
Bittiez submitted a new resource:

ArrowPM - A drag and drop PM system [Save messages] [User search] [Easy to use]

What is this?

This is an easy to use drag-and-drop PM/DM system.


Drag ArrowPM folder into your Scripts/Custom/ folder: Scripts/Custom/ArrowPM/


By default you can use [pm or [msg You can add as many commands as you want in...

Read more about this resource...
Hey! Sorry for my remark, I think it would be nice to add a delay between messages or a spam filter, as in the current configuration this will allow ddos all players in just a couple of seconds.
+ uncontrolled creation of items can greatly harm the server.
Hey! Sorry for my remark, I think it would be nice to add a delay between messages or a spam filter, as in the current configuration this will allow ddos all players in just a couple of seconds.
+ uncontrolled creation of items can greatly harm the server.
Great idea, I'll add a delay in the next update

Thanks for all of these recent script contributions, Bittiez!!
Of course, had some of these for years, just been going thru and kind of updating them and finally releasing them

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