
So i am new to all this scripting and trying to learn i have a bank stone script but the stone only works if its locked down how can i change it to be portable
See I'm not sure I'm new to all this I found a script someone made and put it in vet rewards I took just that script out and put it on the server
Probably just look for the OnDoubleClick method. It will probably have something like a set of "if" statements so that dead people can't use it, and you have to be within so many tiles to use it, and it has to be in your house, and has to be locked down. Well, just take out the parts where it has to be in your house and locked down, and make it so it has to be in your backpack. There are a billion scripts that you use by doubleclicking while the item is in your pack, like deeds and such, so if you have questions about how to do that, look at one of those.
using System;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Targets;
using Server.Multis;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Network;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.ContextMenus;

namespace Server.Items
    public class BankStone : Item
        public BankStone() : base( 0x09AB )
            Name = "bank chest";
            Weight = 5.0;

        public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
            BankBox box = from.BankBox;
            if ( box != null )

        public BankStone( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );
            writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();
thanks i would have never figured that out im just learning and trying to learn by myself

Active Shards


Total amount