
A few weeks ago Tass contacted me about releasing BME in a script pack and we got to talking about me finishing it and he was kind enough to give me some links to a client, my old BME v1.13, and a copy of ServUO that at least got past any it's-so-old issues. However it took me like another three weeks to even install things and finally have the time to crunch anything out. So the release date on 1.14 is pretty pretty far off when you think about it.

So I decided to set up a smaller releases deal. As I go along I'll periodically release some content here so you can tweak things as I do. And one day when 1.14 is finished I'll post the fully packaged version in Releases.

So let's get started. :)
And the very first thing we get to learn is this website doesn't have a *forum* in what I'm used to.


So umm, Post #2!
BlueBen Update
1. BlueBen has a family now. Ben will continue to offer the Forensics Training (<51.0 forensics, reward is a ring of the savant which has +3 int, +1 fc/fcr), the An Empty Vessel quest (blue mage sign up), and Finding Quina (frog drop & fork focused) quests.
2. BlueLeo (dressed in green) offers TierOneSlayer which now grants level 1 upgrade deeds.
3. BlueEliz (dressed in pink) offers TierTwoSlayer which now grants level 2 upgrade deeds.
4. BlueLind (dressed in purple) offers TierThreeSlayer which now offers the BlueNecklace as a reward.
I plan on reducing the difficulty curve of BME down as we go. Originally this was an advanced player / populated shard release meant to add extra hours of mid-to-late game content. This is why for example two or three people will find it extremely hard to run the snow cap deal with multiple snow elementals and auras. Frog Drop's required item list jumps from loot collectables to plant growing to advanced smith materials. And Blue Touched requiring you to hunt seven Balrons and four other advanced creatures just for an extra +5~+10 in some stats. And this is one of the largest steps, dropping the SlayerQuests down makes it easier to gear up and now you can obtain the Needle Fork for the slayer bonus without needing to complete knowing all the spells (which is technically impossible).

Blue Touched
1. Clothing may be purchased for 100,000gp each from any of the four NPCs from above.
2. You can get bonus properties depending on slot & upgrade.
Hat: Insightfulx2 grants and extra +5 to attack & defend chance.
Hat: Arcanicx2 grants an extra +5 to magery & necro.
Boots: Hastedx2 grants an extra +1 to faster casting.
Sash: Skillfulx2 grants an extra +5 to tactics & wrestling.
Sash: Regenerativex2 grants an extra +10 to regen rates.
Arms: Mighty/Nimble/Intelligentx2 grants an extra +5 to the primary stat.
Cloak: Resistive grants an extra +5 to resistances.

3. BlueNecklace can now be obtained (upgrades are still squirreled away through).
"On-Slot" bonuses is a way to make certain items compete with others. Like as I incorperate SA's properties to can expect an Absorpion enhancement to gain an extra bonus if it's slotted into the cloak. You can always choose Resist/Absorb in any item, but if you want that extra amount you have to pick one for the cloak. And while this is a positive change, giving bonuses rather than removing them, Luck may see a nerf so it can be turned into it's own upgrade.

Needle Fork
1. Is now sold for 1,000,000gp by the Blue NPCs.
Technically this required the Finding Qunia Quest and could appear as drop loot. However only advanced Blue Mages could enter the area. Smaller shards simply may not have enough people interested in the spells & animal taming nerf to pursue this. So the fork that operates as a slayer for all the murder quests can now be directly purchased.

Fair Warning
I have no idea if switching which NPC offers what quest breaks MondainsQuester. I seem to recall deleting the NPC cuased an issue where the quest had to be deleted off the user's completion list but I could be wrong and with 10 years worth of updates between then and now it could always been fixed.


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**Week #2 - Trine Update**
Included are a new BlueOrcCaptain and Trine Spell.

Trine is so old it uses Ability.Aura instead of BlueSpell.SpellEffect. So the spell is updated and slightly larger.

Just a semi-normal Orc Captain, max stats, 500hp, but he casts Trine and summons BlueSkitteringHoppers which use Thrust Kick to shove people all over the map.

BlueSpawn Changes
Below is the follow changes you need to make to BlueSpawn.cs. To update simply go ingame and delete the BlueSpawner using [global interface where bluespawn command then update the script and restort it in game using the [bm spawn command as before.
#region Thrust Kick
// See Trine

#region Trine
spawner = new Spawner();
spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1412, 804, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar );
spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueOrcCaptain" );
spawner.Count = 1;
spawner.HomeRange = 8;
BlueStuff.Add( spawner );
spawner = new Spawner();
spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 1412, 804, -24 ), Map.Ilshenar );
spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "SkitteringHopper" );
spawner.Count = 5;
spawner.HomeRange = 8;
BlueStuff.Add( spawner );
Since the Captain can spawn the Thrust Kick teaching monsters, no other changes are needed.

Hot Patch: Ability.SlideTimer, line 1,114: if (this.m_Mob == null || !this.m_Mob.Alive )
Failure to implement this patch will result in crashing if the mobile dies while sliding.


