Haha, wow. I would suggest you tweak your forum watch settings.
I no watched forums. Just a few threads, this one had 76 replies since I posted last night :). I was scared for a minute there.

@Rochaven looks like you have it setup right. What client version are you using?
I no watched forums. Just a few threads, this one had 76 replies since I posted last night . I was scared for a minute there.

Ah, guess I didn't read that page of the book.

Also, he still needs to setup a client path for OpenUOSDK.
ok so i went to server/OpenUOSDK and did that, but i just found a datapath.cs that still shows the original path so i need to change that over too? yes i think so .
So now i changed both .cs files (dataPath.cs and OpenUOSDK) same error still, odd thing is tho, server still works and i'm able to log in lol, the game gods are laughing at me i think
That error you are seeing is from OpenUO. It looks like you have OpenUOSDK setup right. My only guess is you are using an old client that OpenUO doesn't read maybe? OpenUO was added for support of the newer clients. Which client version are you using?
So taking a few mins to whine down abit, running around shard, notice some dungeons didnt spawn, like destard, does distro work with servUO ?
Ok I see you issue in the screenshot on the last page. You have @"C:\...\Electronic Arts\Ultimal Online Classic". Check your spelling on the path. Ultima is spelled wrong for sure ;).

Yes Nerun's Distro should work with ServUO.
Ok fixed grammar and same message, added distro, got 5000 error msgs lol i'll work on that later, first things first......if it takes all weekend i'm going to figure the pathing for this client so i dont get that error msg !! lol:mad:
The only other thing I can think of is ServUO is having permission problems reading the files. Either because of where they are located or because your client is also using them at the same time. What I did with mine was I copied my whole UO install to a new location like "C:\UOServerFiles" and then used that path for ServUO.
The only other thing I can think of is ServUO is having permission problems reading the files. Either because of where they are located or because your client is also using them at the same time. What I did with mine was I copied my whole UO install to a new location like "C:\UOServerFiles" and then used that path for ServUO.

Yes, this could be an issue, and is why I moved my ServUO folder to E:\ (server wouldn't save due to "permission" issues) . I have Windows 8.1 (til next week) and it sets funky permissions on ~everything~, and is a massive pain in the (_|_) to fix.
Well thats what sanity and a few others said but heres my honest issue and its, well to admit is embrassing. Simple putting it, i dont know HOW to do that, not even where to start in fact. I know where my EA folder is and i know how to move files across the board but for SOME reason the term "creating a servuo fold to C:\" makes no sense to me. And if i "copy" all my files SereUO,Razor,and7.0.34.6 to ONE folder, want that confuse everything having so many copies in so many places. Atm i keep my Client and myServuo and my Razor in my EA folder. I know my level of stupidity is shining brightly now but i got WIFE AGGRO ! lol I need a sscript that removes WIFE aggro ! lol Anyways, thank you all once again for continuing to help us and put up with my stupid questions. This learning process is painful for us all but much appreciated. I just dont want to be good at this, at running the shard for my family and in due time able to come here and help others as you all are helping me now. Thank you.
Ok so i made a folder on desktop, moved everything (client,classic and servuo) to desktop folder and BOOM it blew up. Now my shard will not even start up. I even tried moving things back to where they were, same crap. So atm, Everything is in my "UO" folder on desktop, now i'm panicking............


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Just noticed everytime i try to start shard the message "Type: Server.items. ? Changes. One minute its a crate, then box, then a barrel.
Ok so i made a folder on desktop, moved everything (client,classic and servuo) to desktop folder and BOOM it blew up. Now my shard will not even start up. I even tried moving things back to where they were, same crap. So atm, Everything is in my "UO" folder on desktop, now i'm panicking............

Is your datapath.cs pointing to the new folder on your desktop?
Unless i have to route it direction to one of the three files inside UO file?


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private static readonly string CustomPath = @"C:\desktop\UO\ServUO-master";
Ok i just revised the line like this, but that made no difference. It still saying i am missing a titledata.mul
I think your path maybe incorrect. Here is an easy way to get the folder path in Windows without type-o errors: click folder icon on left then it'll change and show the folder path, copy and paste into script.
So here is the folder i created to get three files in same spot (all on desktop) and as you see in datapath.cs , how i have it directed. But the same error keeps coming up, saying ...."datafile.mul was not found" then refers me to "Make sure your script/misc/datapath.cs is properly configed.

Link isnt working *sighs*


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sighs...........confused........ so type that in my address bar?

In Windows address bar you'll (usually) see folders, if you single click the first folder on the left (after opening your UO folder on your desktop), it will changed to show you the complete "address" for that folder.
i have to wonder if now that other error is coming into play"OpenUO error :Client files not found" Indirectly impacting my datapath.cs into thinking i am missing a tiledata.mul
Currently the only thing that won't work properly without OpenUO setup properly is stuff like Moonglow Zoo donations. The gumps will appear screwed up if OpenUO isn't setup right.
As for your "lag" issue, how are you connecting to the server? Are you using a client from the same pc to connect to the server? If so, what address are you using?
i have to wonder if now that other error is coming into play"OpenUO error :Client files not found" Indirectly impacting my datapath.cs into thinking i
Currently the only thing that won't work properly without OpenUO setup properly is stuff like Moonglow Zoo donations. The gumps will appear screwed up if OpenUO isn't setup right.
Well that was the whole point to moving everything into one folder like everyone said yesterday, and well, Epic failure on my part .

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