
ServUO Version
Publish 58
Ultima Expansion
Time Of Legends
UO Version Updated 2-24-2024
1 Oger
2 Ettin
3 Zombie
4 Gargoyle
5 Eagle
6 Bird
7 Orc Captain
8 Whipping Vine
9 Demon
10 Demon New
11 Dread Spider
12 Dragon Brown
13 Air Elemental
14 Earth Elemental
15 Fire Elemental
16 Water Elemental
17 Orc
18 Ettin w/Club
19 Dread Spider
20 Frost Spider
21 Giant Snake
22 Gazer
23 Wolf Grey
24 Lich
25 Wolf Light Grey
26 Wraith
27 Wolf Dark Grey
28 Giant Spider
29 Gorilla
30 Harpy
31 Headless
33 Lizardman
34 Wolf Grey
35 Lizardman W/Spear
36 Lizardman w/mace
37 Wolf Artic
38 Blackgate Demon
39 Mongbat
40 Balron
41 orc w/club
42 Ratman
43 Ice Fiend
44 Ratman w/mace
45 Ratman w/sword
46 Ancient Wyrm
47 Reaper
48 Scorpoion
49 White Wyrm
50 Skeleton
51 Slime
52 Snake
53 Troll W/axe
54 Troll
55 Troll artic w/axe
56 Skeleton w/axe
57 Skeletal Knight
58 Wisp
59 Dragon Red
60 Drake Brown
61 Drake Red
62 Wyvern
63 Panther Light
64 Panther Dark
65 Panther Dark
66 Whipping Vine Hued Lime
67 Stone Gargoyle
68 Gazer
69 Gazer
70 Terathan Warrior
71 Terathan Drone
72 Terathan Matriarch
73 Harpy Stone Hued
74 Imp
75 Cyclops
76 Titan
77 Kraken & Leviathin
78 Lich Hued Grey
79 Lich
80 Giant Toad
81 Giant Frog
82 Lich
83 Oger
84 Oger
85 Ophidian Justicar
86 Ophidian avenger
87 Ophidian Matriarch
88 Goat
89 Ice Serpent
90 Lava Serpent
91 Giant Serpent Grey
92 Giant Serpent Grey
93 Giant Serpent Light Grey
94 Frost ooze
95 Turkey
96 Frost ooze
97 Hell Hound
98 Hell Hound Light
99 Wolf Grey Dark
100 Wolf Artic
101 Centaur
102 Demon Unknown Armored
103 Serpentine Dragon
104 Skeletal Dragon
105 Dragon Dark Bluish Grey
106 Earth Elemental Hued
107 Earth Elemental Hued
108 Earth Elemental Hued
109 Earth Elemental Hued
110 Earth Elemental Hued
111 Earth Elemental Hued
112 Earth Elemental Hued
113 Earth Elemental Hued
114 Nightmare 1
116 Nightmare 2
117 HolySteed
118 Faction Horse Purple
119 Faction Horse Light Blue
120 Faction Horse Red
121 Faction Horse Light Green
122 Unicorn
123 Lattice Seeker
124 Soulbinder 1
125 Soulbinder 2
126 Soulbinder 3
127 Hellcat
128 Pixie
129 Whipping Vine Hued Red
130 Blazing Gargoyle
131 Efreet
132 kririn
133 Aligator
134 Lava Lizard
135 Artic Oger
136 Ophidian Zealot
137 Ophidian Avenger
138 Orc Captain
139 Orc Captain
140 Orc
141 Human male Flesh
142 Ratman Blue Vest w/sword
143 Ratman Red Vest w/sword
144 Seahorse
145 Sea Serpent Dark Waterline
146 Harrower & Shadowlords
147 Skeletal Knight
148 Skeletal Mage
149 Succubus
150 Sea Serpent Bright Waterline
151 Dolphin
152 Terathan Avenger
153 Wraith
154 Mummy
155 Rotting Zombie
156 Turkey
157 Giant Black Widow
158 Acid Elemental
159 Blood Elemental Dark
160 Blood Elemental Light
161 Ice Elemental
162 Poison Elemental
163 Snow Elemental
164 Energy Vortex
165 Shadow Wisp
166 Earth Elemental Hued
167 Brown Bear
169 Blue Beetle
172 Richtor
173 Mephitis
174 Semidar
175 Lord Oaks
176 Silvani
177 Nightmare 3
178 Nightmare 4 Longhair
179 Nightmare 5 Longhair
180 White Wyrm
181 Orc Scout
182 Orc Bomber
183 Human Male
184 Human Female
185 Human Male
186 Human Female
187 Ridgeback
188 Tribal Ridgeback
189 Orc Brute
190 Fire Steed
191 Kirin
192 Unicorn
193 Ridgeback
194 Swamp Dragon
195 Blue Beetle
196 Kaze Komono
197 Chaos Variant Dragon
198 Order Variant Dragon
199 Rai-Ju
200 Horse Tan
201 Cat
202 Aligator
203 Pig
204 Horse Brown
205 Rabbit
206 lava Lizard
207 Sheep
208 Chicken
209 Goat
210 Desert Ostard
211 Brown Bear
212 Grizzly Bear
213 Polar Bear
214 Panther Light
215 Giant Rat
216 Cow Black & White
217 Dog
218 Frenzied Ostard Armored
219 Freenzied Ostard No Armor
220 Llama
221 Walrus
223 Sheep Shorn
225 Wolf Brown
226 Horse White
228 Horse Tan
231 Cow Brown & White
232 Bull Light Brown
233 Bull Dark Brown & White
234 Stag
237 Deer
238 rat
240 Kappa
241 Oni
242 Deathwatch Beetle
243 Hiryu
244 Rune Beetle
245 Yomotsu Warrior
246 Bake Kitsune
247 Fan Dancer
248 Gamman
