TheRisingPhoenyx submitted a new resource:

Bio Enginering standalone - Bio Enginering standalone From the datt99 system without recompile or owltr

after to many attempts a few years ago to compile datt99 owltr onto the server i was making for my family i made the bio pet system standalone
all credit should go to datt99 for the amazing system as all i did was make it standalone without a recompile verified working on publish 54

Read more about this resource...
when clicking on download (via external site) i got: The requested conversation could not be found.
I think he linked it to the upload he posted to me in a private message... Not sure I can edit uploads of resources otherwise I'd have done it for the Compendium :)

... I'll see what I can do though!
k was unsure on that i tried to load both and owltr was the one i couldn't recompile as for the question that was asked of what does it do it allows a pet to be created with a little luck and trial and error almost any creature image with pet slots as low as 1 and tame required as low as 0 for those who don't have the time/knowledge of how to be a tamer to have a pet they like and give the ability to have pets that would otherwise not be tamable (depending on the shard owners limits) i had a Stygian dragon on a shard with this system with reptalon stats 1 pet control slot and 25 required tame to control
I am receiving these errors when starting server. Any idea how I could fix this?
Thank You

+ CustomSystems/BioEngineerStndAln/ATrapedSoul.cs:
CS0246: Line 311: The type or namespace name 'BioMount' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 311: The type or namespace name 'BioMount' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 362: The type or namespace name 'BioCreature' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 362: The type or namespace name 'BioCreature' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ CustomSystems/BioEngineerStndAln/BioPetDeed.cs:
CS0246: Line 30: The type or namespace name 'BaseBioCreature' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 30: The type or namespace name 'BaseBioCreature' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
@TheRisingPhoenyx Sent me these(files attached) because he is unable to upload to the site.

for the
+ CustomSystems/BioEngineerStndAln/BioPetDeed.cs:
CS0246: Line 30: The type or namespace name 'BaseBioCreature' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 30: The type or namespace name 'BaseBioCreature' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I changed
                            BaseBioCreature bio = new BaseBioCreature();
                            BioCreature bio = new BioCreature();

Server loaded with no errors, will test more in a bit.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.SkillHandlers;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Server.Mobiles
  [CorpseName("a corpse")]
  public class BioCreature : BaseCreature
  private Mobile m_Craftedby;
  private bool m_HasDNA;

  //Counter Attacks
  private bool m_BluntAttack;
  private bool m_Healing;
  private bool m_PoisonAttack;

  //Speical Attacks
  private bool m_TrialByFire;
  private bool m_IceBlast;
  private bool m_CometAttack;
  private bool m_CallOfNature;
  private bool m_AcidRain;

  public Mobile Crafter
  get { return m_Craftedby; }
  set { m_Craftedby = value; }

  public bool HasDNA
  get { return m_HasDNA; }
  set { m_HasDNA = value; }

  public bool TrialByFire
  get { return m_TrialByFire; }
  set { m_TrialByFire = value; }

  public bool IceBlast
  get { return m_IceBlast; }
  set { m_IceBlast = value; }

  public bool CometAttack
  get { return m_CometAttack; }
  set { m_CometAttack = value; }

  public bool CallOfNature
  get { return m_CallOfNature; }
  set { m_CallOfNature = value; }

  public bool AcidRain
  get { return m_AcidRain; }
  set { m_AcidRain = value; }

  public bool BluntAttack
  get { return m_BluntAttack; }
  set { m_BluntAttack = value; }

  public bool Healing
  get { return m_Healing; }
  set { m_Healing = value; }

  public bool PoisonAttack
  get { return m_PoisonAttack; }
  set { m_PoisonAttack = value; }

  public override WeaponAbility GetWeaponAbility()
  switch (Utility.Random(3))
  case 0: return WeaponAbility.DoubleStrike;
  case 1: return WeaponAbility.WhirlwindAttack;

  public BioCreature() : base(AIType.AI_Animal, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
  Name = "a bio-engienered clone";
  Body = 775;