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Well it look likes the attachments are there. So in case, here is the original BME 1.13. Be sure to apply any updates in this discussion thread.


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** Week #3 - Virtue Update**
This minor update tweaks spells quite a bit to better incorporate virtues since OSI has finally gotten around to using them all.

New VirtueBonus method, if the BlueNecklace is worn it can award points and return their progression as an int.
Remember that special Blue Touched Necklace that's now offered as the highest slayer quest?
Yeah, while wearing it certain spells can benefit from your virtues now. Making it super useful.

Virtue Spell Changes (most castings award +200pts per use)
Compassion - Auto Life: Can award points (res benefits were already included).
Honesty - Dragon Force: +/- 3 to mods, some tweaks, now checks skill caps.
Honor - Magic Hammer: Increases cap, drains 50% (up to 130 mana).
Humility - Demi: Increases cap, drains 50% (up to 130 hp).
Justice - Mind Blast: Offset was capped at 15, virtue can add 15 more doubling the effect.
Spirituality - White Wind: Up to +6hp to each target healed, points awarded is healed amount.
Valor - Fifty Needles: It's finally fifty! Only against monsters and consumes stamina through.
Sacrifice - Blow Up: Deals x2~x5 current hp in damage now.
The exact benefits are not explaned in game, but these spells now have a [Virtue] tag in their description as a reminder.

Anti-Virtue Spell Changes - Shadow Flare
Each casting drains 100 points from each virtue.
However it's base damage is increased by one point for every rank you have.
Knighthood in all eight virtues adds +24 damage before being passed to the SpellHelper.

Anti-Virtue - Ultimate Weapon
BlueUltimateWeapon has been revamped in several ways.
* Rally, Echo Strike, & Bullrush removed.
* New Unholy Burst ability is WIP.
* New Unholy Field is similar to the Six's fire cross but the flames are dark.
* Energy Drain tweaked, it has a cooldown and randomly reduces one virtue by 1,000 points.
* Ethereal Drain remains the same.
* Each melee attack randomly reduces one virtue by 200 points.
* His base melee damage is increased by +2 per victim's virtue that is at 0.
* If your all virtues are at 0 then your spell damage is reduced by 50%.
* New weak point, Shadow Flare deals x5 damage against him.
* This weak point shares virtue drain creating a farming speed bump.
* Defeat he can award up to 3 Power Scrolls in either Forensics or Magic Resistance.
* Non-Blue Mages can receive 105~115s, Blue-Mages can receive 110~120s.
* Chance to receive one is influenced by Luck.
* No spawner updated included, add him wherever you like.

Since distro scripts keep getting changed I have my own arty drop methods now.

Note: Next week's release may be a little late, but this one is a day early.


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** Week #4 - Artificer Unlocked**
This updates and unlocks most of the artificer content.

Updated to require Tinkering, Sandmining, and Stonemining.

Just a vendor that spawns next to the addon.

Just the vendor information, future selling of the Addon once it's fixed for players is possible.

An addon that has a few things you can click on but they don't exactly advertise themselves.
* Portal: Opens the SpellBindingGump.
* Tools: Opens the CraftRuneBowGump.
* Power Crystal: allows you to sacrifice mana to create Arcane Gems.
Originally this was meant as a house addon but I think including the walls ended up preventing it from being placed by players.

Manual Update To BlueSpawn.cs
            #region Arty
            spawner = new Spawner();
            spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 809, 636, 0 ), Map.Ilshenar );
            spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "ArtyVendor" );
            spawner.Count = 1;
            spawner.HomeRange = 0;
            BlueStuff.Add( spawner );
            ArtyCraftTableAddon artyaddon = new ArtyCraftTableAddon();
            artyaddon.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 804, 630, 0 ), Map.Ilshenar );
            BlueStuff.Add( artyaddon );
After adding run the [bluespawn command in game to update. Placement is just east of the stone carving area in Gargoyle City.


Let's Go Back And Remember What This Thing Does!
All of this stuff was present in the release before, it's just only staff could access it by commands. This update opens it up for players to use.

Rune Bow
It takes a crossbow, heavy crossbow, repeating crossbow 10 arcane gems, 2 power crystals, 200 of each magery/necro regents, sextent parts, gears, 5 springs, 10 iron ingots, and the loss of 25.0 points in the skill ItemID to make. It uses ItemID as your weapon skill and only Artificers can use (eg, have itemid, tinkering, be in the artificer guild, have stone/sand mining which requires gm mining). The RuneBow also have SpellDamage +25% as a special property.

It can be make in one of four ways. Accurate, Powerful Quick, or Balanced.
Accurate: 10~22 damage, 5.0 speed (there is no accuracy bonus, will fix later)
Quick: 10~12 damage, 2.75 speed.
Powerful: 20~24 damage, 5.0 speed.
Balanced: 18~22 damage. 4.5 speed.

