
I would like the Halloween events ie. pumpkin patch, trick or treat, and player zombies to start now and end on the last day of the month. I have changed the dates in scripts/services/HolidaySettings.cs, but it doesn't seem to be working?

What am I missing?
I just changed the start and stop times and tested the trick or treat in brit and it worked
Well, what have I done?? LOL Are all the npc vendors included in tick or treat, because I can't get mine to work, along with pumpkin patches and player zombies. None of it is working?

ETA- I don't know why but I did another restart and it all works now. I didn't change any thing, just restarted....again… LOL.
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Oh good :) I was checking the PumpkinPatch;.cs for the spawner and it works off the holiday settings, not sure what the naughty twin is .
I think the naughty twin is when trick or treating you get your evil twin that steals your candy! ;)
Been having so much trouble with this...
Just now after 3 days of fighting with it realized my problem...

"return new DateTime(2017, 10, 24);"
It is no longer 2017! LOL

But that doesn't seem to have fixed my problem.

I can use Trick or Treat on NPCs but I can't get the GivePresent feature to actually hand out gifts to players. Am I missing something?

Halloween.cs (for giftgiving halloween gifts)

FOUND the fix:

the code states: "IF their lastlogin was BEFORE the start date" So if they last logged in after the start date and you fix the date; they wont get gifts until the next holiday.

To fix this one can goto:
Servuo/Saves/Accounts/Accounts.xml set any affext accounts lastlogin date to 1 day before the holiday start time. save file. should fix the issue.
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Also the halloween gifts are shown for gm begging skill-what is found on uoguide- but These are rewarded to Grandmaster Beggars for roughly 1% of the time.
Also the halloween gifts are shown for gm begging skill-what is found on uoguide- but These are rewarded to Grandmaster Beggars for roughly 1% of the time.

                                if (Utility.RandomDouble() <= .01 && from.Skills.Begging.Value >= 100) //This section is what they mean

                                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1076777); /* You receive a special treat! */

                                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1076769);   /* You receive some candy. */

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