  SetStr(275, 350);
  SetDex(200, 275);
  SetInt(250, 325);

  SetHits(450, 600);

  SetDamage(27, 38);

  SetDamageType(ResistanceType.Cold, 100);

  SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Meditation, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 25.0);

  Fame = 0;
  Karma = 0;

  VirtualArmor = 1;

  Tamable = false;
  ControlSlots = 3;
  MinTameSkill = 100.0;

  Container pack = Backpack;

  if (pack != null)

  pack = new StrongBackpack();
  pack.Movable = false;


  public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item item)
  if (CheckFeed(from, item))
  return true;

  if (PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from))
  return true;

  return base.OnDragDrop(from, item);

  public override void AddNameProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

  if (m_Craftedby != null)
  list.Add(1060658, "Bio-engineered by\t{0}", m_Craftedby.Name.ToString());

  public override Poison HitPoison { get { return (0.8 >= Utility.RandomDouble() ? Poison.Lesser : Poison.Regular); } }
  public override FoodType FavoriteFood { get { return FoodType.Fish | FoodType.FruitsAndVegies | FoodType.Meat; } }

  #region Pack Animal Methods
  public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
  if (!base.OnBeforeDeath())
  return false;


  return true;

  public override bool IsSnoop(Mobile from)
  if (PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from))
  return false;

  return base.IsSnoop(from);

  public override bool CheckNonlocalDrop(Mobile from, Item item, Item target)
  return PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from);

  public override bool CheckNonlocalLift(Mobile from, Item item)
  return PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from);

  public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
  base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

  PackAnimal.GetContextMenuEntries(this, from, list);

  public override void OnActionCombat()
  int damagemin = this.Hits / 20 + 25;
  int damagemax = this.Hits / 25 + 50;
  Mobile from = this.Combatant;

  if (from != null && this.ControlMaster != null)

  if (m_TrialByFire == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 4, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 4, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 7, from.Y, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X + 7, from.Y, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X, from.Y - 7, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X, from.Y + 7, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  from.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  from.FixedParticles(0x36B0, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 100, 100, 100, 100, 100);
  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 30), 100, 100, 100, 100, 100);
  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 10), 100, 100, 100, 100, 100);

  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Trail By Fire]");

  if (m_IceBlast == true)
  Mobile cm = this.ControlMaster;
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 1152, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 4, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 1152, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 4, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 1152, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(20, 30), 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);

  IceFragments ice = new IceFragments();
  ice.Location = from.Location;
  ice.Map = from.Map;
  ice.PetOwner = cm;
  ice.Pet = this;

  IceSnow ices = new IceSnow();
  ices.X = from.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  ices.Y = from.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  ices.Z = from.Z;
  ices.Map = from.Map;

  IceSnow2 is2 = new IceSnow2();
  is2.X = from.X - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is2.Y = from.Y - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is2.Z = from.Z;
  is2.Map = from.Map;

  IceSnow3 is3 = new IceSnow3();
  is3.X = from.X - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is3.Y = from.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is3.Z = from.Z;
  is3.Map = from.Map;

  IceSnow is4 = new IceSnow();
  is4.X = from.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is4.Y = from.Y - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is4.Z = from.Z;
  is4.Map = from.Map;


  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Ice Blast]");
  else if (m_CometAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X, from.Y, from.Z + 35), from.Map), from, 0x11B6, 7, 0, false, true, 1160, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  from.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  from.FixedParticles(0x36B0, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);

  ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

  foreach (Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange(15))
  if (this != m && this.ControlMaster != m)

  for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
  Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

  if (m != null)
  if (m is BaseVendor || m is PlayerVendor || m.Blessed != false)
  m.Say("What was that?");
  if (m is PlayerMobile)
  PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;
  if (pm.Combatant == this || pm.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == pm || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == pm)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

  m.SendMessage("You have been hit by a shock wave.");
  else if (m is BaseCreature)
  BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;
  if (bc.Controlled == false && bc.ControlMaster == null)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 25, 50, 0, 25, 0);
  else if (bc.Combatant == this || bc.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == bc || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == bc)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

  bc.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet has been hit by a shock wave.");
  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Comet Strike]");
  else if (m_CallOfNature == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;


  ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

  foreach (Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange(10))
  if (m != this)

  for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
  Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

  if (m != null)
  if (m is BaseVendor || m is PlayerVendor || m.Blessed != false)
  m.Say("Someone is calling for help!");
  else if (m is BaseCreature)
  BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;
  if (bc.Controlled != true)
  bc.Combatant = from;
  m.SendMessage("Your hear a creature give out a cry for help!");
  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Call Of Nature]");
  else if (m_AcidRain == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

  foreach (Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange(7))
  if (this != m && this.ControlMaster != m)

  for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
  Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

  if (m != null)
  if (m is BaseVendor || m is PlayerVendor || m.Blessed != false)
  m.Say("*resists the poison*");
  if (m is PlayerMobile)
  PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;
  if (pm.Combatant == this || pm.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == pm || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == pm)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 25), 0, 0, 0, 100, 0);

  m.SendMessage("You have been hit by toxic rain.");

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  m.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(m.X, m.Y, m.Z + 35), m.Map), m, 0x35D4, 7, 0, false, true, 63, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  else if (m is BaseCreature)
  BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;
  if (bc.Controlled == false && bc.ControlMaster == null)
  AOS.Damage(bc, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 25), 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  bc.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(m.X, m.Y, m.Z + 35), m.Map), m, 0x35D4, 7, 0, false, true, 63, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  else if (bc.Combatant == this || bc.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == bc || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == bc)
  AOS.Damage(bc, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 25), 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);

  bc.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet has been hit by toxic rain.");

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  bc.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(m.X, m.Y, m.Z + 35), m.Map), m, 0x35D4, 7, 0, false, true, 63, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Acid Rain]");

  public override void OnDamagedBySpell(Mobile caster)
  if (caster != this && this.ControlMaster != null)

  int damagemin = this.Hits / 20;
  int damagemax = this.Hits / 25;

  if (m_BluntAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Blunt Attack]");
  AOS.Damage(caster, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  caster.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  if (m_Healing == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 25)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 25;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Healing]");
  this.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  this.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax(75, 150);

  if (m_PoisonAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Poison Attack]");
  this.FixedParticles(4518, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  AOS.Damage(caster, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 0, 0, 0, 100, 0);

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  caster.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));


  public override void OnGotMeleeAttack(Mobile attacker)


  if (this.ControlMaster != null)

  int damagemin = this.Hits / 20;
  int damagemax = this.Hits / 25;

  if (m_BluntAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Blunt Attack]");
  AOS.Damage(attacker, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  attacker.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  if (m_Healing == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 25)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 25;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Healing]");
  this.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  this.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax(75, 150);

  if (m_PoisonAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Poison Attack]");
  this.FixedParticles(4518, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  AOS.Damage(attacker, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 0, 0, 0, 100, 0);

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  attacker.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));

  public BioCreature(Serial serial) : base(serial)

  public override int GetAngerSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 768;
  return BaseSoundID;

  public override int GetIdleSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 769;
  return BaseSoundID + 1;

  public override int GetAttackSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 770;
  return BaseSoundID + 2;

  public override int GetHurtSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 771;
  return BaseSoundID + 3;

  public override int GetDeathSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 772;
  return BaseSoundID + 4;

  public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)











  public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
  int version = reader.ReadInt();

  switch (version)
  case 0:
  m_AcidRain = reader.ReadBool();
  m_CallOfNature = reader.ReadBool();
  m_HasDNA = reader.ReadBool();
  m_Craftedby = reader.ReadMobile();
  m_BluntAttack = reader.ReadBool();
  m_Healing = reader.ReadBool();
  m_PoisonAttack = reader.ReadBool();
  m_TrialByFire = reader.ReadBool();
  m_IceBlast = reader.ReadBool();
  m_CometAttack = reader.ReadBool();