You can choose one of five.
Draconic: works against all creatures with a breath weapon.
Champion: works against any creature inheriting the BaseChampion class.
Faith: works against any monster using the pre-SA undead body IDs.
Paragon: works against any monster with IsParagon flagged true.
Peerless: works against any creature inheriting the BasePeerless class.
Damage is increased by +100% against the chosen type.

Shot Type
A special feature of the Rune Bow is a charge up shot, this is activated by double clicking the bow while equipped and a menu will appear showing current charge level and give you a button to fire it.
Force Shot: vs physical resistance, single target.
Fire Blast: vs fire resist, small 2 tile area of effect.
Cold Bolts: vs cold resist, line effect six tiles long.
Acid Shot: vs poison resist, single target.
EnergyStorm: vs electricity resist, does nothing (lol, will fix later).

Ever 2 seconds the bow gains one charge. Damage is based on the charge.
Charges: one 10~17; two 12~30; three 14~48; four 16~66; five 18~84. (-33% if it's multiple targets, like fire/cold)
Intelligence / 15 (max +10), and the average of your ItemID & ArmsLore /10 (max +20) are added as a bonus.

These special shots can be performed without breaking up your normal attack rate.

You can craft golems, sweet. After crafting the appear as an item in your backpack you can double click to deploy at any time.
Clay: Bashing/Staff/Fists deal 15 less damage to it, can deal MortalStrike.
Blood: Heals 1/10th the damage it deals and heals you 1/20th it deals too.
Iron: Copies the property of an item used to make it.
Fire: Fire spam, has a fire aura, a hit fireball and hit fire aura mace, deals +2~12 fire damage per hit too.

All golems in theory can only be healed by Artificers by doubleclicking them.
Control chance is based on ItemID, Blue Mages cannot bond to them.

You can craft Magery Wands.
TODO: Special Wand of Mark is reserved but not implemented yet.

Similar to wands but as weapons they gain bonuses based on the wielder's chivalry.
Chivalry 25: Used best skill.
Chivalry 50: +10 speed.
Chivalry 75: +10 attack chance.
Chivalry 100: +10 damage.
Chivalry 110: hit energy area 25%, hit lightning 50%, 50% physical & 50% energy damage.
Chivalry 120: caster speed/recovery +1, 0% physical & 100% energy damage.

Spells: cleanse by fire, close wounds, consecrate weapon, divine fury, and remove curse.

As the maces but staffs.
Necromancy 25: mage weapon -0 skill.
Necromancy 50: cast recovery +1.
Necromancy 75: cast speed +1.
Necromancy 100: +10 defend.
Necromancy 110: hit leech hits 25%, hit fireball 50%, 50% physical & 50% fire.
Necromancy 120: +25 attack chance, hit lower defend 50%, 0% physical & 100% fire.

Spells: animate dead, blood oath, corpse skin, evil omen, pain spike.


Intended Future.
1. Some time later the Accuracy Type and StormShot will be fixed.
2. The three other items will become craftable using items on the bench.
3. Mana needed to forge an arcane gem will decrease based on upgrades once privatized.
4. RuneBow sporting other item properties as upgrades will be added.

But that's all for another day. Designing the bench took longer than I thought.


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I don't know why no one has commented on this yet, I have just been watching and waiting, love what you're doing!
I mean now that you said something, I will:
This is amazing, Peo! I am glad that you are back and finishing off BME! ;) :cool:

(I am pretty sure my message "poking" him about BME, planted the urge to come back to work on it, but the important thing is, Peo came back! :D)
No new release this week. I got a chunk of it done but it occurs to me that I didn't actually test it. So I'm going to add a thing to the log to print the details and ensure it's at least adding things up correctly.

So this week's update is pushed to next week (which originally wasn't going to have a release due to the holidays).
**Last Week Is Today! *Ahem* Week #5 - Scaling Support**

Here is an updated BlueSpawn.cs. Buried at the bottom of the file is a new class called BlueServerState. What this thing does is ten seconds after world load is skim through all the players of your shard that's logged on within the last thirty days. It checks them for a few key skills like all the casting spells, music, taming, stealing, and finally tactics then kicks out some information. Some of this data I plan to use elsewhere but for the Spawner's purposes if you have ten players with at least one of those skills at 100.0 or better they are counted against the Spawner's scaling (a 1~3 level range).

For example, instead of two BlueImps there is now 1 per ten active players (min 1, max 3). There are 2 BlueCactuars per ten active players (min 2, max 6), and so on. This also reduces the number of BlueSnowElementals guarding the path to the Ethereals, going as low as only having one per spawner or as high as three leading to one of the mountain tops having six of them running around. This slightly customizes the difficulty curve of the expansion based on your Shard's available teamwork. People wanting to become Blue Mages in new shards with little support can hope for less monsters to deal with while others on more populated shards wanting to take advantage of the powerful spells will still have to run or fight past dozens of monsters to gather their spells.

