
This is inspired by the recent post at the Ultima Online facebook group, who pretty much did the same thing. However, I think it'd be an awesome thing to post here too, so here it is.

What is your best and most memorable UO experience (Be it Good, bad, ugly)?

Just to get the ball rolling this is mine:

My best experience was on a PvP Freeshard (ABCUO). I was fresh to UO, and it hadn't quite dawned on me that I'd be systemically murderlated for my PvE endeavors. In time, I amassed a small fortune, but in search for a PvE guild, I incurred the wrath of some pipsqueak known only to me as Collin McCloud. Basically, I left his guild because my friends had and I also wished to start a proper PvE guild (Which didn't make demands of it's members to acquire rares and gold for it's leader) Anyway, no ill-intent meant by it, I left. However, Collin, being the rage-filled control freak that he was, placed bounties on our heads for 50k gold. (Something I earned twice - turned out he really didn't like being called a mewling infant for doing such a infantile thing in the first place.)

Anyway, eventually the day came where a PKer, by the name of Flame managed to lure me into Hiryu spawn area in Tokuno (I was a tamer, he asked for assistance) He killed me and took my head. He was kinda cool about it, to be fair, as was I. So I started to chat to him at the site of my murder about the ridiculous man-child that had hired him - it was all rather jolly. However, all the while, I was PMing one of the best Red hunters this particular shard ever had seen. So, while we pleasantly chatted, I was giving specific directions to my friend, Ony, who made preparations, gated over and killed him very swiftly. He then resurrected me and took both my old head and Flame's, giving my own head to me (Which is proudly displayed on my doorstep still) robbing the PKer of the bounty and pissing him off royally in the process.

A truly glorious day.
This one was good, but of course some were ugly :)
So we all know how reds love to grief miners, I was in minoc doing some mining (my runebook always open and a pouch inside to remove para)
Minding my own business then all of a sudden this red appears above me, about the same time he used para on me. He jumped down right in front of me, I had clicked the pouch and recalled in front of his face :) My rune was for the tents area, this happened so fast I turned and looked back and he was still sitting there! I had to laugh and it made my day! :) I know he had to be wondering what the hell happened.
I was with my guild on an OSI shard, they had all GMed their fighting skills at this point, I had not, but was close. They set up a tournament of PVP events inside the guild, it was just a few friendly things. We decided while we waited for a few laggers to show up we'd hit up shame for a bit of coins. I got to 99.9 during the raid on shame. The tournament started and somehow I was up against the leader, I managed to kill him and on the killing blow I got my first 100 skill, in swordsmanship.
On IPY 2 i was in the amazon guild, me and the leader went to destard to get some fun i, i was (and still) the not-so-courageous one in pvp. So we went there, killed some random bards that were only getting skills, and then i saw a paladin.
So i noticed the leader that there was a paladin in destard, I was like: no problem, he looks stupid, i went out of stealth, and randomly attack him.
At first he was just doing weakens and those little spells, etc.
We killed him together.
After we get out of the dungeon, surprise, a cool moongate with nobody around it.
We quickly noticed there were 3 people (2/3 paladins with halberds and stuffs lol)
I was really worried about the situation and adrenaline was flowing.
I ran to the west, and the leader to the right.
We then managed to waste the mage's mana, then killed some, and one fled and we killed him far away.
After that i think we went away, after this fantastic rampage.
Also with the satisfaction of seeing "PKS IN DESTARD" on the IRC channel, laughed at this one: we were already gone lol

I don't really have much PVP experience, ultima online is one of the rare games at which i get adrenaline when playing.
Fantastic game.
My favorite time is when I was on Siege Perilous and in the Knights of the Silver Serpent guild, we used to have epic battles against VmP (Vampires) and a few other guilds. We won some, lost some, but always had fun!
naa.. Id have to say, my most memorial moment would have to be sometime late 1999/early 2000, on Europa shard OSI. I was a fairly new tamer with my first nightmare, which I was more than proud of :)
I had gone to Hythloth level 2, and was waiting my turn at the door to kill some daemons, and 2 ladies had gated in. They were talking a few steps behind me. Finally the person in the daemon room had finished, and let me know I could have the room, so I stepped up to the door and let my Nightmare go to work on the first Daemon.
The two women behind me were still talking, and I had seen them around Britain before with the other tamer crowd. One of them had said something along the lines that she had seen me before, and that I was a nice guy.. So I had Emoted *Pretends he is not listening* :)
They laughed, and came over and we talked a bit, shared the Daemon room for a little while.. and life was good.

The Lady that said I was a nice guy is now my wife, and we have been building a shard together ever since :) Married 12+ years

I was actually the first tamer to tame a True Black Nightmare in Tera Keep felucca when OSI brought them back to the game world.. that was neat :) I would imagine its still in my stables, if I ever reactivated my account.
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I was in a small guild on Oceania called Dark Minions. We used to get together with another guild, TCV and run some dungeons. We had just gotten into the Prism of Light and we were after the second key in the "cold" area. God I hated sitting there....I was an archer. I was carrying a quiver on my back and two more full quivers in my backpack. We were sitting there dying left and right trying to get this damned key. I found a 1x1 tile where I could stand and not take damage, so the entire group crowded on that one spot (near the waterfall) and we waited for respawns. After literally two hours, we finally got the key and moved on. When we got to the next area, I noticed one quiver was empty. So I loaded up the second quiver and spent another hour killing to get another key. Boom, another quiver of arrows gone. I was down to my last quiver and we hadn't even got to the boss yet. When we finally got to the boss, I was a bit pissed, thinking 1500 arrows should have been more than enough. When the fight started, I wasn't paying close enough attention and I died, along with my barded swamp dragon. I ran to the wrong damned portal and couldn't get back to the fight. So I gated home and logged off.

Now, I learned a valuable lesson that night: Archers should always carry nothing but armor, 1-2 bows, food/drink and arrows, arrows, arrows.

