
I'm working on an Xmlspawner project that is sort of like a Castle Defense kind of event. A player uses siege weapons (cannons and/or catapults) with enhanced cannonballs to defeat waves of enemies before they can penetrate through the defenses. Right now, things are very basic, but I'm open to suggestions as this will be a public release once I'm done with it. It is currently being developed for a single player, but I can easily see this as being something for a group to do as well, with players assuming different positions to fire different weapons and defend different areas. I will be setting up a basic release and posting instructions on how one can further expand it by adding more defense positions, changing rewards, etc.

A few things to keep in mind:
1. Siege weapons have to be loaded with a cannonball every time they are fired. That means a player must be present to double click the weapon AND target an enemy.
2. Players would still be able to fight (hand-to-hand), but not with pets, unless "you" set it up differently to prevent such things.

I apologize for taking so long to get this post updated. This is not strictly an Xmlspawner system, as it does contain a few extra scripts. Consider also that this system was designed for a specific location (CDCastleAddon), so all the Xmlspawners are set up with that in mind.

The only thing that MUST be added before the system can be used are the Waypoints.
(see the screenshots of the small castle for Waypoint positions)

The archive file attached contains ALL the files for the system, including:
NPCs (XmlQuestNPCs with config files, Specially created NPCs for this system, except regular Orcs)
Addons (for bases, castle itself, a ladder, and outlines)
Custom Traps (spike trap, gas trap, saw trap, fire column)
Schematics (two versions that can be combined and turned in for "points")
Gold Tree (reward item someone posted many moons ago...let me know so I can give credit)


I'm going to assume that if you are reading this, you have already installed XmlSiege for Xmlspawner.

Once you get the archive unzipped, you will see 5 folders (Addons, Items, Mobiles, Rewards, Spawners) and two files (Defender_Notes.txt, SpawnerNotes.txt).

Addons - 7 files, the only one you have to place is the CDCastleAddon (Mine is in Northern Malas, beyond all the orc forts).

Items - 5 files, all handled by the Xmlspawners.

Mobiles - 9 files, all .npc files must be transferred to your XmlQuestNPC folder, leaving CDGolem.cs by itself.

Rewards - 1 file, handled by the Xmlspawners.

Spawners - 1 file, CDSpawners.xml. If you use XmlNewLoad, these will be placed in Malas and will help you in placing the Castle itself. You could also use XmlNewLoadHere and target the location to load them, or edit the XML file and change these settings:
NOTE: Using XmlNewLoad adds a long string to the Xmlspawner name, i.e. original name: CDBanner, new load name: CDBanner-0d1345679-195, just delete the -0d etc so the original name is all that is left.

Waypoint placement - Add Waypoint and target the ground where you want it to be. Use the overview images and line up the waypoints to your shard (waypoints are black runes on my shard).

Waypoint set up - Okay, this part gets a tad tricky, because you can lose your place. I would suggest using one set of Waypoints at a time. Once the master set of stairs has been reached, all the Waypoints converge into one path. Start from the spawn location and as you place them, connect them together (double-click on the first Waypoint and target the second. Double-click the second and target the third, etc).

After you load the Xmlspawners (CDSpawners.xml), it is VERY important to open the 3 Orc spawners and change the Waypoint value in the Orc entry to MATCH the first Waypoint for each path (Each Orc spawner has 3 entries for Orcs, see the following example).

orc/Name/Orc Attacker/ADD,1/<Fork/Name/CDTrigger_Orc1/Movable/False/Visible/False>/Combatant/{GETONSPAWN,CDProtector,1}/Warmode/True/RangePerception/50/ATTACH/<xmldeathaction/action/@SETONTHIS/DELETE>/CurrentWayPoint/0x0x40256A4C/X/5513/Y/1150/Z/0

CurrentWayPoint = the serial of the first Waypoint along each path.
XYZ values are specific to exactly where the Orcs should spawn, change accordingly.


Once all the files have been moved, Xmlspawners have been loaded, Waypoints have been placed and linked, Orcs have had their Waypoints changed to match the Serials of newly placed Waypoints...
Walk over to Giselle (Xmlspawner - CDStarter1), respawn her if she's not spawned, switch to player mode and ask her to Reset please and then the entire system will respawn and be setup properly, ready to be played.

How it works:

Players speak with Giselle to begin Castle Defender (Giselle can also reset the system, in case it bugs while someone is playing) and she gives them 4 options - Ready (starts the game), How does it work? (explains the game), No thanks (cancel), Reset please (allows players to reset Castle Defender).

Note: Using Reset please will ALWAYS respawn the entire system. If a player is on level 3 and has to reset, they go back to level 1.

After players select Ready, the Red Spawn portals appear in three locations and the player is teleported to the first Siege Weaponry placement, next to Tolly (Tolly, Johns, and Travis each offer an option of a catapult or a cannon). Once a siege weapon has been selected, Tolly disappears and the weapon appears, along with some Exploding Cannonballs. Both the catapult and the cannon require the player to double-click on a pile of cannonballs and target the weapon to load it. Double click the weapon and target an Orc to fire each weapon. Reload, double click, target. Rinse and repeat.

All three siege weaponry NPCs MUST be used in order to begin the match. On the top floor of the small castle, players will find the last siege weaponry NPC (Travis), Kimmy the Summoner (allows players to turn in Schematics to receive a weak or tough golem), and Michaelson.

Unless a player has schematics to turn in to Kimmy, simply speak to Michaelson and the first round will begin.


Players complete each round by killing all the Orcs that spawn. After three rounds of play and all Orcs have been killed, the game is over and the rewards are handed out.
Players can also lose if an Orc reaches the Banner on the top floor of the small castle.

Additional Setup:
This system does support adding MORE rounds, than just the three it is setup for by default.

One known issue is that players can have cannonballs wind up in their backpacks. An Xmlspawner to delete those before they leave the area is all that is needed. Any other issues with this, I'm here to help. Enjoy!


  • Overview1.png
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  • Overview2.png
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  • Overview3.png
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  • Castle Defender.zip
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Sounds cool. One of my guilds on OSI has been planning cannon battles with our ships. This would be cool as a guild war event. Build a castle with destructible walls. One guild defends, one attacks, pvp battle to finish it off. You could disable res and make it a last man standing or set up a capture the flag type of event. You would have to make it instanced or raid vs raid, some way of limiting team size.
Sounds cool. One of my guilds on OSI has been planning cannon battles with our ships. This would be cool as a guild war event. Build a castle with destructible walls. One guild defends, one attacks, pvp battle to finish it off. You could disable res and make it a last man standing or set up a capture the flag type of event. You would have to make it instanced or raid vs raid, some way of limiting team size.

You can limit all that via Xmlspawner by just teleporting those with "special keys" in groups, like a Peerless and then have the XmlQuestNPC despawn when someone or a group is "using" their keys.

The PvP aspect is in the works as well, but this is actually less complicated lol But there are some nice PvP systems that have never been released to the public that could easily be incorporated with Xmlspawner to build a system using siege materials and weaponry.
I will post screenshots on my website and some with the tutorial, but I'm still working on the next patch. :)

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