Jayce submitted a new resource:
Auction System for small Player base Server - Auction System
Auction System for small Player base Server - Auction System
This is not my script I found it here http://www.playuo.org/clone_emu/index.php?resources/aryas-auction-system-tresdnis-auction-bot.42/
It works in so far as compiling once i eliminated Treasure maps from the items it auto stocks on the auction.
Setting up the auction system
- Use [initauction in-game, it will product a controller stone for the auction system itself.
- Then, do [add auctionbotcontroller and target next to that stone. This will produce a controller for my auction bot system.
- Create a character on your admin account named something like "Lord British" and pull them near the auction bot controller.
- [props the auction bot controller, and set the auction bot as your newly created character.
- Use [auctionbotrefresh to fill your auctions for the first time.
- Auctions will automatically clean themselves up and be refreshed on their own from this point forward.
- Spawn auctioners ([add auctioner) in your own created auction houses in towns, or your choosing.
So please credit
- Players can open the auction system by standing near them and saying "auction". Admins can use [auction from anywhere to manage the system and to see current auctions. For this great script
Tresdni and
For this great script
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