
CentrED works flawlessly with older sized maps (6144x4096), but the newer map sizes (7168x4096) seems to wig CetrED (server) into the super speed closing frenzy (even with command line). This happens even with changing the map size values from 768 to 896.

I haven't use UOLandscaper in years, and would like to check it out again..but none of it will open for me at all. :(

I'm just throwing this out to the cosmos for possible help. I'm currently working on a Rivendell "map" that I'd like to make as an UO Architect addon (for easier editing for those who have different art).
*raises hand* I can help you with both of those! :)
Shoot me a pm or we can rough it out here. I've helped two other people via PM for both these programs so it won't be my first rodeo.
I've been b***s deep into both those programs for the past six months plus.
Of course I can not help you with your personal computer knowledge that may get in the way of the successful use of either program. (not saying anything against you personally, just talking in general)

Also you may want to poke around the Craftuo Forums as these two programs have been gone over quite a lot there.
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@Hank Let's keep it here, so others may find it.

Here is what I have for CentrED's xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CEDConfig Version="3">
    <Map>E:\CentrED\Rivendell in DergogeaLach\map42.mul</Map>
    <StaIdx>E:\CentrED\Rivendell in DergogeaLach\staidx42.mul</StaIdx>
    <Statics>E:\CentrED\Rivendell in DergogeaLach\statics42.mul</Statics>
  <Tiledata>E:\CentrED\Rivendell in DergogeaLach\tiledata.mul</Tiledata>
  <Radarcol>E:\CentrED\Rivendell in DergogeaLach\radarcol.mul</Radarcol>
      <LastPos x="152" y="0"/>
(This one works as it's the older size map)

Now if I change "<Width>768</Width>" to " <Width>896</Width>" CentrED will open but closes ~so~ fast that I can't even glimpse what the error is. This happens even if I cmd start cedserver.exe. I have tried changing the Compatibility Settings and none have worked for me.

UO Landscaper:
When I click on any of the .exe files nothing happens, and I mean ~nothing~. It doesn't even show up on the Task Manager. I've also tried changing the Compatibility Settings with no luck.

I have read on, but nothing was on there about this.

I'm currently on Windows 8.1, but will be going back to Windows 7 Pro next week after I build a new server pc. :confused:Hoping this is the issue:confused:

Also, any help on what each .exe is would be most helpful! I haven't used UO Landscaper since it first came out....ages ago. At that time I was more proficient with WorldForge.
@Redmoon - I can not help with anything windows 8 related, Even if that has nothing to do with the problems I can not guarantee that anything i say will be accurate . Sorry about that, I'll try share what i know though.

What UO Client version are you using?

Search for "flags for standard clients" (without "") on this page

I use UO Client version 7.0.18 which falls under the HS flag or <Format> (0x000C)
Here is what my cedserver.xml looks like
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CEDConfig Version="5">
      <LastPos x="2692" y="1852"/>
If the cedserver closes instantly then your cedserver.xml is not correct.

This is another can of worms that until we can declare Win8 is not causing any issues i would like to hold off on. I have quite a bit of information on every exe UOL comes with and it's uses. To begin I suppose you should just try them all to see if any of them run. If you've already done so then perhaps you should go over the basics. Do you have the .net's installed.. etc
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Having the wrong client version flagged in CED+ won't dump the server at startup, it'll just mess with the viewable tiles/textures once its opened.

Redmoon, please try this:

Rename your map, statics and staidx files to 0 instead of 42, and try opening with width 896.
Rename your map, statics and staidx files to 0 instead of 42, and try opening with width 896.
That is possibly a good idea, but i do know that if your cedserver.xml isn't correct that is one thing that can cause it to instantly close.
Seeing as how her xml file doesn't have the format line makes me wonder how she was even able to create the xml file to begin with. the flag or format is a key part of what helps centred run.
normally if you input wrong data during the server 'setup' (which is just creating the xml file) it will instantly close the setup and not create the xml file.
Having the wrong client version flagged in CED+ won't dump the server at startup, it'll just mess with the viewable tiles/textures once its opened.

