I guess. I heard about some shards being able to record everything that players talk about. I thought that would be good to solve in-game problems. If that's it, thanks.
You could always store logs of what players say under a dated folder, then overriding the onspeech method to force writing it in.
Do you need any help on how to move what players say under a file in a dated folder?
I can always come up with some codes, because this sounds like a good idea :p
Now that would be a nice script to come up with. Have it so every 24 or 48 or whenever, it takes all of the character's logs for the entire shard and saves it in a folder for that day. Folder names could be by the date with times or no times. I could have different notations for guild, private, public, private chat and so forth. If you could also record their actions in another folder that would be stellar achievement.
Got something to work, it puts stuffs in a .txt.
[2014-12-12 13:50:37]: asdfghjkl
[2014-12-12 13:50:38]: dfgyhk`
[2014-12-12 13:50:39]: dfgh;`
[2014-12-12 13:50:39]: dfguhijkolp;`
[2014-12-12 13:50:40]: gyuhijklo;`
[2014-12-12 13:50:41]: waesdrtfyuiop;^`
[2014-12-12 13:50:42]: zxcfgvbhkl;`
[2014-12-12 13:50:43]: dfkl;`
[2014-12-12 13:50:44]: fghjkl;`
[2014-12-12 13:50:44]: glp;`
[2014-12-12 13:50:46]: .
[2014-12-12 13:50:47]: .
[2014-12-12 13:50:47]: .
[2014-12-12 13:50:47]: .

Just need to make a second version so your shard don't crash due to bad names! :p
Won't take so long to do.

Also would you like to have everything in one file or one file for each player?
So far i made it be logs/speech/account+playername.txt
with date and time of speech and the speech itself.

EDIT #2:
If you want a guild chat logger etc. i've left a path to this.
Last edited:
Completed, sent over PM.

EDIT: Scared about NSA?
Because of Packets.log generated by razor negociator on my server i can see passwords of the people connecting in very clear text...
My server is private, there's no way someone can connect without my ip and port.
plus idk what generates that xD

(Also keep in mind to always use different passwords on multiple servers, deadly.)
good and bad.

if people forget theirs, you can send it to them.

you could do alot of damage knowing that detail.

This is why I never use my real password anywhere because it really only takes about 3 lines of code to log a password. I honestly believe it is wrong but meh people do it. Very good to learn how to do it just because it is good to understand how "fly by" servers can bail and take your info...

in the [admin screen a admin can change a password without ever having to know about the original one and then adding in a password changer.
then we as owners, and admins, will have to be diligent in making sure that we cannot record the passwords, but make them appear in a hash code. We just have to hope and pray that when we get onto a shard, the admins are honest enough to not change the passwords and causing any damage.

And yes, different passwords on different shards is a good idea. To protect yourself.
When i was a kid i fell on a random server on which i never played, and there was actually an account with the same name as mine, and the same password...
It was very weird, i felt bad for it. xD

Also yea, most fly-by servers are crappy about that, one of my friend lost some houses on UOGamers with this.
That's like a keyholder, lose it, lose all your keys at once lol
I don't trust any UO Sevrver. Trust is a hard thing to put into a server and I may not be the greatest guy and I have done some stuff in the past that was shady but live and ya learn haha/
I'll give you a solution.
Using IOStream to make a log.
Chat function is in PlayerMobile - DoSpeech() and Party - SendPublicMessage()
Input code to both functions.
After that, you can see all the logs.
Never use any password that you would use in other places in a UO freeshard. Even if the shard is set to hash the passwords (And there is no guarantee that they do!) it would only take a few lines of code to get the passwords in their pre hashed state and save them to a text file.
where is IOStream and how do I do that?

thanks in advance for anything.

Have a look at this tutorial. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8bh11f1k.aspx

Also make sure if you are taking full logs in your shard that your players know. It is very creepy to spy on people without their knowledge.
Btw guys, i've already sent him a working script for that, it will be part of a bigger system that i will post someday if i have enough time to script it.
Also i forgot about party chat c':

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