ServUO Version
Publish Unknown
Ultima Expansion
So I've JUST begun trying to figure this out and I'm having a terrible time. Hope someone can point me in a direction. The few steps outlined on the servuo gethub don't seem to work for either windows or linux... well, to be fair I got the exe to compile on windows but it wasn't the github that got me there. However it errors out when asking for the working directory when you first run it. The only tutorial I can find for linux is from 2014 and several tools they used have since been removed from the linux repository. I'm having a terrible time compiling and installing from source so before I continued to pingpong I thought I'd ask if there was a current up to date working guide to initial installation that I'm just not seeing.

P.S. - the form here in the forum wants me to list the servuo version and ultima expansion but I don't have either yet. On windows it's whatever the newest build is but the VM is spun down and I don't know off hand. On linux I haven't even gotten to the point of downloading servuo yet.
Make sure to have Ultima Online installed on the machine (Presuming Windows)

Then download the zip from github, unzip, double click => Compile.Win-Release

then after it compiles, use the ServUO.exe to launch Server, then get Razor or UOClassic and use them to launch client!

Should be that easy
Thank you for the reply. The machine I'm installing on is different from where the client is. It's a VM on a headless proxmox server.
iirc all you need are the client files in a folder and then point the datapath.cfg to them, they don't have to be the same files the client uses, just the same as far as map/static etc etc for data. I've never set the server up this way so I could be wrong but I'm sure I've seen others do this! Otherwise someone else might jump in and help out with more exp in this dept!
iirc all you need are the client files in a folder and then point the datapath.cfg to them, they don't have to be the same files the client uses, just the same as far as map/static etc etc for data. I've never set the server up this way so I could be wrong but I'm sure I've seen others do this! Otherwise someone else might jump in and help out with more exp in this dept!
Trouble is I only found one or two sources that say WHAT files to move but it a) doesn't say precisely WHERE to move them and b) includes files that don't exist at all in the client.
@Fiberdygibits I would just copy the entire Ultima online folder and then place it on the machine where the server is, then edit the DataPath.cfg file in the Config Folder in ServUO to point to where you placed the UO Folder. It'll use the files it needs and disregard the rest in that folder, the only worry about what files to have would be more due to space, having useless files!

@KinaMonster As far as the Zip for ServUO, Click Download top of this page, take you to github, then in the Green Button Code, download zip!
Also Fiber, have you ever set up a server locally, meaning, just having it all on your machine? If not, maybe do that route first, get a feel for the entire set up without having to edit datapath etc etc. Jumping to a external server host set up, is like a new swimmer picking the ocean to swim in!
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@Fiberdygibits I would just copy the entire Ultima online folder and then place it on the machine where the server is, then edit the DataPath.cfg file in the Config Folder in ServUO to point to where you placed the UO Folder. It'll use the files it needs and disregard the rest in that folder, the only worry about what files to have would be more due to space, having useless files!

@KinaMonster As far as the Zip for ServUO, Click Download top of this page, take you to github, then in the Green Button Code, download zip!
View attachment 19365
Also Fiber, have you ever set up a server locally, meaning, just having it all on your machine? If not, maybe do that route first, get a feel for the entire set up without having to edit datapath etc etc. Jumping to a external server host set up, is like a new swimmer picking the ocean to swim in!
I will try just copying the whole game, but there is one thing that concerns me: The servuo files already include a number of files AND folders in the directory where it says to copy the game files. Will changing that default directory point it away from OTHER files it needs? ie will I be giving it two directories where it only can look at one?

Also I have not setup a local servuo before tho I have worked with other server software quite a bit. I'll give that a shot perhaps. However after I made my post I got to the point where Mono and dotnet are both installed and working fine but servuo won't compile so I need to either make a new post or update this original. later today after more coffee:) Thanks for the input.
It just needs to be able to find and read the essential files such as maps and tile data...
The server needs to be aware of the game files so that it can do things like validate your movement and make sure players aren't hacking.

Dump the client in its entirety into any directory, whatever path you choose - inside the ServUO root or outside, wherever - just make sure your data path is properly configured to point at that path. The data path setting is solely for this function.
It just needs to be able to find and read the essential files such as maps and tile data...
The server needs to be aware of the game files so that it can do things like validate your movement and make sure players aren't hacking.

Dump the client in its entirety into any directory, whatever path you choose - inside the ServUO root or outside, wherever - just make sure your data path is properly configured to point at that path. The data path setting is solely for this function.
Thank you, cool. The config file was unclear about that so I appreciate it. I am unsure, would these be a reason it wouldn't compile? Or would this just prevent it from running after it's compiled?
Thank you, cool. The config file was unclear about that so I appreciate it. I am unsure, would these be a reason it wouldn't compile? Or would this just prevent it from running after it's compiled?
It wouldn't prevent it from compiling/buildings - yes, it would prevent it from starting up if it can't find the files; usually it'll warn about "tiledata.mul" before anything else as that's the most heavily referenced file in the project core API.

You likely just need to install .NET Framework 4.8 (both SDK and Runtime separately) - and .NET 5.0 to be safe.

If you haven't already, I recommend installing Visual Studio 2022 too - you can load ServUO.sln up with VS that way, and have access to all the modern development features including code completion and highlighting. Don't fall into the notepad(++) trap and get stuck there :p
It wouldn't prevent it from compiling/buildings - yes, it would prevent it from starting up if it can't find the files; usually it'll warn about "tiledata.mul" before anything else as that's the most heavily referenced file in the project core API.

You likely just need to install .NET Framework 4.8 (both SDK and Runtime separately) - and .NET 5.0 to be safe.

If you haven't already, I recommend installing Visual Studio 2022 too - you can load ServUO.sln up with VS that way, and have access to all the modern development features including code completion and highlighting. Don't fall into the notepad(++) trap and get stuck there :p
I've got .net 5.0 sdk and runtime already, but not 4.8. I've got visual studio on my windows desktop so as was pointed out separately I'll try setting all this up there just to get a feel. Just had other things going on today:)
theres a coupe of weird files you need installed for servuo to compile. its been a while but i think its dotnetfix and maybe something else. if i remember correctly its 1 or 2 things. kinda screws me around ever time i try to run a server.
on windows 10 you shouldnt have any issue but on a fresh install of windows server you need specific dotnetfix for it to work.
or like i said something else i cant remember maybe someone else can help with this.
i made a folder in it i have servuo server and data files (the files from UO client...)
i made another folder for player datapath to use for razor..
so 2 datapath folders are required 1 for server and one for player/client

setting up instructions

after you get it running then youll prob. run into this problem
client must match the expansion era.. or cliloc issues arise

these instructions helped me alot in the begining