john burns submitted a new resource:

BodySashofEttinStrength - BodySash that turns Men into Women, and Women into Men.

Ok people, with quite a bit of help from people that I gave credit to in the script, here it is.

BodySash of Giant Strength version 2.0

This can be worn by Humans, Elves, AND Gargoyles.
Turns Males to Females AND Females to Males, and back again when it is taken off.

Have fun with it people. I can only imagine what you can do with it.

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if you equip sash you lost FacialHair forever.

and OnRemove method u have: from.DisplayGuildTitle = true;
and immediately then you do: from.DisplayGuildTitle = from.GuildTitle != null;

One thing can contradict another.
if you equip sash you lost FacialHair forever.

and OnRemove method u have: from.DisplayGuildTitle = true;
and immediately then you do: from.DisplayGuildTitle = from.GuildTitle != null;

One thing can contradict another.

I will look into that. Give me time for I am also working on another project.
I am sure everyone knows this, but you can change the itemid to whatever you want it to be and have more than just a sash. You can have a cloak, gloves, boots...whatever.

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