
Danstuff submitted a new resource:

Barding spells - making good uses of bards in game

Barding spells giving dex,str,int,mana regen,hit regen and more
Adding a nice use to the bards in game with lower resist spells

only need to add the files to the custom scripts and add a bardstone in game so people can buy the full book

can add the spells scroll to some mob if you want your players to find em/quote]

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Is it possible you can translate this entirely into English?
Is this based on Lucid Naguals Bard spells? While it looks to be an independent system it has a lot in common code wise.
I downloaded & droped them into custom scripts loaded up shard & got these errors for every song & spellbook, ?
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/ArmysPaeonSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 38: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/EnchantingEtudeSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/EnergyCarolSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 36: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/EnergyThrenodySong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 45: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/FireCarolSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/FireThrenodySong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 48: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/FoeRequiemSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 46: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/IceCarolSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 38: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/IceThrenodySong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 48: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/KnightsMinneSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/MagesBalladSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/MagicFinaleSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/PoisonCarolSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/PoisonThrenodySong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 48: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/SheepfoeMamboSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/Spells/SinewyEtudeSong.cs:
    CS0117: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song'
+ Custom Systems//Class-Bard/SongBook.cs:
    CS1061: Line 11: 'Server.Items.SpellbookType' does not contain a definition
for 'Song' and no extension method 'Song' accepting a first argument of type 'Se
rver.Items.SpellbookType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or a
n assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
Looks to me like its missing the distro edits..

public enum SpellbookType
        Invalid = -1,
So to get rid of that error you would need to add song to spellbook.cs (items/skillitems/magical

chances are tho this will only flag more errors as it seems he didn't upload distro files
Thanks that loaded up the shard but the songbook says it has 16 spells but inside is empty & sheet music doesn't add to empty songbooks after single click,
As i stated earlier it seems to be missing the distro edits..

The [allspells command won't work because its not been added to spellbook.cs or Initializer.cs

with the correct distro edits you should have something like this

 public static void Initialize()
            EventSink.OpenSpellbookRequest += EventSink_OpenSpellbookRequest;
            EventSink.CastSpellRequest += EventSink_CastSpellRequest;

            CommandSystem.Register("AllSpells", AccessLevel.GameMaster, AllSpells_OnCommand);

        public static SpellbookType GetTypeForSpell(int spellID)
            if (spellID >= 0 && spellID < 64)
                return SpellbookType.Regular;
            else if (spellID >= 100 && spellID < 117)
                return SpellbookType.Necromancer;
            else if (spellID >= 200 && spellID < 210)
                return SpellbookType.Paladin;
            else if (spellID >= 400 && spellID < 406)
                return SpellbookType.Samurai;
            else if (spellID >= 500 && spellID < 508)
                return SpellbookType.Ninja;
            else if (spellID >= 600 && spellID < 617)
                return SpellbookType.Arcanist;
            else if (spellID >= 677 && spellID < 693)
                return SpellbookType.Mystic;
// added for bard masteries
            else if (spellID >= 700 && spellID < 706)
                return SpellbookType.Bard;

#region Stygian Abyss
                if (Core.SA)
                    Register(677, typeof(Mystic.NetherBoltSpell));
                    Register(678, typeof(Mystic.HealingStoneSpell));
                    Register(679, typeof(Mystic.PurgeMagicSpell));
                    Register(680, typeof(Mystic.EnchantSpell));
                    Register(681, typeof(Mystic.SleepSpell));
                    Register(682, typeof(Mystic.EagleStrikeSpell));
                    Register(683, typeof(Mystic.AnimatedWeaponSpell));
                    Register(684, typeof(Mystic.StoneFormSpell));
                    Register(685, typeof(Mystic.SpellTriggerSpell));
                    Register(686, typeof(Mystic.MassSleepSpell));
                    Register(687, typeof(Mystic.CleansingWindsSpell));
                    Register(688, typeof(Mystic.BombardSpell));
                    Register(689, typeof(Mystic.SpellPlagueSpell));
                    Register(690, typeof(Mystic.HailStormSpell));
                    Register(691, typeof(Mystic.NetherCycloneSpell));
                    Register(692, typeof(Mystic.RisingColossusSpell));
//added for bardmasteries
                #region BardMasteries
                Register(700, typeof(Bard.InspireChant));
                Register(701, typeof(Bard.InvigorateChant));
                Register(702, typeof(Bard.ResilianceChant));
                Register(703, typeof(Bard.PerseveranceChant));
                Register(704, typeof(Bard.TribulationChant));
                Register(705, typeof(Bard.DespairChant));


This will allow me to fill the bard song book using [allspells..

You may also find your missing edits to playermobile for the spells to actually give you the effects. Chances are your spells won't work how they are intended
hey sry for that time it took me to respond , i want to thank Omni for those quick answers

heres the spellbook add
namespace Server.Items
public enum SpellbookType
Invalid = -1,
Song,//add bard masteries
#region SA
and as Omni said you need to add the Initializer.cs file the quotes he gave to fill the book

i didnt change anything to the playermobile , but spells are affecting monster in felluca same as player , i want it to work this way on my shard , haven't tried to fix it so far so if anyone want to look at it feel free to post it here
Thanks got it working if anyone wants the edits its Initializer.cs around line 185
// Added for Song Masteries
                #region SongMasteries
                Register(351, typeof(Song.ArmysPaeonSong));
                Register(352, typeof(Song.EnchantingEtudeSong));
                Register(353, typeof(Song.EnergyCarolSong));
                Register(354, typeof(Song.EnergyThrenodySong));
                Register(355, typeof(Song.FireCarolSong));
                Register(356, typeof(Song.FireThrenodySong));
                Register(357, typeof(Song.FoeRequiemSong));
                Register(358, typeof(Song.IceCarolSong));
                Register(359, typeof(Song.IceThrenodySong));
                Register(360, typeof(Song.KnightsMinneSong));
                Register(361, typeof(Song.MagesBalladSong));
                Register(362, typeof(Song.MagicFinaleSong));
                Register(363, typeof(Song.PoisonCarolSong));
                Register(364, typeof(Song.PoisonThrenodySong));
                Register(365, typeof(Song.SheepfoeMamboSong));
                Register(366, typeof(Song.SinewyEtudeSong));


then SpellBook.cs
around line 28
Song // added for Song Masteries

around line 237
// Added for Song Masteries
            else if (spellID >= 351 && spellID < 366)
                return SpellbookType.Song;

think that was it, full spellbooks show spells inside, can cast them does damage on monsters , [allspells works on empty books
when i make allspells on the spellbook last spell sinewyetude are not in the book
i try to add scroll to the book manualy but don't work..

some help ?
I got two problems:

1) Songs cant be added to the book by drag&drop
2) When I open a full book, there's no icon inside
you have to have a empty 0 spells songbook for the songs to go into it
the books for some reason have to be in main part of backpack to show spells not sure why
sorry not sure then, its only empty for me when its inside a bag, and i can drag and drop a scroll to the book when its empty, only problem i have is the last spell wont show up in the book
sry just got back from vacation ill try to work on it and see whats going on in the next few days ill give a reply as soon as possible

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