have you got this to work with the resent pull mine what pull from 2 month when they did

Author: RoninGT <benjaman.harre@gmail.com>
Date: 2 months ago (Sun Sep 08 03:30:06 2013)
Commit hash: c5932cfa6c46f33cc2727dcf90a3ad2c50a7d11b
Parent(s): f243134c24

+Fixed CharacterCreation.cs
-+Now players starting as a necromancer, paladin, samurai, and ninja will get the proper skills.

Contained in no branch
Contained in no tag
The merging of Basecreature has ALWAYS been the snag people have installing the system. Post your Basecreature and the one to merge with and I'll merge them for you. :)
i know this is a old post this is my errors

+ Items/Talismans/TalismanSummons.cs:
CS0115: Line 30: 'Server.Mobiles.BaseTalismanSummon.IsInvulnerable': no suit
able method found to override
+ Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
CS0506: Line 1809: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.Hidden.get': cannot override
inherited member 'Server.Mobile.Hidden.get' because it is not marked virtual, a
bstract, or override
CS0506: Line 1813: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.Hidden.set': cannot override
inherited member 'Server.Mobile.Hidden.set' because it is not marked virtual, a
bstract, or override
CS0508: Line 5009: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ComputeMovementSpeed(Server.
Direction, bool)': return type must be 'int' to match overridden member 'Server.
Mobile.ComputeMovementSpeed(Server.Direction, bool)'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

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