
Hestia submitted a new resource:

Anim Hedge and More - by Hestia

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All gray parts on items are hueable
White parts of the dolls don’t hue.
Included :

Animated Hedge Lights x2
Snow Hedge x2
Hueable Waterfall x2
Animated Water Pipe
Tire Swing
Tumble Weed x4
Large Haybale
Small Haybale x2
Hueable Water Trough x2
Hueable Dolls
Doll Heads
Doll Heads Hueable x2
Snow Roof Corners x2

Notes: Other hueable water tiles are in a different download
Other doll heads and doll bodies are in different downloads.
Other Snow Roof Parts can be downloaded from UOPixel.
Animated Water Pipe (made from Otimpyre’s Steampunk Items)
Haybales were made from parts of someone elses art.
I appreciate everyone that looks at the items I create and
I realize Dolls aren't for everyone!
However there are some crafter shards out there somewhere that might like them.
I remember way back in the beginning days when people would make dolls
out of everything they could, such as wool, wooden tubs, feathers, boots etc.
Castle and Courtyards even had examples on how to make dolls such as bunny's. turkeys, snowmen,
santa, etc.
If you dont like them, thats cool, I'm not mad about it. But Please dont be rude!
Hey, I was wondering if you made the waterfalls hueable could you make an animated water tile that is the same way to where you can still see the animation of the water once hued? When I hue any of the water tiles you no longer see the animation of the water moving once it is hued and it is annoying because I am trying to make a chocolate river!
Hi Amadora! I previously posted the animated hueable water tiles in a different post. I think they might be in the Conveyor Belts and More post but not positive which one they are in.
Amadora, I just checked and the animated water tiles are in the Candyland and Other post. There is both East and South Flowing Hueable water tiles.

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