249 Serado the Awakened
250 Tsuki WOlf
251 Revenant Lion
252 Lady of the Snow
253 Yomotsu Priest
254 Crane
255 Yomotsu Elder
256 Chief Paroxysmus
257 Dread Horn
258 Lady Melisande
259 Monstrous Interred Grizzle
260 Shimmering Effusion
261 Shimmering Effusion 2
262 Minatuar Female
263 Minatuar Male
264 Changeling
265 Hydra
266 Dryad
267 Troglodyte
270 Unknown Creature New
271 Satyr
272 Fetid Essence
273 Fetid Essence
275 Reptalon
276 Cu Sidhe
277 Squirrel
279 Ferret
280 Minatuar Armored
281 Minatuard W/Hammer
282 Parrot Perched
283 Unknown Perched Bird
284 Charge of the Fallen
285 Reaper Form Spellweaving
287 Bloodworm
290 Pig
291 Pack Horse
292 pack Llama
293 Vollum
300 Crystal Elemental
301 Tree Fellow
302 Skittering Hopper
303 Devourer of Souls
304 Flesh Golem
305 Gore Fiend
306 Impaler
307 Gibberling
308 Done Demon
309 Patchwork Skeleton
310 Wailing Banshee
311 Shadow Knight
312 Abyssmal Horror
313 Darknight Creeper
314 Ravager
315 Flesh Renderer
316 Wanderer of the Void
317 Vampire Bat
318 Dark Father
319 mound of Maggots
334 Gray Goblin
400 Human Male
401 Human Female
402 GM
403 GM
432 Ridable Boura
573 Death Vortex
574 Blade Spirits
605 Elf Male
606 Elf Female
607 GM
608 GM
666 Gargoyle Male
667 Gargoyle Female
668 GM
669 GM
689 Timelord
694 Gargoyle Male Death
695 Gargoyle Female Death
704 Shadowlords New
705 Stone Form Mysticism
713 Abyssal Infernal
714 Iron Beetle
715 Lowland Boura
716 Chicken Lizard
717 Clockwork Scorpion
718 Fairy Dragon
719 Unkown Wolf Creature New
720 Lava Elemental
721 Maddening Horror
722 Putrid Undead Gargoyle
723 Green Goblin
724 Gremlin
725 Homunculus
726 Kepetch
727 Kepetch Ambusher
728 Medusa
729 paralithode
730 Raptor
732 Rotworm
733 Skree
734 Toxic Slith
735 Navrey Night-Eyes
736 Wolf Spider
737 Trapdoor Spider
738 Fire Ant
739 Leather Wolf
740 Dream Wraith
741 Slasher of Viels
742 Charybdis
743 Tentacles of Osiredon the Scalis Enforcer
744 Bright White Human Male
745 Birght White Human Female
746 Horrific Beast Necromancy Form 1
747 Wailing Banshee Necro Female Form
748 Wraith Necro Male Form
749 Lichform Necro
750 Human Male
751 Human Female
752 Golem
753 Enslaved Gargoyle
754 Gargoyle Enforcer
755 gargoyle Destroyer
756 Exodus Overseer
757 Exodus Minion
758 Gargole Color Glitched In Directions
763 Exodus Minion Huge
764 Juka Warrior
765 Juka Mage
766 Juka Lord
767 Betrayer
767 Blackthorn Juggernaut
770 Meer Mage
771 Meer Warrior
772 Meer Eternal
773 Meer Captain
774 Dawn
775 Plague Beast
776 Horde Minion Small
777 Doppleganger
778 Gazer Larva
779 Bogling
780 Bog Thing
781 Red Solen Worker
782 Red Solen Warrior
783 Red Solen QUeen
784 Arcane Demon
785 Horrific Beast Moloch
787 Ant Lion
788 Sphinx
789 Quagmire
790 kaze komono
791 Blue Beetle
792 Chaos Demon
793 Skeletal Steed
794 Swamp Dragon Barded
796 Horde Minion Large
797 Richtor
798 Ancient Wyrm
799 Swamp Dragon Barded
804 Red Solen Queen
805 Red Solen Worker
806 Red Solen Warrior
807 Red Solen Queen
808 red Solen Queen
826 - Stygian Dragon
829 Rising Colossus
830 Prime-Evil Lich
831 Parrot (Tropical)
832 Pheonix New
970 Deathshroud
987 GM
990 Lord British
991 Lord Blackthorn
994 Dupri
999 Multicolored Horde Demon
1026 Uber Turkey
1068 Oseridan The Scalis Enforcer
1069 Ancient Hellhound
1070 Werewolf
1071 unknown Demon Lord
1244 Charbydis New?
1245 Glitchy Scalis Tentacles
1246 Killer Pumpkin Demon Variant
1247 Killer Pumpkin Japenese Demon Mask Variant
1248 Exodus
1249 Reward Robe Male
1250 Reward Robe Female
1251 Gargoyle Reward Robe Male
1252 Gargoyle Reward Robe Female
1253 King Blackthorn (Seems unfinished alignments are off for Up and down walking)
1254 Tiger Light
1255 Tiger Dark
1285 Gargoyle Pet - Dimetrosaur
1286 Reptile Bird - Gallusaurus
1287 Fairy Dragon - Archaeosaurus
1288 Dragon Turtle Boss
1289 Najasaurus
1290 Allosaurus
1291 Saurosaurus
1292 Anchisaur
1293 Myrmidex
1294 Baby Dragon Turtle

