
so i am standing at the blacksmith forge and anvil and its telling me i need to be near a forge and anvil to create this am i missing something?
If you use worldgen command to generate anvil and forge, it might be work. If not, it won't be work.
You also need to stay both of them in 2 tiles.
Can you upload a screenshot about this situation?
It works both with the item and the static:

bool isAnvil = ( type.IsDefined( typeofAnvil, false ) || item.ItemID == 4015 || item.ItemID == 4016 || item.ItemID == 0x2DD5 || item.ItemID == 0x2DD6 );
bool isForge = ( type.IsDefined( typeofForge, false ) || item.ItemID == 4017 || (item.ItemID >= 6522 && item.ItemID <= 6569) || item.ItemID == 0x2DD8 );

Post your DefBlacksmithy.cs
I just tested the back of Brit (near the grave yard) it does work
So what type of ore are you trying to smelt? Iron ore is 0 skill in mining while dull copper and up is 65
Also what would your skill be in smith?
Ok, check this SS you can either [add anvil placed between the 2 small forge
or up the stairs [add smallforge place between the anvils

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