Right now the system doesn't automatically update so you'll have to hit run the [bluespawn command to update Spawner scaling every time you notice your playerbase has changed. Later on I'll probably look towards renewing scaled values once a week.


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Week #6 - Example Of Scaling
This week is a relatively minor update but forward progress is progress and at least I didn't skip things because I felt like it :p

Switch Update
If less than ten players with GM Magery are found after world load Switch gains the ability to mark runes by targeting yourself.

And that's pretty much it. Everyone needs runes but even with various spell systems such as vamp, jedi, ACC, etc very little Mark access is given even through several spells require them. So players have to pick up magery (limited for blue mages), ask other players (this system is designed for), or create a mule. So this jump starts a blue mage's access and sort of inverts the deal. Blue magic can mark them but does not use them, so you still need to grab your favorite recall access.


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Hey, early update. Call it a hotfix or something and the good news is it doesn't count against this week's planned release.

It now has a HasMod method. Total oversight about forgetting it. Anway, I apologize and here ya go.

How did this method get added? While tinkering with Mighty Guard I noticed it didn't work so I went to check it. And more experimentation showed Magic Resistance stopped working too. WTF right? Well finally I found the root of the issue. PlayerMobile line 877.
        public override int GetMinResistance(ResistanceType type)
[B]            /*if (IsStaff())
                return -100;

            int magicResist = (int)(Skills[SkillName.MagicResist].Value * 10);
            int min = int.MinValue;

            if (magicResist >= 1000)
                min = 40 + ((magicResist - 1000) / 50);
            else if (magicResist >= 400)
                min = (magicResist - 400) / 15;

            return Math.Max(MinPlayerResistance, Math.Min(MaxPlayerResistance, min));
ServUO forces a staff exception that sets their min resist to -100 which fucks up all kinds of testing. Just comment it out or remove it.
Just A Heads Up.

Moving into January Blue Touched Clothing will break as I'm planning on adjusting the enumerable to add two new options. My OCD says alphabetize most of them and as a result several will shift around in game. Mostly I'm not bothered by this because as the new upgrades come in people will want to reassess their gear combination and because I plan to add a pick-your-upgrade scroll to reduce the overall randomness which can be passed out to players as a "I sorry I tweaked things".


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Week #7 - Ash used Poison Claw!

This weeks release is BlueRottingCorpse!

The Three Undead (and the three items)
The three undead monsters will all be set up to spawn in Specter Dungeon with a special fourth monster following later that's recyling my old Insanity System (it'll be awesome). Anyway, the three major ones are the Rotting Corpse, Wight, and Wraith which may get less generic names later. They share a trait that each melee attack delivers 2 "negative levels" (eg -2.0 penalty to all skills) and they all take 1/2 damage from certain weapons.

BlueWight (already in game)
Teaches the Drain Touch Move, a Blue Magic learnable special attack that allows you to deal negative levels to other monsters (1 per hit, each lasts 5mins). It has a chance to spawn every single time a player dies in Specter Dungeon and it's exact stats scale by how powerful the player that died is. None-BaseBashing weapons deal 1/2 damage. I'd suggest editing your copy to be on Team 1, if not by the end of January I plan to have things synced up for a 1.14 Release.

BlueRottingCorpse (just released)
It can teach the Poison Claw Move and none-BaseKnife (ServUO's fencing?) weapons deal 1/2 damage. Plays the role of clean up for the area, so it's on Team 1, takes no spell damage from monsters, moves fairly fast, and deals x100 damage to monsters. This way it can clean up trash mobs from default spawners as well as create a sort of easy way to attack it by letting it wail on some monsters for a bit.

BlueWraith (next week)
It teaches the newly revamped Night Spell which will be released alongside it, on Team 1, and None-BaseSwords weapons deal 1/2 damage. It also has a 25% chance to drop the BlueShadesBracelet which similar to BlueMalboroRing enhances Night's basic effects. More about this next week!


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Week #8 - Night
It's that time again! Included are three files as Specter Dungeon takes form.

Just a Wraith that deals 2 neg levels and reduces damage from Non-Swords. Can cast Night.

The spell has been completely revamped. Before it did nothing because all the code was commented out. Now it functions as intended and a little different. When cast a large black cloud zooms out from you and everyone caught in the area must make a Fort Save vs being paralyzed (caster automatically fails). Affected creatures while paralyzed shift to a gray tone and can snore. But wait, there's more!

The Wraith has a 25% chance to drop the Shades Bracelet which is part of the three wearable item set that improves Blue Spells. While worn it allows the Night Spell to steal nearby deco items provided every creature affected is put to sleep. You need four hundred skill points totaled out of Forensics, Magic Resist, and Stealingx2 (aka 100.0 in each, but having 120.0 in one can lower the need in others). And (currently because I'm lazy) it has a 100% change of working while Stealing can fail a few times so that'll probably get patched later. Anyway, using Shard Scaling if there are less than 10 people with 100.0 Stealing you can effectively start grabbing deco with a lower skill total (300, aka 100.0 forensics/magicresist & 50.0 stealing) by chasing this spell and item down. Note this only affects decoration items created by the StealableArtifactsGenerator. Grabbing those things often requires several people to fight off the monsters in the Tokuno dungeons and depending on a server's skill limit it may even require a dedicated thief. So this can be used to jump start into picking those items up.