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Targeting;
using Server.Gumps;
using Server.SkillHandlers;
using Server.ContextMenus;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Server.Mobiles

  [CorpseName("a corpse")]
  public class BioMount : BaseMount
  private Mobile m_Craftedby;
  private bool m_HasDNA;

  //Counter Attacks
  private bool m_BluntAttack;
  private bool m_Healing;
  private bool m_PoisonAttack;

  //Speical Attacks
  private bool m_TrialByFire;
  private bool m_IceBlast;
  private bool m_CometAttack;
  private bool m_CallOfNature;
  private bool m_AcidRain;

  public Mobile Crafter
  get { return m_Craftedby; }
  set { m_Craftedby = value; }

  public bool HasDNA
  get { return m_HasDNA; }
  set { m_HasDNA = value; }

  public bool TrialByFire
  get { return m_TrialByFire; }
  set { m_TrialByFire = value; }

  public bool IceBlast
  get { return m_IceBlast; }
  set { m_IceBlast = value; }

  public bool CometAttack
  get { return m_CometAttack; }
  set { m_CometAttack = value; }

  public bool CallOfNature
  get { return m_CallOfNature; }
  set { m_CallOfNature = value; }

  public bool AcidRain
  get { return m_AcidRain; }
  set { m_AcidRain = value; }

  public bool BluntAttack
  get { return m_BluntAttack; }
  set { m_BluntAttack = value; }

  public bool Healing
  get { return m_Healing; }
  set { m_Healing = value; }

  public bool PoisonAttack
  get { return m_PoisonAttack; }
  set { m_PoisonAttack = value; }

  public override WeaponAbility GetWeaponAbility()
  switch (Utility.Random(3))
  case 0: return WeaponAbility.DoubleStrike;
  case 1: return WeaponAbility.WhirlwindAttack;
  public BioMount() : this("a bio-engienered clone")

  public BioMount(string name) : base(name, 775, 0x3EA0, AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
  Body = 775;

  SetStr(275, 350);
  SetDex(200, 275);
  SetInt(250, 325);

  SetHits(450, 600);

  SetDamage(27, 38);
  SetSkill(SkillName.MagicResist, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Wrestling, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Meditation, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Magery, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.EvalInt, 25.0);
  SetSkill(SkillName.Poisoning, 25.0);

  Fame = 0;
  Karma = 0;

  VirtualArmor = 1;

  Tamable = false;
  ControlSlots = 3;
  MinTameSkill = 100.0;

  Container pack = Backpack;

  if (pack != null)

  pack = new StrongBackpack();
  pack.Movable = false;


  public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item item)
  if (CheckFeed(from, item))
  return true;

  if (PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from))
  return true;

  return base.OnDragDrop(from, item);

  public override void AddNameProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

  if (m_Craftedby != null)
  list.Add(1060658, "Bio-engineered by\t{0}", m_Craftedby.Name.ToString());

  public override Poison HitPoison { get { return (0.8 >= Utility.RandomDouble() ? Poison.Lesser : Poison.Regular); } }
  public override FoodType FavoriteFood { get { return FoodType.Fish | FoodType.FruitsAndVegies | FoodType.Meat; } }

  #region Pack Animal Methods
  public override bool OnBeforeDeath()
  if (!base.OnBeforeDeath())
  return false;


  return true;

  public override bool IsSnoop(Mobile from)
  if (PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from))
  return false;

  return base.IsSnoop(from);

  public override bool CheckNonlocalDrop(Mobile from, Item item, Item target)
  return PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from);

  public override bool CheckNonlocalLift(Mobile from, Item item)
  return PackAnimal.CheckAccess(this, from);

  public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
  base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

