
so i was hoping to use either of these to make a custom "HUB" city for my server.. to no avail. i have been working at digging through every post where either one is mentioned for literally days.. i have all but given up on CentrED+ due to needing an old Client. and even with converted uop > mul it still wouldn't work for me.. or anyone else on the latest client patches (from what ive read)

now ive been trying to get Pandora's box to work. ive had a few i think ui issues that idk why ive had them? for example: i never got asked a datapath, nor anything else like ive read others have had (multiple re-installs)
I have tried compatibility mode for w7, and xp (im on windows 10) i have both my converted mul and uops in the Client folder aswell as ive tried it with and without the Muls copied to the Pandora's box folder. still i either get stuck at loading or.. Creating profile but i can load Travel... but EVERYTHING is water..

so is anyone able to help me figure out what the issue is.. or if someone has alot of free time and could just help me with the city (would probly take a long time tho) preferably not the latter because of id rather do it myself.
@Milva Yes i have ive tried Everything that has been mentioned in your posts and the posts by demented i believe his name is the only thing i have not done is a older client because well cant get one anymore.. and idk how well that would even work if my main server client is osi patch..

Do the Mul(s) need to be in a specific folder inside pandora? currently they are just inside the base folder with the exe(s)
So you did get the converted uop files folder from demented and add that into your pandora folder(just inside the pandora folder is fine)? where do you have your pandora folder, in program files or desktop? Have you searched your comp to be sure there is no other pandora folder?
You downloaded your game client from here and patched up
my UO client is ony my HDD E:\UO\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic and yes and patched up to 7.0.68/69

And my pandora (the only one which was literally just extracted from the Rar file your post provided at E:\Server\PandorasBox3.0.0.5

I used the LegacyMUL Converter to convert my files. to make sure i had the ones my client was running uop(s). unless he did even more editing to them??
Also the Server folder is just my main drop folder for anything ill use on the server (i have Fiddler,centrED+ there aswell but i cant get any to seem to work..

I do have discord if it would be easier to figure out the fix as im not a scripter,or coder,or anything of the sort.
You have Pandora in your server folder? if so move it out to either the desktop or to program files folder
not its not IN my server folder its in a folder called server with all the other tools i was trying to use to make my city none have worked tho


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Not sure what the problem could be :/ last thing I would try just for the heck of it to move that server folder to maybe your desktop
idk either thats why i asked..
[doublepost=1537160793][/doublepost]can u explain how to properly install or unistall pandora? that could be my issue? and how to set up the datapath for pandora and not the travel?
There has to be a problem with your client or the UOP Files- I would try the converted UOP folder which demented posted- if that doesn't solve the problem- then I might try a new client. I'm using demented's UOP folder- when pandora opens its pretty easy- not using custom maps is pretty much the only one you don't set. You should be able to browse to the game client- and travel should just auto set with the game client. It's been quite some time since I needed to set up pandora :) Do you have Pandora ?
*****This is from another post with windows 10 also----running Windows 10 and got it to finally work by running it in compatibility mode Windows Vista
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yea i even tried that version 4.0 that was even worse lol
[doublepost=1537235573][/doublepost]so i deleted my entire server and all clients.. fresh setup on the server, downloaded demented's uop folder, downloaded pandora 3.0.05 to my desktop, reinstalled clean patch of uo and patched it to osi version i have the converted files in tho UO directory with the uop files.. and i aslo dropped the mul files in tho pandoras folder.. i have tried windows xp,7,vista,8,and my default windows 10. all on and off administrator, i have .netframework as it is built in to windows 10.. it is enabled aswell. Travel.exe is working but i dont have a clue how to use it.. i may have to set up the pandora .exe to my uo folder but i dnt know how theres no config and or a window to adjust the path... that might be the case.. also does my server have to but up and running or down?

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