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Week #9 - Merry Christmas

So I didn't get everything done for Specter Dungeon. Lame I know right? Blame the holidays and flu season (no wait, everyone has COVID because the flu doesn't exist anymore). So here is just the spell and item.

Revised Shield
Purely uses the temp enhance deal already supported by ServUO. You can cast this on yourself and it gives you half your skill bonus (eg +1 per 5 with a potential +5 gm bonus) in elemental absorption. So like 12 points at GM, which is sad because this was heavily nerfed compared to back in the day.
Knights in Compassion & Justice also gain the ability to cast this on others, and when cast on someone else the bonus improves by +6.
Finding the Earrings for the spell gives another +5 bonus.
And finally having at least 20.0 in Healing provides another +5 bonus.
It's enough that under ideal conditions it can take you to the 30 cap.

While in effect it drains the target's mana by 2 per second until another BlueMage chooses to end it by recasting on them or the target run out of mana. This can make it an extremely useful buff if you have enough mana regeneration through the drain will slow down any magic spam.

The aura (looks like discordance) is also adjustable, defaulting to blue but if you're wearing a BlueShirt it attempts to copy the hue. Pink Mages unite!

"Scarlet" is coming soon, just not this week. Merry Christmas anyway.


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Week #10 - The Filler
With the Holiday's hitting I figured I'd be taking a week off somewhere. Well, I happen to have this little tweak already done so I might as well release it.

Malboro's Ring
Old version had LMC 10%, mana +15, and potions +25%.
New version is +20 dex (shades bracelet is +20 str, shielded earrings is +20 int) & potions +25%.

Bad Breath
The dynamic of the Ring has been altered. Previously the ring made it impossible to resist. Now it just increases the DC by +5, improves the debuff by +3, and improves the range by +1. Poisoning the target now requires 20.0 in the poisoning skill, it's and possible to debuff magic resistance without the ring.

Due to the tweaks with the spell it now has the poisoning skill. Magic Resist increased up to a 120.0 for max value, however it's HP has been decreased to 800~900hp.

Remember what I said about Blue Touched going to have another update but this one will break enhancements? Well, it's coming. Each piece of clothing is losing it's 200 luck bonus and here is a side by side to give you an idea of the planned changes (so far) for the enhancements coming in January.
Arcanic: +10% LRC, & +5 Mage/Necro.
--- Archmagi: +20% LRC, +10 Mage/Necro.
--- Head: +20% LRC, +15 Mage/Necro.
Old Arcanic: +5% SDI, +10% LRC, & +5 Mage/Necro.
--- Old Archmagi: +10% SDI, +20% LRC, +10 Mage/Necro

--- Old Head: +15 Mage/Necro.
Arcanic is losing it's Spell Damage Increase.
Hasted: +1 FCR, FC 1.
--- Quicksilver: +2 FCR, +2 FC.
--- Shirt: +4 FCR, +2 FC.
Old Hasted: +1 FCR, +10% Melee Speed.
--- Quicksilver: +2 FCR, +1 FC, +20% Speed.

--- Shoes: +2 FCR, +2 FC.
The slot for Hasted is changed and is a pure caster themed item now.
Insightful: Hit +12%, Defend +12%, Nightsight.
--- Foresight: DCI +25%, HCI +25%.
--- Shirt: DCI +30%, HCI +30%.
Old Insightful: Hit +12%, Defend +12%, Nightsight.
--- Foresight: HCI +25%, DCI +25%.

--- Helm: DCI +30%, HCI +30%.
Skillful: +7 Tactics & Wrestling.
--- Experienced: +15 Tactics/Wrestling.
--- Head: +20 Tactics/Wrestling.
Old Skillful: +7 Tactics & Wrestling.
--- Experienced: +15 Tactics/Wrestling.

--- Sash: +20 Tactics/Wrestling.
The slot used for extra bonuses were changed.
Intelligent/Mighty/Nimble: +10 Int/Str/Dex & +15 Mana/Hits/Stam.
--- Knowledge: +20 X, +30 Y.
--- Arms: +30 X, +30 Y.
Old Intelligent/Mighty/Nimble: +10 X & +15 Y.
--- Knowledge: +20 X, +30 Y.

--- Arms: +25 X, +30 Y.
Tiny bump of +5 to primary stat.
Regenerative: Regen All +5.
--- Undying: Regen All +10.
--- Cloak: Regen All +15.
Old Regenerative: Regen All +4.
--- Undying: Regen All +8.