The other thing I learned though: I was better off using my stealth mage going on Peerless hunts. :)

The last memory I'm going to share, also from my Oceania days, was when I was using my peace/tamer. I used to go into Blood Dungeon with my hiryu and kick the crap out of demons. I got so good at vetting that I was able to solo Balrons and AWs (if you even blinked the wrong time, it was all over). So here I was, down in Blood soloing Balrons and praying I wouldn't get a paragon. Some jackhole came running through the middle of the area hauling a para demon and a para blood elly. They both immediately stopped chasing him and ganged up on my hiryu. I couldn't keep up and my hiryu quickly died, then it was my turn to die. I did my best to try and run out of the central area to one of the side wings, but of course I couldn't get away from the two paras. None of my friends were online, so I had no idea how I was going to get my corpse back, even corpse-hopping. I went back to Luna, opened my bank box and grabbed my extra reg bag. There was one person online in Luna, Jesus. Usually he was quite, just bank-sitting. I begged and bowed in front of him and he agreed to come give me a hand. Okay, so fast forward 90 minutes later...the two of us had corpse-hopped both our bodies to the entrance, but we were now surrounded by a para demon and a para blood. I was totally broke, having gone through all my gold in the bank from insurance and most of my stuff was so badly damaged I didn't dare try wearing it. Jesus was standing at the entrance as I ran up next to him and invis'd. We waited a few minutes, took a deep breath and prepared to run in, get our corpses and get the Hell out of there. We were just about to run inside, when a newbie went running past us. We took the chance, went in after him, grabbed out stuff and ran like Hell. We stood outside the entrance until the newbie came back and res'd him and helped him get his stuff, which cost us all monumental amounts of gold from insurance. I never did see the guy again that ran through and cost me all the problems in the first place, but I can only hope that UO Karma caught up with him at some point. ;)
Its awesome to have them memories of UO but hell we can all make new ones :) uo still around just need more people to start paying for live servers again I know no one wants to but we should support it as we wouldn't want it to leave I started my old account back up a year ago I don't play it much but I support what I like..... soon as I get more money coming in ill be donating aleast 5 dollars a month to this project
When I first started UO, in '98 i think. I had no idea what to do. Had never played any of the Ultima games.
I got really good at running between Skara, Brit, Yew, and Trin though while looking for wool. lol
Ended up meeting up with a lady by the name of Illaria and her friend Krusty that showed me around.
My brother then got involved with a guild that I also joined and made friends with a girl, Elaina, who was a few years younger than me, so we hung out.
Getting accepted into the guild was quite interesting because it was like a "formal" event for the guild.

I don't remember how it came about, but Elaina and I got married (our characters that is) on OSI which was interesting. Had a real GM and everything there.
So that sticks out in mind as a very unique event on OSI.
Sadly the set of golden platemail i bought her as "wedding gift" was stolen by someone who broke into our guild house and raided all the chests inside.

Anyway, Elaina stopped playing at some point I guess and the guild broke apart. Ren. happened, and that was cool because I could finally get a house and didn't have to worry about getting PKed. ( am I the only one that misses Moonstones? )
I first started playing UO in 1998 on Atlantic Shard. I remember having like 20+ tamed animals and walking between towns. Someone tried to attack me! Big mistake! I watched my pets surround them and they couldnt move. I was able to kill the PK'er at my leisure. I've had the same name 'Sorthious' since back in my D&D days and had that name on UO as well. Also remember pulling a lot of pranks. Used to make 'Magic Trapped' boxes with items in them and watched people die from opening them....LOL Anyway, just a few memories. (^8
I have to change it up, and tell a story of one of the bad memories of Ultima..

I was a fairly new tamer, Id guess something around the high 80-mid 90's skill level range. It was sometime about '99-early 2000, when the True Black nightmare's were still rare and when you could find someone selling one, they went for 500k and UP. (would be like 25mill today)
Well, I found a guy that was willing to sell one :) Of course I had never met the person before.. It was back when the Britain bank was always crowded, and you would lag just trying to walk/run through the area.

So, we agreed on a price of 500k, and I had to actually borrow 100k from Talshani. So he wanted to walk over to the Brit guard shack to step away from all the people.. which somehow I thought nothing of, and even made sense.. As we stood by the little building, the SE corner of, he made some chit chat.. while I was anxious to get the trade over with, finally the trade window appeared and I looked at the little horse figure on the one side, the name matched the nightmare standing next to us, and all was good in my mind.
I placed my two bank checks in my side of the window, and hastily checked the accept box!
The dude said "Thanks!" So in that moment, I attempted to call my new Mare, and out from the back side of the Guard shack, ran some war horse.. It ran up to me, past right by me, and just kept going in the SE direction faster than I have ever seen any OSI animal run before! I kept calling the Mare, and next thing I know, that jack ass just mounts the TB mare I thought I bought, and rode off! W T H?

Well, realizing I got ripped, I paged a GM. I don't think I ever have before.. but what the heck, right? GM Shows, gave him a quick run down of what happened. He pulled my into a Jail cell, and said to wait there. (where else would I go??) Few moments later, I see the GM pop in another cell with the scammer. I saw my bank checks fall from the sky into the GM's 'bag' and thought, HELL YA!

Well.. another couple minutes pass, I see those same bank checks fall from the sky, back into the scammers 'bag' and they both disappeared. The GM shows back up in my cell, and said something along the lines of having heard both stories, that he determined that what happened was a LEGAL SCAM! And I should be more cautious how I go about interacting with others from now on!

I swear to god, if I was actually in the room with that sucker, he would be wearing false teeth to this day if he was lucky, and if not.. use your imagination :) I almost quit playing, or at least threatened myself that I would.. but, life go's on.. and.. yeah, I never got scammed again that I can remember.

