
Vert-I-Go submitted a new resource:

Animation Information - Ultima Online Standards for 2D Client Animations

Over the years I have seen a lot of custom animations ripped from other games placed into the UO game Client and have come to see that a lot have had issues with have to many frames or not enough frames per animations per block ID so I put together a little guide for what the standard Ultima Online 2d client uses. There is a link to a google sheets xls page for reference.
I have also below included a image from fiddler to reference descriptions.
Block ID #: Meaning the Action the animation...

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One of the big reason I did this was Is that when you have to many frames for a animation bodyvalue it can lead to bleed over into other bodyvalue some of you might have seen in especially anim3.mul if you have custom animations in that file with to many frames per id it will bleed into a equipment bodyvalue number. This can lead into file corruption and client crashes.

UO Fiddler has been an amazing tool for animators since the old days of using UOAmin and mulpatcher and michealeglo and other programs. But being able to just upload a .vd file and import files has many overlooking all the issues of frame counts and block id standards. Seems as if the thought process has been removed from animation creation has been removed.


1. If you are having issues with animations sometimes people overlook a simple file solution which is the mobtypes.txt file this actually controls what type of animation slot a Bodyvalue is. Take a look at this file to see if even the id number even exists in this file some numbers arent even in there can just add it and BAM it will show in game.

2. Looking at the bodyconv.def file sometimes the default file has this already called out for a file viewing it from a different anim.mul file.

3. Body.def file this file changes a bodyvalue to a new bodyvalue and hues it simple as that if a bodyvalue you want to use for a new animation is in there it maybe just commenting it out or deleting it that allows you to use that new bodyvalue to work.

4. If your changing anything in body.def you will want to change the corpse.def file also.
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I retrieved some discussions and example that I gave.
Mobtypes MONSTER

Example: dragons have a 1009 flag which allows them to cast spells with action 12 (stomp in fiddler). But ingame they do action 12 very rarely like normal monsters.

Another example with flags 1000 (c_ophidian_shaman in anim 85, Terathan in 72 etc....), they have the particularity of having action 12 in cast like the dragon BUT ALSO action 13 and 14 in cast. In the game it is not taken into account and it sticks together to hit itself in melee without using actions (again like a simple MONSTER 0 lamda).

mobtypes MONSTER 1000 => action 12, 13 and 14 cast spells.
mobtypes MONSTER 1008 => action fly 19, 20, 21 which are supported but also with action 12 and 13 in caster
mobtypes MONSTER 1009 => action fly 19, 20, 21 which are supported but also with action 12 in caster
mobtypes MONSTER A00 => here the particularity is that there is very little action and that attack actions 4, 5 and 6 replace actions 12, 13 and 14.
mobtypes MONSTER 1004 => actions 7 and 8 are added and action 12 is used as the summoning animation of the monster.

There are other flags but I believe it's client side. The MONSTER 9 is placed on the monsters directed by the body.def (the body.def refers to the monsters with the flags 1009). I think he was supposed to replace the 1009 with less action (maybe remove flying for dungeon dragons) but the flags of the original ID before the replacement in the body.def is not supported count on the clients I use.

Of course the animal flags that are in the MONSTER IDs (0-200) are for those who fly and depending on the flags we add +- actions BUT NOT THAT, I think that the ANIMAL 20 mobtypes transforms the attack 03 (so action 6) in one movement on the water. So the ANIMAL 20 flag should allow the snake and the little frogs to move on the water.

Of course, what I'm saying is purely empirical after having nit-picked a bit in the muls, but I hope I've been explicit enough for us to consider the question.

Another thing with the equipment. Torches, candles etc... with the lightsource tag you will have the animation of the walk in Idle etc... to have a movement when you are not moving.
for the torches it does not come from me but I do not know who found it.
Excellent Prapilk was going to add this also about the mobtype.txt flags you beat me to the punch Great information. Also the 20000 tag is for Human bodytype and the 10000 means its reading from the .uop files.
I don't know if it's the same on servuo but if you have a bodysuit and you don't have the 20000 in mobtypes for a HUMAN, you won't see the gumps in your paperdoll.
20000 Basically means that its for Character types or body suits like elfs gargoyles and suits like lord blackthorne or dawn or lord dupre and will block out other items on gumps if a body suit. On the older clients this would also allow for the old paperdoll to switch to the savage bodypaint gump for humans.

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