--- Sash: Regen All +10.
Regeneration reduced by 2/3rds so Shield's mana loss is harder to offset.
Resistive: Resist All +5 (total +10).
--- Fortification: Resist All +15 (total +20).
--- Cloak: Resist All +25 (total +30).

This remains the same.
Conflictive: +10% DI, +10% SSI.
--- Quarreling: +20% DI, +20% SSI.
--- Sash: +30% DI, +30% SSI.
New Destructive: +10% SDI, LMC 10%.
--- Catastrophic: +25% SDI, LMC 25%.
--- Sash: +30 SDI, LMC 30%.
New Fortunate: +200 Luck.
--- Rewarding: +500 Luck.
--- Belt: +777 Luck.

Three new enhancements have been added, including the expected Luck spin out.
--- Principled: LMC 20%.
--- Virtuous: SDI 20%, LMC 20%.
--- Old "Efficient": LMC 15%.
--- Old "Wisdom": LMC 30%.

And the Necklace-specific bonuses were tweaked.

Which makes the new slot competition look like this.
--- Archmagi: +20% LRC, +15 Mage/Necro.
--- Experienced: +20 Tactics/Wrestling.
--- Quarreling: +30% DI, +30% SSI.
--- Catastrophic: Sash: +30 SDI, LMC 30%.
--- Quicksilver: +4 FCR, +2 FC.
--- Foresight: Nightsight, DCI +30%, HCI +30%.
--- Rewarding: +777 Luck.
--- Knowledge: +30 Int, +30 Mana.
--- Draconic: +30 Str, +30 HP.
--- Mithral: +30 Dex, +30 Stam.
--- Undying: Regen All +15.
--- Fortification: Resist All +30.

Which splits up the warrior vs caster up a little better.

Before finalizing I hope to add a conflicting belt upgrade forcing you to choose between increased loot chances and something else (I'm just drawing a blank). And it is a later goal to expand on the BlueMoves. Tweaking old ones as well as adding some new ones. Going into 2022 I realize UO is probably dead, but I feel like I'd like to wrap this thing up with 35 different spells and hopefully get Traveler/Mansion done as well as three new melee attacks.

Also have a patch for you.
BlueSpell.GetDamage, line 324.
            if ( bonus > 25 )
                bonus = 25;
Officially Spell Damage is only capped at +25% in PvP not PvM.
Also it seems I forgot your Intelligence bonus to damage.
            if ( bonus > 25 && target.Player )
                bonus = 25;

            bonus += (from.Int / 10);
I almost didn't even catch this. When I unpacked v1.13 I grabbed some personal files strung about and threw them together with it which included this fix. Well I tweaked BlueSpell to test something I just used the v1.13 version to change it back. This made my equipped numbers drop and I had no idea why. A day or two later I tracked it down and was like oops.


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Week #11 - When Inspiration Doesn't Kick In, Just Finish Something Else
And this week, Scarlet's new attack ability becomes it's own spell! Eerr, sorry testing in process.
Pretty basic release, I realized Magic Hammer and Vanish still don't have monsters yet.

Nothing too special, just kind of a trolling gag. All melee attacks deal 1 damage while spells deal x2 damage, except ti spams Magic Hammer which reduces it's target's mana to prevent you from casting spells on it.

I have a chunk of BlueSpawn updates with this through.
            #region Bad Breath
            spawner = new Spawner();
            spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 453, 1374, -43 ), Map.Ilshenar );
            spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueMalboro" );
            BlueStuff.Add( spawner );

            #region Magic Hammer
            spawner = new Spawner();
            spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 488, 1289, -46 ), Map.Ilshenar );
            spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueQuagmire" );
            BlueStuff.Add( spawner );

            #region Shadow Flare
            spawner = new Spawner();
            spawner.MoveToWorld( new Point3D( 2113, 1027, -30 ), Map.Ilshenar );
            spawner.SpawnNames.Add( "BlueUltimaWeapon" );
            spawner.Team = 1;
            BlueStuff.Add( spawner );
Malboro wasn't spawning and so no one has to worry about doing it Ultimate Weapon spawns. His spawner sets him to Team 1 so he'll kill everything near him as a trash clean up. Anyway, the locations in plain text should be the bog for the two plants and the end of Blood Dungeon for Ultima.

Voxpire was kind enough to mention IPooledEnumerable doesn't crash when foreach is used with it. So I got side tracked in removing buffing code out of BlueSpell to improve performance.


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Week #12 - Did You Know? Adding New Spells Is Easy.
I won't be around this week due to workload so I figured I'd just release this early, it's only like 1/10th tested :p

New Move: War Dance
The move attempts to auto-ready it's self and isn't cleared on a miss. If you successfully hit you apply 1 stack of the effect. Once per second the target takes 1 damage. After 3 seconds the effect ends. However, if you successfully hit again the effect is increased, dealing 2 damage per second!