I had never known that there were such things as a legal scam in all my life. But, i guess there is. I wouldnt doubt that the GM knew that jack ass, and let him do all sorts of that stuff. Truly sad. But, that is how the real Ultima GM's treat their so called important customers.....

Sorry to laugh, but hahahaha.....I remember back then how lawless things were and how hard it was for new players to make progress. There were soooooo many scammers, and PK'ers that you really had a rough time getting things done, unless of course you were guilded, which I didnt really care to do. I remember all the traps the PK'ers used to set. I'm on a shard now where PvP is voluntary, not compulsory. Much more fun!
Wasn' t laughing at your particular misfortune btw....Happened to me quite often in the beginning; when I was learning to play the game. I was, more or less, laughing because it brought back a flood of memories of me getting ripped off. (^8
Some of the most hilarious memories I have of the game are from when I was around 14 years old. They might not be as hilarious to others, but keep in mind everyone in these stories were great real life friends and totally new to MMOs so it was just amazing the way players could interact. Me and a bunch of guys from high school all played on OSI shards back then which was in 1999. A few days after we started we were introduced to mining and finally started making some gold.

We were running around Minoc mining and my friend had around 1500gp saved up (from days of mining!), and he decided to buy 2 pack horses to make his life easier while mining (this is when pack horses only carried 400 stones each). He's sending me messages on ICQ telling me about his sweet new purchases and he's super excited to go mining with them. I decide to take the top cave in Mt Kendall and he takes the bottom. Less than 2 minutes later my ICQ starts going nuts. "They've killed my pack horses!!! Those bastards!!!". Don't ask why but to me it was the most hilarious thing ever and we laughed about that for years afterward. He'd worked his ass off for days just to find that taking pack horses out of the town guards.. was really not a good idea.

Another stupid memory is when all my high school friends were hanging out in Minoc. There was one guy (who also went to our high school) who was the little brother of one of them, he would have been 13 probably, and he was the biggest jerk-off in game. He would do crap like steal your ore as you dragged it to the forge or loot your monster kills just because he could and just play with a generally selfish attitude. This guy is in the provisioners buying stuff when all of a sudden a mob of us (everyone from high school) start a formation around the door. There's 10+ people all standing around the door blocking him from escaping. This is back when there was only Felucca, so it takes him maybe a good 5 minutes to push his way out. We were all standing around trash talking him as he yelled abuse and he tried to push through us. It was one of the single most hilarious moments I ever had in the game.
I used to be role play a chaotic evil character on official servers. A lot of code was changed because of my actions. =) When ethereal steeds first were first released. I searched the server for a player whom had locked theirs down to show it off. I camped hidden beside the horse with my runebook open waiting for the player to log in and release it. To me it was no different than camping an idoc. I knew at some point he had to log in and he would most likely want to ride his fancy new horse. I waited listening to music, watching some tv. Finally he logged in and began fishing off the shore next to his house. Then he logged that char and logged in his main. And said the magic words I wanted to hear. I wish to release this. I grabbed the ethereal horse and recalled away. My hands were sweaty and adrenaline was pumping. I had stole a veterans reward I wasn't even old enough to ride it. I locked it down in my rare museum and bragged to my friends about the heist. Several days later I logged into my house to find it gone. Apparently a GM used his power to return it to the player. I also used this trick to steal a bag of rares from collector. In the sack was one of every rare including holiday items that existed at the time. I remember champaign flutes, rock rocks, rope, potted plants ect...He tracked me down and *shook my hand* and said that was the slickest move he had ever seen. He stated you stole 3 years of collecting in one fell swoop. I credit myself with being the first trammel rule set burglar. Dunno if its true but, I like to believe it is. I later had to make a character named Hamburglar to pull off my capers as my reputation was quickly being destroyed. =P I am a nice guy now days. But, oh how I enjoyed those days of ripping people off. But, rest easy UO Karma would have it's revenge. I had an in game wife. Who shared my last name. Well my bad rep gave her a bad rep and she had my account info. She made new friends and decided to betray me. She stole everything even the wedding ring. Demolished my house, emptied my bank, and left my standing naked in the jungle. And that was the end of my official server days, and my evil ways.
I had a house, on Great Lakes, in a small clearing about halfway from Vesper & cove, just off the road. I had it decorated as an orc fort, and had a couple vendors dressed as orcs on the doorstep. My son and I were in the house and someone runs in to kill orcs. We all had a good laugh about that - and he complimented me on my decorating :)

A little later - same house - the Solens invaded and a hole opened up right in front of the house. So I set up a vendor with super cheap bandages and potions to help the people getting slaughtered. During the invasion there were tons of spawn.
naa.. Id have to say, my most memorial moment would have to be sometime late 1999/early 2000, on Europa shard OSI. I was a fairly new tamer with my first nightmare, which I was more than proud of :)
I had gone to Hythloth level 2, and was waiting my turn at the door to kill some daemons, and 2 ladies had gated in. They were talking a few steps behind me. Finally the person in the daemon room had finished, and let me know I could have the room, so I stepped up to the door and let my Nightmare go to work on the first Daemon.
The two women behind me were still talking, and I had seen them around Britain before with the other tamer crowd. One of them had said something along the lines that she had seen me before, and that I was a nice guy.. So I had Emoted *Pretends he is not listening* :)
They laughed, and came over and we talked a bit, shared the Daemon room for a little while.. and life was good.

The Lady that said I was a nice guy is now my wife, and we have been building a shard together ever since :) Married 12+ years

I was actually the first tamer to tame a True Black Nightmare in Tera Keep felucca when OSI brought them back to the game world.. that was neat :) I would imagine its still in my stables, if I ever reactivated my account.

