Archaaz submitted a new resource:
Archery Butte that Shows Where Arrow and Bolts Hit (Script and Graphics) - Customized graphics and script that shows where arrows and bolts hit the target
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Archery Butte that Shows Where Arrow and Bolts Hit (Script and Graphics) - Customized graphics and script that shows where arrows and bolts hit the target
This download includes modified Archery Butte graphics and a modified ArcheryButte.cs script that allow Archery Buttes to physically show where an arrow or bolt hits. The works for both arrows and bolts, and for both facings. Once the bolts and arrows are gathered, the graphic switches back to the original Archery Butte graphic. You will need to replace with this modified version and add the graphics to your client. I am using RunUO, but the script should work with ServUO. If...
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