The effect stacks up to a maximum of ten times and up to ten damage per second. Every three seconds the stack is reduced by one, if three such stacks are removed without being renewed the entire effect ends. The effect currently does not work against PvP through players and monsters can use it against each other. The damage is flat rate with no randomization and bypasses resistance. Obviously this is a beta release. And similar to the other spells and effects presented in this system, I have continued what UO would call innovation by presenting a stacking DoT effect. Through in reality effects like this exist on other MMOs. And while overall it makes Blue MAgic seem like it's all over the place, keep in mind it also serves as a tool for you to use to learn how to create your own effects.

How To Add It
Just open Blue Magic/Core/BlueSpellInfo.cs, line 48ish. Add a comma to the WhiteWind line then just add WarDance.
            typeof( TrineSpell ),            //

            typeof( VanishSpell ),             //
            typeof( WhiteWindSpell ),        // BlueEtherealWarrior (white and holy prefix)
            typeof( WarDanceMove )
And that's literally it. As staff you can teach yourself the move by just using the command '[bm learnall' and the gump will automatically update, save files will adjust, etc.

In 1.14 the array will be updated to maintaining it's alphabetical line up (meaning knowing WhiteWind before the update means you'll know WarDance afterwards) but it's not like anyone is apparently using this expansion anyway based on feedback. :p


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I promise I haven't died. Not having a Pandora or Fiddler that I can just download and run has been a huge problem in wanting to even see or use the new decoration items (and by new, I mean Pandora hosted here barely even loads SE's art. That's 2004 mind you, eighteen years ago). Which is kind of why I went with a blood theme for Specter. However I wanted to use some of the "Evil/Shadow" Deco items and realized ServUO never included the tokens, items, and such. So I had to track down those scripts so I could grab the ItemIDs.

On the upside, playing around with War Dance has been kind of cool.
I promise I haven't died. Not having a Pandora or Fiddler that I can just download and run has been a huge problem in wanting to even see or use the new decoration items (and by new, I mean Pandora hosted here barely even loads SE's art. That's 2004 mind you, eighteen years ago). Which is kind of why I went with a blood theme for Specter. However I wanted to use some of the "Evil/Shadow" Deco items and realized ServUO never included the tokens, items, and such. So I had to track down those scripts so I could grab the ItemIDs.

On the upside, playing around with War Dance has been kind of cool.
Still using Fiddler 4.6g myself.
But, I also have the shadow should have PM'd Lol
Probably. I've also killed some time just mashing "[m inc itemid 1" to poke around at stuff. Which is an extremely slow way to do things, specially when you hit unused IDs, but all well. In any case, I really haven't added to much to it either but it "works" for the most part.

Like right now for testing it's coded to appear if I'm wearing the Malboro's Bracelet. If I take it off, all of the addon vanishes. It can only be seen while wearing the placeholder.


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So I don't have anything related to UO moved to this computer yet and I realized I never posted the Scarlet stuff. Once I get this FFXI crap figured out I'll try to get the entire package together and posted for v2.
I get the FFXI server working and 8hrs later my one and only fan asks about Blue Magic. It's like, I went to bed. But here, I grabbed the WardanceMove.cs (you guys really should read through it once, it's an awesome effect to replicate for your own customs) and tweaked it.

Line 47 should read
attacker.SendMessage( "You continue to dance with your opponent. Dance " + m_Dancers[attacker.Serial].Stack );
instead of telling people you started the dance (you already did).

You can tweak the damage like this as well (*warning: I did this in the reply box, it's not even compile checked*)
                int damage = 1 * Stack;

                if ( Dance.FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Neck ) is BlueNecklace )
                    damage += VirtueHelper.GetLevel( Dancer, VirtueName.Valor );
                    Caster.Virtues.Valor += 50;

                damage = (damage * (100 + -((int)(Target.Skills.MagicResist.Value / 5)) + (AosAttributes.GetValue( Dancer, AosAttribute.SpellDamage ) / 5) + Utility.RandomMinMax( -10, 10 ))) / 100;

                if ( damage < 1 )
                    damage = 1;

                Target.Damage( damage, Dancer );
This sets the base damage to the number of times the effect has been layered on (max 10).
Then since it's meant to be a Valor move we got a bonus for that.
Spell Damage Increase is now factored but at 1/5th scale.
Since it's spell like, Magic Resist applies and works like SDI, reducing damage but a % equal to 1/5th scale.
Next we given it a random range because it's an industry standard, in this case +/- 10%.
At 10 stacks, 100% SDI, Knighthood in Valor, and against a target with 0.0 Magic Resist, it deals 14~16 damage per second and deals an average of 126 damage before clearing. Of course, that's ignoring building the stacks up and trying to maintain them. So 100 mana for 126 damage may seem like a turn off as a "blasting" effect, but once running it's peak efficiency under these numbers is 10 mana for 45 damage which is rather nice.

