Auction System, version 2.1 by Xanthos
The auction system is intended to give players a way of safely trading items of high value. It provides an interface for creating auctions and bidding on items. The system automatically moves the item auctioned and the money exchanged through a convenient system of checks that makes sure that both the seller and the buyer are protected against any risks. The system comes with a convenient search engine for auctioned items based on text and type searches, as well as sorting based on a number of conditions.
The system also includes an integrated savings account for each player, that on funds in savings accounts as an incentive for players to move gold and tokens into savings thereby reduing item count. Funds in savings are used to pay for auction bids when funds in a player's bank account are exhausted, steamlining the buying process.
Modified copies of BankCheck.cs and Banker.cs provide integration of the savings account as well as the use of commas in creation of bank checks and withdrawl of funds to make working with large sums of funds quicker much less error prone.
This system requires an installation of AoS on the server machine to access localization tables, but is compatible with both AoS and not-AoS shards.

Active Shards


Total amount