Cheers matey!
A few years ago, maybe 7-10, I was playing on a free server, ShadowCove. It was a fully custom server with custom spells and skills. After being a mage/tamer and a miner/smith for a time I decided to give the Necromancer skill a go. None of the spells were like the normal necromancer spells so, I thought that would be neat. I spent about 200k on skill training when I first got it, and got some decent gains(you could buy skill and train off players skills form a vendor they owned). The second day of using the spells I still had no idea the power of the necro at the time, and an Event Started. I was so excited to get going and had a great time during the event, but... at the very end everyone was killing the boss(maybe around 25 people) and I decided to use one of the higher skilled spells, Spell went off without a hitch and EVERYONE on screen died. Mobs and players. When you died you lost a fair % of skill. I maybe cost everyone there together over 3m gold just for casting one spell.
So After I accidentally killed everyone and had no idea it was actually me, I confessed to casting the spell and got banned instantly.

When they banned me they told my brother, that was playing and gm'ing for the server at the time, that I was banned because I didn't confess right away.

But... Being banned for killing EVERYONE in an event is probably my most favorite memory.
Order Chaos fights in Deceit, PK'ing in the lich room. Stealing from everyone at yew bank. House looting (I really miss this). This is all T2A and earlier.
I remember the 1st free shard I played on. In Por Ylem (the original). Only had Fel, NO tamables at all, no horses to ride, PvP all over the place. I was a miner/blacksmith w/ no fighting skills whatsoever. I used to mine in caves that had a forge in them to smelt the ingots as I mined, but kept getting ganked for them. So I started literally dragging piles of ore back to my house to smelt them there. The only thing I carried in my pack was a few picks for mining. This one group got so tired of killing me for no gain at all (since they had NO use for piles of ore) that a couple of them started rez-killing me. I let this continue for a while figuring they were just wasting their regs & time. One day a staff just happened to show up as they were rez-killing me & nailed both of them & gave ME all the ingots they had stolen from other miners that day. They got warned to stay away from me or next time they would get banned. I scored quite a few ingots that day all because I didnt mind dragging 3-4 piles of ore back top my house (which wasnt very far away obviously) & got revenge on those pk'er jerks. Never had a problem with any pk'ers after that & actually made friends with several. Some would even guard me at times if they had nothing else going on. What started off as a bad impression of UO turned out to be a good one that I'll never forget.
Pacific Shard - MoonGlow - Encyclopedia Magicka - server up. Just sit there with my packy picking up stacks of 999 regeants that players would drop because they go overweight while buying them in mass quantities.

Having a hard time out running Poison Els on dial-up connection.

Trying to convince people that deep down I was really role-playing as a thief and not trying to be an a**hole like a lot of them thought. Funny what non-role players thought about you taking their stuff.

Having your horse decide to go wild while a Pker is in hot pursuit.

Before AOS using spirit speak to really see what dead players were saying. "Hurry up and res me." As they proceed to dance around you in a panic. "Expletive....Expletive!!!"

Got into argument over macro/hot key program with a friend as to whether she thought it was legal. She assumed she could still beat me even though I was using the cheat. I paralyzed her then dropped a blade spirit on her quickly and dispelled it just before it killed her to prove she was wrong, I was too fast. She was so pissed (once she got back health and stamina)she started hitting me with a barrage of spells. Little did she know I summoned a daemon and made it invisible off-screen while she was re-cooperating. I tried to reason with her to no avail. She ran after me and suddenly read on the screen. "All Kill". Daemon emerges from hiding and with help of an explosion and e-bolt combo from me, my minion and I dispatched her quickly.

Waiting for an 8 x 8 to collapse, my buddy and I thought we might finally get a plot to drop a house (pre-Trammel). Some guy was also camping
the location. At some point he started heaving Greater Explosion potions at us. Using AllNames I could see who we were dealing with. His name was UnIbOmBeR.

Fun times.
Order Chaos fights in Deceit, PK'ing in the lich room. Stealing from everyone at yew bank. House looting (I really miss this). This is all T2A and earlier.

Ah, the good ol' days...I made a nice little fortune on Sonoma from looting houses and stealing boats. Also remember using magic reflect extensively (back when it actually reflected magic back at the caster...PK'ers got smart and started casting magic arrow before casting energy bolt though lol).
my best memories are two different ones, one was back when uo was first out opening a moongate in front of brit bank that led to a small island i sailed my boat to, and casting parafield on gate area. ppl accidentally ran into gate, got waxed ..... other one was hiding near houses and sneaking in after ppl, or finding macroers in houses near walls and killing them with earthquake and looting them.....
My best moment got a duration of about 3 months. It was in a very known RP shard in Brazil

The shard was mostly player-driven, so it had an masonry script to build block per block, the economy needed to be rotating, we had king players who should know how to manage against the other countries and kings (players too), advanced poisoning system and much more, with so many people (about 400 or so playing)

Well, on a beautiful day, one of the strongest warriors in the continent had a quarrel with a local warlord about some payment he didnt received for some loot he went get for him. In a first moment, that really didnt involve anyone else and was just political. But that escalated so quickly in a week or so.

The warlord had hired some people to get the warriors head, like way much gold (i was one of the mercenaries). We cornered the warrior and killed him way quickly as it was 5 or 6 of us, collected the head and gave for the warlord. It was a permadeath server, so i think the warrior lost about 2 or 3 years of his life in that ambush. Now this is where is starts:

As we killed the warrior, the other warriors (as it went for that country culture) united and marched against the warlord. He went down very quickly too, since we didnt got paid to protect him. This rebellion started fast to spread, as there was about 9 warlords in almost every town in the continent, which too started to spread on some kings.

The rebellion had dethroned 3 kings (in a total of 6) in less than one month and half, and the tension was just getting bigger and bigger. Some people just were said they agreed with the rebellion just to kill other players, or to spread caos. It was really a long fight and many players got killed, ravaged and even banned (for losing a character, creating another in all full anti rp shit and stuff).