  PackAnimal.GetContextMenuEntries(this, from, list);

  public override void OnActionCombat()
  int damagemin = this.Hits / 20 + 25;
  int damagemax = this.Hits / 25 + 50;
  Mobile from = this.Combatant;

  if (from != null && this.ControlMaster != null)

  if (m_TrialByFire == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 4, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 4, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 7, from.Y, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X + 7, from.Y, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X, from.Y - 7, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X, from.Y + 7, from.Z), from.Map), from, 0x36E4, 7, 0, false, true, 0, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  from.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  from.FixedParticles(0x36B0, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);

  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);
  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 30), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);
  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 10), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Trail By Fire]");

  if (m_IceBlast == true)
  Mobile cm = this.ControlMaster;
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 1152, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 4, from.Y - 6, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 1152, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X - 6, from.Y - 4, from.Z + 15), from.Map), from, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 1152, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  AOS.Damage(from, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(20, 30), 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);

  IceFragments ice = new IceFragments();
  ice.Location = from.Location;
  ice.Map = from.Map;
  ice.PetOwner = cm;
  ice.Pet = this;

  IceSnow ices = new IceSnow();
  ices.X = from.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  ices.Y = from.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  ices.Z = from.Z;
  ices.Map = from.Map;

  IceSnow2 is2 = new IceSnow2();
  is2.X = from.X - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is2.Y = from.Y - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is2.Z = from.Z;
  is2.Map = from.Map;

  IceSnow3 is3 = new IceSnow3();
  is3.X = from.X - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is3.Y = from.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is3.Z = from.Z;
  is3.Map = from.Map;

  IceSnow is4 = new IceSnow();
  is4.X = from.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is4.Y = from.Y - Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 5);
  is4.Z = from.Z;
  is4.Map = from.Map;


  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Ice Blast]");
  else if (m_CometAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(from.X, from.Y, from.Z + 35), from.Map), from, 0x11B6, 7, 0, false, true, 1160, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  from.FixedParticles(0x3709, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  from.FixedParticles(0x36B0, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);

  ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

  foreach (Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange(15))
  if (this != m && this.ControlMaster != m)

  for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
  Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

  if (m != null)
  if (m is BaseVendor || m is PlayerVendor || m.Blessed != false)
  m.Say("What was that?");
  if (m is PlayerMobile)
  PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;
  if (pm.Combatant == this || pm.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == pm || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == pm)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

  m.SendMessage("You have been hit by a shock wave.");
  else if (m is BaseCreature)
  BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;
  if (bc.Controlled == false && bc.ControlMaster == null)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 25, 50, 0, 25, 0);
  else if (bc.Combatant == this || bc.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == bc || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == bc)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(30, 60), 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

  bc.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet has been hit by a shock wave.");
  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Comet Strike]");
  else if (m_CallOfNature == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;


  ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

  foreach (Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange(10))
  if (m != this)

  for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
  Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

  if (m != null)
  if (m is BaseVendor || m is PlayerVendor || m.Blessed != false)
  m.Say("Someone is calling for help!");
  else if (m is BaseCreature)
  BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;
  if (bc.Controlled != true)
  bc.Combatant = from;
  m.SendMessage("You hear a creature give out a cry for help!");
  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Call Of Nature]");
  else if (m_AcidRain == true)
  if (Utility.Random(2500) < 5)
  if (this.Stam <= 50)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its power attack.");
  this.Stam -= 50;

  ArrayList targets = new ArrayList();

  foreach (Mobile m in this.GetMobilesInRange(7))
  if (this != m && this.ControlMaster != m)

  for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i)
  Mobile m = (Mobile)targets[i];

  if (m != null)
  if (m is BaseVendor || m is PlayerVendor || m.Blessed != false)
  m.Say("*resists the poison*");
  if (m is PlayerMobile)
  PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)m;
  if (pm.Combatant == this || pm.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == pm || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == pm)
  AOS.Damage(m, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 25), 0, 0, 0, 100, 0);

  m.SendMessage("You have been hit by toxic rain.");

