Ok, well I was just trying to help. I'll let someone more familiar with bods have a go. I don't mess with them that often.
I'm sorting out a small issue on one of my customs. Whenever I get a shot, I'll swap drives over and look some more. I went from a nice quad core with 16gigs down to single core Pentium D with 2 gigs, a failing bios battery and a motherboard with one set of SATA pins broken lol so it is always jump starting the thing back to life to get back to work. The cooling system is awesome though... it has no cover :p
haha. yeah, I kinda piece together some pcs I get for free. Thank god I am a pack rat with pc parts. As long as its something easy, if I find out the motherboard is fried, strip it and throw it out or keep it.
Lol I heard that. One time, I set everything up on the desk.. no case. I put some rubber pc board shoes on the bottom of the motherboard. A real "desktop".
haha, I seen that done before. A friend used it as a gaming pc, no problems with heat. I was thinking of building me a beowulf cluster and just lay the parts out or build a makeshift case and call it my "bat-gaming pc". I get strange ideas like that sometimes.

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