It was beautiful, really. Unfortunately, the rebellion had stopped with the death of its leader against a horde of zombies (since they didnt had the streets cleaned up, and the magic users on the dark arts didnt had political preference, only $$ preference) which were summond by 20~ necromancers hired by the rest of the kings alive (i do think it was only 2, but i really didnt got to know deep in that).

Thats really how it got me loving the roleplay in UO. It is so perfect.
I used to play on Pacific years and years ago. I always used to like coming up with weird combat builds, but my favorite was the one that gave me my fondest memory.

I created an Alchemist / Peace Bard and was training up my skills in despise. I used to have this thing with indirect damage. I never got looting rights on anything, but my friends were always happy to share the loot. Anyway, I had a massive train of Ettins following me on the second level, (I didn't have the highest Peacemaking skills yet.) and just as I turned a corner, there stood a Veteran talking to a young player about what he wanted to do in the game.

Now to set this up, I was using the brand new "KR" client as it was called, and the macro system and hotbar allowed me to set up a very nice hotkey, Target nearest / throw explosion potion.

Armed with nothing but a Lute and a bag of potions, I ran into the oncoming train of Ettins. My Peacing attempt worked! I frantically pounded on my potions hotkey as I ran through the now docile Ettins.

3.. 2.. 1.. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM*

Explosions EVERYWHERE. A corridor full of Ettin corpses! All of this happened within a 5 second timeframe. So, to those two, I must've looked like I knew what I was doing. It was literally the first time it worked, and I had someone new and old to witness it!

The first thing the young player said was, "I want to do THAT!"

It seems like a simple thing. If I had only the brains to take a screenshot.
There are very few moments playing online games where I could be sure that I had made an impression on those I had played with.
And even though it was a passing moment amongst strangers, I'd like to think both of them remember that day. I sure do.

Maybe one day, in one of these threads, that young player will post about some crazy bard he saw in Despise on his first day in UO.
I used to play on Pacific years and years ago. I always used to like coming up with weird combat builds, but my favorite was the one that gave me my fondest memory.

I created an Alchemist / Peace Bard and was training up my skills in despise. I used to have this thing with indirect damage. I never got looting rights on anything, but my friends were always happy to share the loot. Anyway, I had a massive train of Ettins following me on the second level, (I didn't have the highest Peacemaking skills yet.) and just as I turned a corner, there stood a Veteran talking to a young player about what he wanted to do in the game.

Now to set this up, I was using the brand new "KR" client as it was called, and the macro system and hotbar allowed me to set up a very nice hotkey, Target nearest / throw explosion potion.

Armed with nothing but a Lute and a bag of potions, I ran into the oncoming train of Ettins. My Peacing attempt worked! I frantically pounded on my potions hotkey as I ran through the now docile Ettins.

3.. 2.. 1.. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM*

Explosions EVERYWHERE. A corridor full of Ettin corpses! All of this happened within a 5 second timeframe. So, to those two, I must've looked like I knew what I was doing. It was literally the first time it worked, and I had someone new and old to witness it!

The first thing the young player said was, "I want to do THAT!"

It seems like a simple thing. If I had only the brains to take a screenshot.
There are very few moments playing online games where I could be sure that I had made an impression on those I had played with.
And even though it was a passing moment amongst strangers, I'd like to think both of them remember that day. I sure do.

Maybe one day, in one of these threads, that young player will post about some crazy bard he saw in Despise on his first day in UO.

reminds me of the old T2A trick when one expo potion would set off another, and out of that came....Pack Llama Bombs and fun to say too

you fill a pack llama or horse with as many greater expos as possible and then dbl click one in the pack without throwing it, damage stacking out the wazoo
I just came back to UO after playing other games for a couple of years, and this post made me pretty nostalgic... So I figured I'd share the favorite moments that this post just made me remember, some of them were historic in the history of UO, some were just young kids having fun, some were sad, some were exciting but all were memorable and which I hadn't thought of in a very very long time. Thank you for bringing those memories back.

This will be a very long post, from the age of 14-17 (1997-2000) me and 3 of my RL friends played UO almost non-stop. Hope you enjoy the stories.

I'll try to remember all this stuff in chronological order.

Thanksgiving weekend 1997, 14 years old, I'm using a Pentium 166mHz machine running on AOL dialup with a 14.4baud modem, drinking Surge and listening to Rage Against the Machine and Nine Inch Nails.

I couldn't believe I had the game, and called my RL friend, he came over, and we chose Lake Superior and created a new character in Vesper with 50 stealing and 50 hiding.

We walked west out of south Vesper and were on the road between Vesper and Covetous entrance and hid.

We were there for about 5 minutes just waiting, there were TONS of people playing that day. We didn't know about snooping yet, so we just waited until someone stopped right next to us and we used stealing on their character. We got a key!

We ran and ran and ran, lost the guy. We went back to the spot we got the key and walked to the nearest blue tent, and sure enough, opened up the chest and looted him clean.

We were hooked.

I had spent a few days trying to figure out how people were getting up onto the West Britain Bank roof. I finally figured out that it was through the use of abusing how targeting worked and LOS. I met a guy named "Gidd Monkeysmuggler" and joined his guild. I don't remember the exact name but their colors were light purple and light yellow.

Shortly after spending time on the WBB which was where all the cool kids were since you had to know how to get up there, I met a guy named "Unit", he was a GM of a guild called "Fellowship of the Ring" or FotR for short.

He took me to his tower, and began to teach me the the art of how to get my character built... AKA exploit the game mechanics.

We started with how to get to 92 magery without using any reagents. The trick involved getting a scroll of water elemental, surrounding yourself with wooden crates, and then casting the scroll. It would use the mana, and give you the magery skill check, but would not use the scroll since the crates prevented the water elemental from actually appearing. This was soon fixed by summoning the water elemental at your feet instead of on one of the tiles next to you.