Anyway, I'll see you guys in a week or two.
Hey guys, I heard on Discord I forgot to provide a repack of all the mods so far. I'm so sorry. I thought I had everything up to Scarlet before I moved to my new computer and got buried under Elden Ring and the back order of games I missed. Which was only like 6, but a nearly year later and I still haven't even hit the 300hr mark on gaming. Adulting life amiright?
Anyway, I had a chance to go through my files this morning and I thankfully found a back up made twenty days past my last post so I probably don't have to redo much. Either way, looking to get it out after Thanksgiving. Running some stuff to another programmer to check things now.
So, fun fact. A lot of stuff has changed.

I started working on these updates a year ago during Publish 54. And remnants from my old custom script development from Orbsydia as still being used. Like for example the TimedResistanceMod, aka the ability to add a resistance buff or penalty for a limited time, has been (correctly) incorporated into ServUO's Mobile now instead of being a script sided patch to RunUO's missing content. So the whole package is a little out of date. I'm going to go ahead and post it, so you have it, but it doesn't work with the new Publish updates over the last year.

As of this morning I posted my Pub54+BME as a requested reference to Google Drive and someone else is working on the update to work with a newer server.

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Minor update, no I have not died!

Working on updating to Publish 57. A lot of stuff has been changed (BagOfNecromancerRegents is now BagOfNecroRegents, srsly that's a thing that got broken) and I've been warned Pub58 broke even more. But since the compiler changed (it uses something called Roslyn) and you have to download all sorts of .NET Frameworks to even use the newest server. I'm just updating to 57.

This also means assembling all the updates provided here and some others I was working on. But one thing I wanted to do was post this update to the BlueSkillBall. If you're not familiar with it, it is a blue snowglobe that when double clicked opens a gump that automatically populates out a list of skills based on the server's set up (aka it updates to customs and new content), you can then enter the exact value you wish to set each skill at. Finally it tries to award you the New Haven skill quest rewards so you don't miss out on those for using a skill boost. You can also create a ball that does not award items.

This update cuts a lot of redundant code out and now keeps your entries in case you make an error instead of having to redo the entire thing. I feel like I should highlight existing save data and any custom code, like you added this ball to your charactercreation.cs file, should be supported. And special thanks to Voxphire for all his feedback and recent support as I update myself to the new .NET library and ServUO.


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Before I forget, in Pub57 you will need to fix an error. Since this was a bit misunderstood in Discord. Let me try to explain it a bit better this time. If you open Server/Mobile.cs near the top you'll find the Mods Region. And all three are different, SkillMod sets up skill mods and Default/Equiped/Timed give you options on how to handle them. StatMod is just one class and adds a cool string comparison, like Agility & Bless don't stack because their names are the same instead only the highest bonus applies. And well ResistanceMod seems to combine the worst of those. This means every time you want to handle it you have to write your own add/check/remove methods for all those mods High Seas+ uses. My old work around was a user friendly drag and drop and here we are at Pub58 with no alternative. So there, all caught up?

Anyway, the problem is Pub 57 doesn't either. The TimedResistanceMod is there but I can't use it as is because for some unexplainable reason someone went into the file and deleted the HasMod method. Rather than creating a patch of a patch of a patch, you can just paste this line in or grab the file and revert it back.
        public static bool HasMod( Mobile m, string name ) { return m_Table.ContainsKey( name + ":" + m.Serial.ToString() ); }


As for new stuff. I got someone's UOFiddler to work with the new client. I have no idea which one it was to know where I grabbed it from or if it needs the extended MULs posted over in Pandora's support. All I know is I rar'ed the entire thing as is so I can do it again later lol.

And I love all the new animated tools and stuff. And the world portals? idk know what those are for but they seem so cool. And you know what, I think it looks awesome for Shadow Flare's animation. I also found a cool hit animation for the Monk's strike. It's 0xA7E3 if you want to check it out in game. Files files included for the heck of it.

I also did my own deletion, Eldritch will not have armor support and I cut most of the weapon stuff out before gluing it to RuneBow. The system was originally modeled after Greensteel from Dungeons & Dragons Online. For example, in that system most people built a MinII or LitII weapon for offense. The first upgrade was Holy, which added +2d6 good damage to each hit. The second was Earth or Air which added Acid/Electricity Burst, which added +1d6 more damage and a 10% chance to deal 1d10 per critical multiplier. The third upgrade you'd duel-element it, Mineral added a lot of durability, damage reduction bypass, and +1d8 bleeding damage making it a good all arounder. Lightning II added Lightning Strike, which had a 2% chance to trigger and dealt 20d20+400 electricity damage. Cool gear huh? Well obviously I had to decrease the damage and it's now only done in four elemental resists and a lower unresisted type. But still, it exists and it even continues to stack. Each hit Flaming + Flaming Burst + Flaming Blast adds +3~18 damage, two 10% chances to deal 1~10, and one 2% chance to deal 10~35 to the area. It's an average of +12.3 damage through resistances apply but those big hits are so cool. Anyway, I hope this makes the bow more useful. Of course, you can expect to quest for a few days to work on upgrading it. :p

And I'm out for vacation! Have fun.


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