player: Send any player to that target location.
-Create rune: create a rune of any of your locations.
-Copy Entries: You can copy all of the entries in your book to give it to other staff members...

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Hi, i'm noob on server emulation. How do i use it?

For these tools, you just need to drop them into your custom scripts folder and restart your server.
Once you have them in your folder, you can add the items, like the Admin Runebook or Admin Token, by using the "[add" command to create the items like:
[add adminrunebook

for the gumps you can call them with their own commands like:
This is really nice. The only thing I have not been able to try is the View Effect Item. The Readme file won't open so I am probably missing something.
This is really nice. The only thing I have not been able to try is the View Effect Item. The Readme file won't open so I am probably missing something.
I'll have to look at that.
As for the ViewEffectsItem, you just have to add the item into the game with the [add command and use the [props command to change the effect ItemID, Hue, etc. then double click the item to play the effect.
I really like this resource. As I'm returning to RunUO/ServUO after an extended hiatus, and many other games in between, I'm having to go through a bunch of places and see what has changed with the addition of High Seas and ToL. I like the ability, particularly with the [commandgump and [sosgump, to have some common commands available quick and without having to type them out. I did make one modification to the [sosgump though. Instead of just healing hits, I made it restore hits, mana, and stam. I made a couple of pieces of admin gear so those stats are set to 9999 each and waiting for the regen on the other two was taking quite a while.
I really like this resource. As I'm returning to RunUO/ServUO after an extended hiatus, and many other games in between, I'm having to go through a bunch of places and see what has changed with the addition of High Seas and ToL. I like the ability, particularly with the [commandgump and [sosgump, to have some common commands available quick and without having to type them out. I did make one modification to the [sosgump though. Instead of just healing hits, I made it restore hits, mana, and stam. I made a couple of pieces of admin gear so those stats are set to 9999 each and waiting for the regen on the other two was taking quite a while.
Awesome! Happy to hear you like it. That’s a good addition too. Idk why I didn’t think of it lol
This seems like it would be fantastic but the admin runebook doesnt appear to work for me. I can add it and when I open it, the gump doesnt look right and nothing seems to work. The command gump works although same issue with how the gump looks, transparent? And the SOS gump shows up solid but dont see the buttons. Would appreciate any help I can get in trying to get the runebook to work.

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Are some of these gumps using custom gump images or modded gump files that might be the case since alot of people dont just use a distro file, that is what I would assume at first glance.
Have to be careful when using custom scripts because alot of custom scripts use custom images or custom files that image numbers are not the same as what the distro file would be.
Or you might have a custom gump.mul file that doesnt match up to the numbers listed for images.
Are some of these gumps using custom gump images or modded gump files that might be the case since alot of people dont just use a distro file, that is what I would assume at first glance.
Have to be careful when using custom scripts because alot of custom scripts use custom images or custom files that image numbers are not the same as what the distro file would be.
Or you might have a custom gump.mul file that doesnt match up to the numbers listed for images.
I’m running pub57 pretty vanilla at this point. I’ve downloaded a few drag and drop scripts for things like corpse retrieval but nothing that adds custom gumps or images that I’m aware of.
But is your client modified? Was the creator of the script's client modified? look at the buttons and other images id number and find them in your client files through fiddler if not there then pick new buttons find the number of the buttons you want to use and put those numbers into the script and try that.
All you have to do is change the numbers of the images in the script to match whats in your clients gump area till you find the right ones or ones you like. Most likely the creators client is heavily moded and didnt think of it when created script or is an older client and some new clients moved numbers around. Gumps are pretty easy to modify its all about the numbers you choose to represent the images on the gumps.
Thanks again for all your help.

Not using a modified client but perhaps older one than what most folks are using? Im running the 2D client from Mondains Legacy. But thanks so much for pointing out fiddler. Had never used it before. Now im seeing all the invalid image references in the script that dont correspond to anything in the client im using. So Ive gotten things mostly working except, size of the book image seems to be off. I couldnt find a bigger book image in fiddler. Not sure if it would easier to figure out how to resize the image in the script or maybe should switch to another client?

dont have to resize just move locations of buttons. play around with the locations till you find what you like might take a bit but you will also learn how gumps work makes for great learning also how to create gumps. I do believe the first number is how far from the left side of gump goes in and the second number is how far down from the top of gump is. Third number is button id unpressed, fourth is buttonid pressedid. fifth in button is response id.
AddButton( 10, 9, 4011, 4013, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0 );
They are probably using a scroll image instead of a book image for background. Looks to wide and long to be a book image.
Will also have to move the text and all the other stuff like the image of the page flip at top but the options and title look good at top look good for second number height just need to adjust the first number of the text from the left hand side of it make it come close to the left side of the gump
Gumps can be fun to create once you get the hang of it. Its like creating a painting in game.
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So I learned about Gump Studio which helped me sort out positioning and paired with fiddler all the images to use from my client. I got the look and feel all sorted out!

Thanks again for your patience and assistance. Truly appreciate folks that take the time to respond to noobs in their time of need.

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