Next he showed me how to GM archery without arrows, simply blocking a monster inside crates, and walking up to them and let them hit you with you bow equipped, with no arrows. For whatever reason, it made a skill check in melee range, and pretty quickly had GM archery. It did not do tactics for some reason though, so there were a lot of people running around with GM archery but like 50 tactics. Back then, having 92+ skills in ANYthing was actually difficult, and skills/stats could not be locked, so you had to juggle your skills and stats constantly. It was very fun.

Next he showed me how to gate monsters to different locations. You basically created barriers in dungeons that would funnel all the monsters onto one tile, you'd cast the gate and they'd walk through the gate trying to get to you. We'd send all of the daemons in Hythloth to places like Britain Swamps, or the desert, or Ice Island. This was later fixed by making monsters ignore gates altogether. What a surprise when that day came.... Had almost all of Hythloth Level 3 on us, casted gate, and to our surprise, they all walked 'over' the gate hahah.

Then he showed me we could bring monsters into the tower to train magic resist, so we have a pet lich on the ground floor stuck behind crates and we all GMed resist.

Next he showed me how to get the "Great Lord" title with pretty much no effort. We had a horse named "Jimbo" in the stairwell of the tower on the bottom floor, and we had a lich stuck in the room in the NE corner, you just macroed "Jimbo kill" and target the lich for like 3 nights straight and I was a Great Lord.

The tower was amazing... We had a war with a number of guilds back when there were no housing ownership or murder counts.... Back when the game was actually a lot of fun. Whoever had a key could get in. So we had to guard the tower 24/7, staying up all night and sleeping in shifts. One night we watched a guy named "Joe Camel of Writ" walk up to the east side of the tower, and began stacking tables and putting gold on top of each stack, he eventually stacked up all the way to the top and just walked right onto the roof of the tower. He died quickly, but that was the beginning of a war on the server.

At the time, archery was actually amazing in PVP... It wasnt just mages running around on mounts trying to fizzle each other, it was legit PVP, no mounts, the map itself was very important, you wanted to created choke points, because with instahit and precasting, everyone had magery, hiding and archery. Explosion, Energy Bolt and Heavy Crossbows were all you needed. There was no BS like meditation, eval in, anatomy etc etc to 'force' you to waste your precious skill points to be effective. It was awesome. We had MANY battles, but one stands out, FotR was fighting Harvesters of Sorrow - HoS on the bridge north of Vesper bank. We were on the north end of the bridge, they were at the south end by the bank. We had about 15 FotR, they probably had 15-20 HoS, but every one of our character's were maxed out from using all the exploits, and HoS was certainly not as high in skills and stats. Again, skills and stats actually meant something, it wasn't like now where skills and stats are just a small obstacle to overcome to get to the fun stuff, virtually no one was 100.0 in anything because of no skill locks.

So we attack them at the bank, but instantly run back up to the north side of the bridge. The bridge was only 2 tiles wide, and if you walked through someone back then, you lost ALL your stamina, so it was very important to pay attention to where you stood and where you moved. We sat there with heavy crossbows, and with instahit, we killed every single player that tried to cross that bridge, most of which were 1-2 shotted. The battle lasted maybe 5 minutes. It was an amazing triumph that was talked about for months.

Someone realized that some items that should have been static, werent locked down, and could be picked up. Fruit baskets, flasks, candles, even water tiles.... This was how "daily rares" were invented... It was an accident by the creators, they just overlooked those lockdowns.

One thanksgiving, they created a server called "Farmageddon" it was awesome, you had character gates that would transform you character and your stats to random monsters/animals. Someone figured out that if you went through a series of different gates to transform you stats/skills into different animals, you'd bug your character out and end up with 32,000 strength and 32,000 intelligence. So what this did was made it to where your character was too heavy to move, but a fast casting spell like Magic Arrow did like 10,000 damage. So you'd get bugged out and just stand there Magic Arrowing everyone with 1hits. Keep in mind, this was back when there were a LOT of people playing the game, it was an amazing weekend.

A few months later, I was in my house one day grinding blacksmithing while hidden. There was an exploit that worked by overloading my backpack with items to the point that I was overloaded. You would create an item that weighed more than the weight of the ingots, it would not make the item or use the ingots, but would give you the skill check.

I was blacksmithing away, and I saw a gate pop up two tiles south of my neighbor's door. I watched 3 guys jump out of the gate, quickly placed crates around the gate except for the north tile. They casted gate again, and the gate appeared on the north tile, they did it again, now they were "in" the foundation of the house, they kept doing this method and were in the house, but they couldnt actually walk around because they were on the ground level, but below the actual floor. Since there were no housing rules or lockdowns, they ended up looting the entire house.

About this time, Richard Garriott left OSI.

This was the beginning of the end of the 'real' UO.

This is pretty much my last fond memory of the game.

They said, ok, everyone log onto the Test Center, we're going to have some killer clowns that escaped from a carnival and are on the loose, we must kill them!

We ended up finding them outside of Wrong. There were probably 100 of them, and probably 1000+ of us... They were tough mages. If you managed to get lucky enough to either kill one, or more realistically, you just happen to be near one of the corpses when it died, there was a deed on them. Noone knew what the deed did.

So people were killing each other throughout the event and the deeds were exchanging hands like crazy. After the event was over, we found out that anyone that had a deed had an invitation to actually beta test their new previously-unannounced expansion.... T2A.

So they announced an expansion, The Second Age.

I beta tested it. The map sucked, it was small, it was bumpy and just a pain in the butt. No one liked it. All the Dread Lords (red PKs) quit the game because of the notoriety system. I am willing to bet that at least on Lake Superior, there were more Dreads than there were Blues... So that sums up my experience on the official Ultima Online servers.

We're almost 20 years later and these memories are still in my brain. I am a firm believer that no matter what age you are, no matter what game you play, your first games/MMO experience will always be your benchmark for all future games in the genre. All these years later, I still love UO. I can't stand to play anything AOS or later, but I still love the original iteration.

