True but we are not talking about high resolution imagery. While you can click their name and it shows a 192x192 area for the person's avatar. That is still not anywhere even close to a high resolution and unless it's your face or a shrunk down picture does someone really need a 192x192 avatar over the 96x96 avatar that everyone else will see no matter what?
Also it just hit me that is probably the best case scenario for people with larger avatar dimensions and size.
Creating a Gravatar account is quite easy and only requires an email and password. just click "Create Your Own Gravatar"
But if you can dedicate the extra space and it doesn't get out of hand I guess that will solve any complaints in the long run.
Now please excuse me while i drink a gallon of water.
Edit: I suggest to people uploading their avatars to not use a lossless image format such as bmp or png. instead use a compressed image format like jpg/jpeg.
In my brainiac testing of an image 1631x1003 with lots of details in different formats. This is a list of formats used from smallest to largest file size obviously (jpg/jpeg, gif, pdf, png, tif, bmp) bmp being a no compression and lossless format it is clearly going to be a larger file size in most if not all cases.
My image of 1631x1003 in jpg format is 884kb, in bmp format it's 4,796kb
LaterEdit: I'd like to mention that jpg is not always going to be the smallest, there are situations where other formats like png can actually produce a smaller image file size. So it's best to experiment with what you find works best for you.