I made this video tutorial on how to Install and Setup the Server\Client for CentrED+.
The video is available in 720p and 1080p.
I was very nervous as this was my first tutorial video, so please excuse anything that sounds dumb. I probably recorded this 50 times before i was happy enough with it make it public.
Additional information
The video is available in 720p and 1080p.
I was very nervous as this was my first tutorial video, so please excuse anything that sounds dumb. I probably recorded this 50 times before i was happy enough with it make it public.
The examples in this tutorial will be using C:\CentrED & C:\Ultima Online you can replace this with where ever you have installed CentrED+ and UO .
1. Download CentrED+ from the link above.
2. Run the installer as an administrator (win7)
3. Make sure the CentrED+ Server box is checked it is required for local usage.
4. After the install is complete navigate to the PEBinaries folder and launch cedserver.exe
5. A cmd window will open and you will now begin the creation process for cedserver.xml
Language file... if you speak English just hit enter. CentrED+ supports English, Italian, Russian and Spanish out of the box.
If you'd like your CentrED+ server to use another language you type C:\CentrED\Language\Russian.ini and hit enter replace Russian with Spanish or Italian if you prefer those languages.
Port... If you are only going to be using CentrED+ locally just type in the default port it does not matter. If you are going to have people connect to you and you wish to custom the port they connect to you with this is when you type it in and hit enter.
Paths Settings.. These are the mul files that you will be using and editing with CentrED+.
You want to include the entire directory and file name.
If you want to edit a map other then Felucca(0) change the 0 after map0, staidx0 and statics0 to the map you wish to edit.
Maps Settings...
Width: Pre-v6.0= 768 | Post-v6.0 = 896
Height = 512
Format... This depends on what your UO Client version is. you can find the flag you need here:http://dev.uoquint.ru/projects/centred/wiki/Start_and_server_setup#Configuration-file
on that page Above Sizes of Standard maps you'll see "Thus, standard values of flags for standard clients:"
I use HS between - so my flag would be 0x000C
Admin username: IS CASE SENSITIVE
Admin Password: the password is hidden so when you type you wont see it but you will be typing.
6. If you did everything correctly it will create a cedserver.xml file and Begin Initialization. When Initialization is complete.
Launch UOCentrED+
If you are working locally make sure your server says localhost or and that your port is the same one you set in the earlier steps of this tutorial.
Account or username is case sensitive.
Make sure you set your Dara Files to the same ones you specified for your server. You can click the folder icon to navigate to your UO files.
Now hit Connect to Server.
1. Download CentrED+ from the link above.
2. Run the installer as an administrator (win7)
3. Make sure the CentrED+ Server box is checked it is required for local usage.
4. After the install is complete navigate to the PEBinaries folder and launch cedserver.exe
5. A cmd window will open and you will now begin the creation process for cedserver.xml
Language file... if you speak English just hit enter. CentrED+ supports English, Italian, Russian and Spanish out of the box.
If you'd like your CentrED+ server to use another language you type C:\CentrED\Language\Russian.ini and hit enter replace Russian with Spanish or Italian if you prefer those languages.
Port... If you are only going to be using CentrED+ locally just type in the default port it does not matter. If you are going to have people connect to you and you wish to custom the port they connect to you with this is when you type it in and hit enter.
Paths Settings.. These are the mul files that you will be using and editing with CentrED+.
You want to include the entire directory and file name.
C:\Ultima Online\map0.mul
C:\Ultima Online\staidx0.mul
C:\Ultima Online\statics0.mul
C:\Ultima Online\tiledata.mul
C:\Ultima Online\radarcol.mul
Maps Settings...
Width: Pre-v6.0= 768 | Post-v6.0 = 896
Height = 512
Format... This depends on what your UO Client version is. you can find the flag you need here:http://dev.uoquint.ru/projects/centred/wiki/Start_and_server_setup#Configuration-file
on that page Above Sizes of Standard maps you'll see "Thus, standard values of flags for standard clients:"
I use HS between - so my flag would be 0x000C
Admin username: IS CASE SENSITIVE
Admin Password: the password is hidden so when you type you wont see it but you will be typing.
6. If you did everything correctly it will create a cedserver.xml file and Begin Initialization. When Initialization is complete.
Launch UOCentrED+
If you are working locally make sure your server says localhost or and that your port is the same one you set in the earlier steps of this tutorial.
Account or username is case sensitive.
Make sure you set your Dara Files to the same ones you specified for your server. You can click the folder icon to navigate to your UO files.
Now hit Connect to Server.
StaticZ said:As for installer some notes that maybe can be useful:
1) you can force set installer language by running it with parameter /LANG=ENG /LANG=SPA and others (it can be sometimes useful if someone use OS with foreign localization)
2) installation process some differs if application is already installed
3) You don't need to type all values in server - in brackets are default values if you just push enter it will used, otherwise what you type, also you can use not complete paths ( "..\" - this mean up folder, or you can simply drag and drop file on cmd window)
4) One of the most common error is trying share mul files for server with other programs like client or Fiddler
5) If someone will want to repeat configure step need either to edit profile or to delete it... C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\CentrED-plus
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