I firmly believe we'll be playing UO 40 years from now, still trying to get that fun that we experienced the first time we played it.

Salut to 18 more years!!!!
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What My best memories were? I remember Joining a Guild of PKers, going to the meeting and releasing 4 blade spirits in the room. Killed everyone of them, and striped the guild hall as well. Fun.
Another time in Moonglow I had a boat that I forgot to lock up. Some Thief came aboard and started looting stuff. My friend ( playing from the same Cyber Cafe' ) told him he could take some of it. I had fetched my pack horses, and the guy game my friend all my stuff, and he relayed it all to me.Then he took my packies to our house for safety.
Best moment:
8 years ago-
Played a Uo:R shard for the first time.
Downloaded the installer and shared it in the school's computer classroom network.

12 out of 30 students installed and logged in at the same time.

Player invasion

Starting town: Cove
A couple of my best memories are not ingame...

We had the developers come for a lunch at Scarborough Fair (in Waxahachie Texas), back in 2003. Not sure who was all there, I remember Hanse, Fertbert, Sunsword, Vex, and Stargazer for sure.

And another time we had them come to Dallas for a lunch at Celebration Station. Not sure what year but it most of the same devs. Sunsword was still talking about the possibility of auto-looting your own corpse - so about the same time as the fair luncheon. We had players from numerous states show up for that one. We had a better turnout for this one than at Scarborough.

Still had contact with some of the old folks from the MyUOBoards (and Ianstorm), so we had some good folks turn up. It was fun to meet some of the people I had been talking to online.
I played UO from 1997 until 2002, and then off-and-on from 2003-2016. It's the game I just never could get out of my head. But really my fondest memories are for a time and a place long since gone. I started in October 1997, about a month after the retail release. I too started on Lake Superior, like Murmur. And as Murmur mentioned in his post above, Reds and Dreads were the norm, not the exception.

I miss the experiences I had during those first few years with the game. Although PvP was very common it was quite rare to be PK'ed while exploring the lands or crawling a dungeon. There were of course a few hot spots that needed to be avoided, such as the Britain Graveyard, the Crossroads, and the "Bloody Fields" (area East of Compassion Desert before housing was allowed there). And it wasn't a great idea to cast a gate to your hunting spot from the West Bank. It wasn't a great idea to go to the West Bank at all :)

As I've been writing entirely too much, I'll collapse these to spare the reader. Below is the story of my first month with the game:
My first few moments of the game were spent looking around in amazement, trying to figure out why my spellbook was empty, and then chatting to a man to had ran to the inn in Britain where I had started asking if I was new and needed help. The "instruction book", a tri-fold pamphlet instructing you how to move, speak, and advising you to "ask other players for help", was all I had to go on. I figured this fine gentleman was here to help and I followed him North to the graveyard.

At the Britain Graveyard the man proceeded to attack and kill me while others watched and laughed. Knowing nothing better I resurrected on the spot and was attacked and killed again. This round I had time enough to noticed that I had kept my belongings in my backpack after death (quite a surprise really). So I resurrected again and began casting scrolls at the dastardly man. The first was called "weaken", which didn't seam to do anything. The second was called "magic arrow", which appeared to do something. The third was called "poison", and I had an idea of what that would do. After poisoning the man he began to run around haplessly while those who had laughed at my misfortune were now laughing at his. A few moments later and the man was dead. A approached his body to retrieve my gold, but at this the crowed moved toward me and began attacking. I counted my losses and fled back toward town.

After that experience I decided that I didn't care much for fighting. I left my fledgling mage in the inn where he had began and created a new character. This one was a miner. I had read about mining on the Battle Vortex website were I had originally found out about Ultima Online and that it was a decent way to earn money as a new character. So off I went. I spent the next two weeks running between the western mountains in the Britain guard zone and the north forge, never knowing about the stables, how to get horses, anything at all about pack horses, never even knowning there was a forge in the west Britain farmlands.

I finally saved up 2,000 gold from all of the mining (my mining skill was horribly low, so it was not uncommon for a whole round-trip to produce fewer than 10 ingots). I had mustered the courage to try my had at combat again, so I was going to give the gold to my mage for reagents. I used the 'ol "leave a pile of gold in an unsuspecting place" trick. This was before circle of transparency, so I put it behind a wall in the Salty Dog Tavern with a window in it so I could grab the gold through the window.

I had a master plan for my mage. I would cast Fireball, and with Fireball I would achieve great things. The only problem: I needed Black Pearl for Fireball, and the herbalist and the local alchemy shop didn't sell Black Pearl (read: newbie mistake #1). So I read my maps and Ultima lore and determined that Moonglow was the most likely place to find reagents. It worked in Ultima 5 anyway. And after consulting the handy moongate chart included in the retail box, I concluded that I needed to enter the Britain moongate at approximately ten after two in the afternoon to arrive in Moonglow. I made sure to double-check that the Lake Superior shard was in my timezone, so there would be no mistakes (read: newbie mistake #2). So I made myself some lunch (bologna and Dorito 'samach, yum!) and mined for another hour until it was time. Then I hopped on my mage, ran past the countless tents lining the road to the Britain moongate, and stepped through.

On the other side of the gate I saw what I expected to see (having no knowledge of the radar map): nothing but trees. I thought for sure I was in Moonglow, with a friendly town just to the North. I began to run, but I soon ran into a problem: a big, nasty, two-headed problem. I was not where I thought I was. I ran around for nearly thirty minutes before finally coming upon the city of Minoc. Skipping over quite a bit, I left the next day after realizing there were no reagent vendors there.

No longer trusting the moongates and wanting nothing more than to find my way home I struck out on the road southward. I traveled through the forestes, through the plains, through the dreadful swamps filled with Lizardmen, until finally I was back on familiar ground. Unfortunately for me I was a little too familiar with the grounds. I headed around Lake Blackthorn intending to get to the inn of my birth, but came a little too close to the graveyard. Before I knew what was happening a man was on me on horseback and I was dead. And all my gold was lost.