Redmoon, please try this:

Rename your map, statics and staidx files to 0 instead of 42, and try opening with width 896.

I used map42.mul just to see if it'd work without renaming; and it does. I have renamed map,static,staidx before and get the same issue. But....

That is possibly a good idea, but i do know that if your cedserver.xml isn't correct that is one thing that can cause it to instantly close.
Seeing as how her xml file doesn't have the format line makes me wonder how she was even able to create the xml file to begin with. the flag or format is a key part of what helps centred run.
normally if you input wrong data during the server 'setup' (which is just creating the xml file) it will instantly close the setup and not create the xml file.

Hmm, maybe ~this~ is the issue?.?. I'm using CentrED, not CentrED+. I couldn't find a CentrED+ server.exe.

I'm using:
CentrED Server version
CentrED 0.6.3 client

I've installed CentrED+ 0.77 (server is in PEBiniaries folder) and it closes after typing in xml file. CentrED+ doesn't allow higher clients right now.
"At present clients are higher aren't supported"

I'm going to see if a "Frankenstein" version will work.
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One of the people I helped with Centred+ was trying to use a client version higher then and they could not get it to work. They ended up using just to be able to use centred+. I would have said something about this sooner but you'd never mentioned what uo version you were using, sorry about that.

The author has planned to add UOP file support but he's said that it's not at the top of his list at the moment.

Alternatively I think (not 100% sure) there is a way to turn uop files into mul files. I don't think it's 100% possible to turn mul files into uop files yet due to the encryption.
Can anyone contribute any information about this?
One of the people I helped with Centred+ was trying to use a client version higher then and they could not get it to work. They ended up using just to be able to use centred+. I would have said something about this sooner but you'd never mentioned what uo version you were using, sorry about that.

The author has planned to add UOP file support but he's said that it's not at the top of his list at the moment.

Alternatively I think (not 100% sure) there is a way to turn uop files into mul files. I don't think it's 100% possible to turn mul files into uop files yet due to the encryption.
Can anyone contribute any information about this?

I have converted my uops to muls. I actually keep a set of both. ;)
@Redmoon So were you able to get centred or landscaper to function properly? A rivendell map would be quite a feat to pull off with uo architecture, wish you the best of luck on it!
@Redmoon So were you able to get centred or landscaper to function properly? A rivendell map would be quite a feat to pull off with uo architecture, wish you the best of luck on it!

I got CentrED working. Yeah, I'm going to have to put in some more artwork if I want it perfect. ;)
thanks........except for the fact its not a Centred+ question.....its Centred question...the runcedserver.bat is the file that keeps the window open so you can see what the error is that is stopping the CEDserver from loading....the window closes too fast otherwise...if you open it with the bat file and enter the tells you if you incorrectly entered the map sizes or file locations of it is related to the original topic..but without the bat file it would have been harder to explain...where if i had the bat file he could have loaded it that way and saw his error.......BTW I could be a dick and point out that your comment and question about "Alternatively I think (not 100% sure) there is a way to turn uop files into mul files. I don't think it's 100% possible to turn mul files into uop files yet due to the encryption.
Can anyone contribute any information about this?

Doesnt have anymore to do with the original topic than your perception that my question should be directed somewhere else....SMH
If all you want to do is keep the window open while you set it up here is all you have to do.

while you're at the desktop hit (Windows key + R) to bring up the Run window. Type cmd and hit enter.
Find where you have cedserver.exe and make note of its location. for example sake lets say its in C:\Centred.
In the cmd window type "cd C:\Centred" without the "". the path should change. Now type cedserver.exe and hit enter.

Voila now if there is a problem the window wont close instantly.

Alternatively if you are on Win 7 you can (hold shift + right click) on the Centred folder and click the context choice open command window here. then type cedserver.exe

If this is not what you wanted to achieve then I apologize for misunderstanding.

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