
hey all, been awhile! i was wondering if anyone figured out how to expand the animation files in UO yet so we can add new rides, anims etc to the newer clients? that was always a frustration for me as an artist.. ad to go with old clients for the unlocked files but the adding of all the new/good things was a pig to undertake.
There should be some tutorials about animation editing, as far as mounts, if you use ClassicUO, it will display any mount ID you use in server scripts, without any mods as far as I know.
Yeah I know all about the adding of animations. I just remember at one point EA got rid of empty slots within the .MUL files so we had to overwrite existing animations only.. I know some were working on fixing that limitation like we used to have back in the day but I wasn’t sure if anyone had..
Yeah I know all about the adding of animations. I just remember at one point EA got rid of empty slots within the .MUL files so we had to overwrite existing animations only.. I know some were working on fixing that limitation like we used to have back in the day but I wasn’t sure if anyone had..

I don't think they removed the slots, I think they just do not allow unused slots to be shown in the game window. (and some slots they don't use anymore)
yeah it could have been that.. i think i remember (this was years ago now) that it wasn't the MUL files that were locked but it was something client side that was hindering our ability to add new animations to the game. I guess thats what im asking here... If anyone cracked the code and unlocked our ability to do that.
The animations is a can of worms, there are free slots, but not many and you are dealing with low/high versions, they use a def file to point new anim to old anim slots, this file is what confuses people in adding new animation! There to my knowledge has never been a locked situation, just a difficult one that involves understanding the low/high anim as well as the def file that points them to there useable slots!
yeah it could have been that.. i think i remember (this was years ago now) that it wasn't the MUL files that were locked but it was something client side that was hindering our ability to add new animations to the game. I guess thats what im asking here... If anyone cracked the code and unlocked our ability to do that.
The only hardcoded list is which animation id (body ids) belong to mounts so for classic clients you have finite amount of indexes for mounts. Besides that range of 1-2048 is valid one but you have to keep in mind what is L/H/P animation type and act accordingly.

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