The Warrior:
I spent the next week mining again. This time I built up another 1,000 gold an decided to buy equipment from the smiths at the forge. I bought a hodgepodge of armor types that my strength would allow me to wear. Thankfully the knowledgeable blacksmith was able to construct the suit for me. He also gave me a katana and a heater shield and pointed me toward the training dummies.

I clicked, SO, MUCH! So much clicking. But after I had some skills I went on may way, finally ready to head out into the world and face some real danger! I headed out the mountain pass West of Britain towards the Crossroads. Thankfully I knew what this place was and to give it a wide birth thanks to some "Anti's" I had met in Britain. Folks that hunted the PK's.

I found Headless and Mongbats to fight. I could kill them. And they actually had gold on them! It was so satisfying. I continued to kill headless until I came upon an Orc. The battle was difficult, but I managed to best him as well. I took his armor and helm as my prizes. I was so excited! Then a new beast appeared: a Harpy. I fought the beast until it was clear I would not win. I then attempted to flee, but was too weak. The fearsome beast killed me. My heart sank. I had lost everything. All I had fought for and won. All I had worked for on the mountain mining. All of it was lost.

Then, while running back to town as a ghost (I had learned not to resurrect due to the penalties) the server shut down. It was insult on top of injury. There was no way I would ever retrieve my possessions now.

I didn't play again for several days. I was dejected, defeated, downtrodden. But Stones kept playing in my head, calling me back to Britannia. Finally I decided to log back in. Expecting to find myself in the Britain farmlands in a world of grey I was confused to find myself on the road East of the Crossroads. I had no time to think, as an enormous two-headed beast was upon me and attacking! I fled, running for the safety of the guards, only to see a battle in the mountain pass between PK's and Anti's playing out. Thinking I had nothing to loose I ran straight through, not stopping until I reached the bank. Only then did I discover the mound of gold in my pack along with the Orc's armor and helm.

A server crash had caused the first of what would become known as "Time Warps". It had warped me back to just moments before I began fighting the Harpy. I was so happy I could have danced on the head of a pin. Bank boxes had just been added to the game, so I quickly opened my own and dropped in the armor and coin.

The next two weeks were spent with this routine:
  1. Run along the road leading South of Britain looking for player vendors selling Greater Healing potions.
  2. Buy as many potions as possible.
  3. Run all the way to the Britain Swamps.
  4. Fight Lizardmen while chugging Greater Healing potions.
  5. When I finally ran out of gold, mine for a while
I finally built up enough strength and combat skills to start making money doing this. That is if I could stay away from the Alligators. Then one day as I was complaining that I did not have enough money for potions a nice Anti gave me a stack of bandages and some money to train healing. "Healing?", says I, what's that? Those nice folks also taught me about skinning animals and selling the hides and meat. I gained skill a lot quicker fighting the wolves and dear than I ever did getting beat to death by the Lizardmen. And what's more I was making money faster too.

Fast forward to around 2001, that's when my actual fondest memory of UO was. All the rest is just the clearest :) My two best friends in school came over for a LAN party and we decided to crawl Hythloth just for a change of pace from farming Liches on easy mode. I was a fairly well built mage, one friend was a 7xGM dexer, and the third. Well... he just sort of f'ed around and did whatever. Still one of the things I love about this game. F'ing around and doing whatever is a playstyle :)

Anyway, we were doing fairly well. I was throwing Blade Spirits at everything that wouldn't dispell and the dexer was taking care of the things that would. The Jack-of-all-Trades was doing a great job picking locks, looting boxes, detecting traps, throwing debuffs and poison on critters. He was actually contributing quite a bit. Then we got down to the Balron.

There were maybe twenty people down there all in a line, and none were talking. We had no idea what was going on (I still do not to this day). We tried to ask but couldn't figure it out. Finally the dexter stepped over the line. As soon as he did, everyone started running. I was the only one of the three of us with my gameplay window set to 800x600, so I was the only one to see the tip of the Balron's wing as it began flying our way.

I called to my friends to run but it was too late. The Balron was on us before we knew what happened and started slaughtering everyone. I was fast enough to get an invis off, but my friends were not fortunate enough. In the aftermath I managed to res the dexer, but the jack was gone. He was kind of a hot head :) By the time he would say anything to us he had ran all the damn way to the Shrine of Humility to get resed :) I poped a gate for him to get back to the house we all shared, then another to get back to the Balron room where I had marked earlier to get his corpse back. I felt like a baller that day. I was just barely able to cast gate and res then and was so terribly impressed with myself that I had pulled it all off.

Thinking back on those times when me and my best friends all shared a small tower by the Shrine of Spirituality, all the trouble we would get into, and that adventure in particular, that's what keeps me coming back to this game. I don't talk to those folks anymore. They are as lost as the old days of UO. But I will always have the memories.
First day on OSI when it had only been out about 3 months. Some of my friends already had castles, I had no idea what I was doing. Logged in, some guy was near me. I went to open his paperdoll and look and I was in war mode(knew nothing of) he called guards and I was dead at just under 2 minutes of playing time.
He took the little nothing I had. I got on ICQ with a friend who told me to just 'go to Trinsic'. I didn't even know where the hell I was, so I just started running. At that time there were loads of liches on the paths, no idea why.
I ran on foot forever and somehow ended up in Trinsic.
My friend gave me the little I could equip as a newbie and out we went to BATTLE!!! took me 10 minutes with him healing me to kill that damn rabbit, but by golly I did!

I was hooked at the start!

Shazzy :p
I spent a lot of time in Trinsic before I got a guild. would often run between Trin, Skara, Brit, and Yew. was safer than traveling by moongates due to PKers and couldn't mark/recall yet.
It always bothered me that you learned recall way before mark.

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