1308 Gorilla_Giant
1309 Baby_Tiger
1400 Dino_Trex
1401 Turanchula_Mount
1402 Myrmidex_Drone
1403 Myrmidex_Warrior
1404 Myrmidex_Queen
1405 DrSpector
1406 Golem_Aztec
1407 Horse_Unicorn_RB
1408 Horse_Palomino
1409 Dragon_Hildebrandt (MISSING ANIMATION)
1410 Canine_Windrunner
1415 Dino_Triceratops
1416 Tiger_Sabertooth

1417 Dragon_Small_Platinum = Platinum Drake (default color)
1418 Dragon_Ele_Platinum = Platinum Drake (elemental color)
1419 Dragon_Small_Crimson = Crimson Drake (default color)
1420 Dragon_Ele_Crimson = Crimson Drake (elemental color)
1421 Dragon_Small_Stygian = Stygian Drake (default color)
1422 Dragon_Ele_Stygian = Stygian Drake (elemental color)
1423 Fox_Small = Blood Fox
1424 Beetle_Rhino = Frost Mite
1425 Goat_Necromancer = Ossein Ram
1427 Titan_Water_Tentacle = Hydros
1431 Titan_Earth_Head = Lithos
1432 Titan_Air_Whirlwind = Stratos
1433 Titan_Fire_Demon = Pyros
1434 Dragon_Asian_Mount = Ethereal Serpentine Dragon
1440 - Peacock Mount
1441 - Skeletal Tiger Mount
1479 - Giant Undead (can't remember his name, Aztec style)
1484 - Krampus
1485 Krumpus Imp
1510 - Giant Crab
1511 - Crab
1512 - Giant Crab (larger)
1526 War_Boar_Mount
1527 - Capybara Mount
1528 - Capybara, smaller
1541 Doom Rabbit
1542 - Rabbit (or mini Doom Rabbit)
1546 - Giant Dog
1547 - Giant Dog, Husky
1548 - Dog, Great Dane
1549 - Giant Dog, Saint Bernard
1551 - Giant Dog, Schnauzer
1552 - Giant Dog, Rottweiler

