
Massapequa submitted a new resource:

Better Begging: Making the begging skill more fun and interesting - Begging skill overhaul

In UO, the begging skill has always been a particularly underwhelming skill. While many of the skills, like anatomy or eval int, at least have a secondary function, begging has always felt useless.
This update is designed to make begging more fun to use and give it a function besides RP.

What does begging do now?
The new function of this skill will allow players to get cheaper prices from vendors though skill use.
When you use the begging skill on NPC vendors (non-player house vendors)...

Read more about this resource...
ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.5, Build 8252.33698 - Build on 2022/8/5 18:43:16 UTC - Release
Core: Optimizing for 12 64-bit processors
Core: Compiled for .NET MONO/CSC/Unknown
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 1 errors, 0 warnings
+ Mobiles/NPCs/BaseVendor.cs:
CS0115: Line 61: 'BaseVendor.AlwaysInnocent': no suitable method found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Line 61

public override bool AlwaysInnocent => true;
ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.5, Build 8252.33698 - Build on 2022/8/5 18:43:16 UTC - Release
Core: Optimizing for 12 64-bit processors
Core: Compiled for .NET MONO/CSC/Unknown
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 1 errors, 0 warnings
+ Mobiles/NPCs/BaseVendor.cs:
CS0115: Line 61: 'BaseVendor.AlwaysInnocent': no suitable method found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

Line 61

public override bool AlwaysInnocent => true;
This seems to be an issue dealing with your version of ServUO using different terminology than the later one.
It looks like your version of ServUO (0.5) doesn't use the bool AlwaysInnocent. It must have some kind of equivalent variable, like 'Innocent' or something like that.
If you post your old version of BaseVendor and I'll be able to see what it is. Hopefully that's the only issue.
Thanks for the reply
Massapequa updated Better Begging: Making the begging skill more fun and interesting with a new update entry:

Added BaseVendor.cs for newest ServUO version

I realized that I haven't been using the most current version of ServUO and therefore, some of the files I'd ask other users to replace weren't completely compatible with the newest release.
I've added a BaseVendor.cs that works with the ServUO 57.1.

If you're using that version of ServUO, replace your BaseVendor with the one in the folder Version 57.1
Thanks and enjoy.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I also use Version .5 ( Version 0.5, Build 6349.40628) so, I know i'll get the same errors as badboy... lol
Last edited:
Okay so I guess you're using the most recent version of ServUO and I'm working with the pervious release.
I took a look at the newest BaseVendor.cs that comes with it and made the necessary edits.
This should work.
already functioning
thank you very much
The above content is translated using Google

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