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  m.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(m.X, m.Y, m.Z + 35), m.Map), m, 0x35D4, 7, 0, false, true, 63, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  else if (m is BaseCreature)
  BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)m;
  if (bc.Controlled == false && bc.ControlMaster == null)
  AOS.Damage(bc, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 25), 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  bc.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(m.X, m.Y, m.Z + 35), m.Map), m, 0x35D4, 7, 0, false, true, 63, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);
  else if (bc.Combatant == this || bc.Combatant == this.ControlMaster || this.Combatant == bc || this.ControlMaster.Combatant == bc)
  AOS.Damage(bc, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(5, 25), 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);

  bc.ControlMaster.SendMessage("Your pet has been hit by toxic rain.");

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  bc.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));
  Effects.SendMovingParticles(new Entity(Serial.Zero, new Point3D(m.X, m.Y, m.Z + 35), m.Map), m, 0x35D4, 7, 0, false, true, 63, 0, 9502, 1, 0, (EffectLayer)255, 0x100);

  this.Emote("[Power Attack]");
  this.Emote("[Acid Rain]");

  public override void OnDamagedBySpell(Mobile caster)
  if (caster != this && this.ControlMaster != null)

  int damagemin = this.Hits / 20;
  int damagemax = this.Hits / 25;

  if (m_BluntAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Blunt Attack]");
  AOS.Damage(caster, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  caster.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  if (m_Healing == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 25)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 25;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Healing]");
  this.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  this.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax(75, 150);

  if (m_PoisonAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Poison Attack]");
  this.FixedParticles(4518, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  AOS.Damage(caster, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 0, 0, 0, 100, 0);

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  caster.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));


  public override void OnGotMeleeAttack(Mobile attacker)


  if (this.ControlMaster != null)

  int damagemin = this.Hits / 20;
  int damagemax = this.Hits / 25;

  if (m_BluntAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Blunt Attack]");
  AOS.Damage(attacker, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  attacker.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  if (m_Healing == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 25)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 25;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Healing]");
  this.FixedParticles(0x373A, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  this.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax(75, 150);

  if (m_PoisonAttack == true)
  if (Utility.Random(100) < 15)
  if (this.Stam <= 10)
  if (this.ControlMaster != null)
  this.ControlMaster.SendMessage("You pet lacks the stamina to preform its counter attack.");
  this.Stam -= 10;

  this.Emote("[Counter] [Poison Attack]");
  this.FixedParticles(4518, 10, 15, 5012, EffectLayer.Waist);
  AOS.Damage(attacker, this, Utility.RandomMinMax(10, 25), 0, 0, 0, 100, 0);

  int level;

  double total = this.Skills[SkillName.Poisoning].Value;

  if (total >= 99.9)
  level = 4;
  else if (total > 75.0)
  level = 3;
  else if (total > 50.0)
  level = 2;
  else if (total > 35.0)
  level = 1;
  level = 0;

  attacker.ApplyPoison(this, Poison.GetPoison(level));

  public BioMount(Serial serial) : base(serial)

  public override int GetAngerSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 768;
  return BaseSoundID;

  public override int GetIdleSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 769;
  return BaseSoundID + 1;

  public override int GetAttackSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 770;
  return BaseSoundID + 2;

  public override int GetHurtSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 771;
  return BaseSoundID + 3;

  public override int GetDeathSound()
  if (this.BaseSoundID == 0)
  return 772;
  return BaseSoundID + 4;

  public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)











  public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
  int version = reader.ReadInt();

  switch (version)
  case 0:
  m_AcidRain = reader.ReadBool();
  m_CallOfNature = reader.ReadBool();
  m_HasDNA = reader.ReadBool();
  m_Craftedby = reader.ReadMobile();
  m_BluntAttack = reader.ReadBool();
  m_Healing = reader.ReadBool();
  m_PoisonAttack = reader.ReadBool();
  m_TrialByFire = reader.ReadBool();
  m_IceBlast = reader.ReadBool();
  m_CometAttack = reader.ReadBool();



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  • BioMount.cs
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Total amount