Gargl Kark

after some dozen runs at Barracoon with no artifact drops, but lots of primers, I may be missing something.
I tried killing Barracoon close to the altar, going solo at the spawn, and raising drop chance to 1.00 on baseChampion.cs.
Still, no drops.
I also set expansions.cfg to ML, so I should not be seeing those primers.

Anyone has a hint, please?
What am I missing?
What version of servuo are you using.

I am using the newest on a very active shard and there are a few Champion arties out there floating around so it does drop.
You do realize 1.00 is still just 1%. Try 100.0 or 99.0 then if you don't get an arty you have a problem.
i use the recent distro. drop chance is set to 0.3 there, so that should mean 30% I think.
Still seeing those primers and not getting arties.
any ideas?

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