john burns submitted a new resource:

Body Sash of Giant Strength - Its a body sash with +10 to strength, and it is cursed. **See Posting.

Ok, I was thinking of keeping this one to myself and for my shard only, but since this was my FIRST actual undertaking of making a bonafide working script......well, I felt I should let the baby go and see the world. Besides that, I was overly excited that I got it working; with help.

This is a drop-in, restart server, and that is it.
No core mods are necessary.

And so, here is......

Body Sash of Ettin Strength

Credits go out to:
Thank you to MondainsTriumph for creating the...

Read more about this resource...
Does it switch the Body Value to 401 always?
Or does it switch the players body value?

Case 1)
A) Males Wears It = Becomes Female
B) Female Wears It = Stays Female

Case 2)
A) Males Wears It = Becomes Female
B) Female Wears It = Becomes Male

Active Shards


Total amount