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I'm on client, not the latest

These are the latest entry on my bodyconv

1425 -1 495 -1 -1 # Goat_Necromancer
1426 -1 496 -1 -1 # Lion
1427 -1 497 -1 -1 # Mule_Pack

(btw, do you know anything about Goat Necromancer?)
I'm on client, not the latest

These are the latest entry on my bodyconv

1425 -1 495 -1 -1 # Goat_Necromancer
1426 -1 496 -1 -1 # Lion
1427 -1 497 -1 -1 # Mule_Pack

(btw, do you know anything about Goat Necromancer?)
1425 ANIMAL 10000 # Goat_Necromancer
1426 ANIMAL 10000 # Lion
1427 ANIMAL 10000 # Titan_Water_Tentacle
1428 MONSTER 10000 # JackintheBox

I know what it looks like it is a giant goat with curved horns.
The reference to 1427 Mule_Pack is changed in my version to the 1427 ANIMAL 10000 # Titan_Water_Tentacle. Which the last animations in the file have some pretty sick animations.

1427 Titan_Water_Tentacle Animated water weird like in D&D
1428 JackintheBox . Eh jack in the box kinda neat
1431 Titan_Earth_Head Giant stone head that rolls with flaming eyes and mouth
1432 Titan_Air_Whirlwind A Giant Tornadoe
1433 Titan_Fire_Demon Animated burning flames
[doublepost=1506423577][/doublepost]It also changed in the bodyconv Also there is a listing for Dragon Asian Mount which there is no animation for so. Hmmmm Make serpentine dragon ride able? Or a future animation coming out?
1426 -1 496 -1 -1 # Lion
1427 -1 -1 497 -1 # Titan_Water_Tentacle
1428 -1 -1 498 -1 # JackintheBox
1429 -1 -1 499 -1 # Haunted_Vale
1430 -1 -1 500 -1 # Hat_Wed_Haunted
1431 -1 -1 501 -1 # Titan_Earth_Head
1432 -1 -1 502 -1 # Titan_Air_Whirlwind
1433 -1 -1 503 -1 # Titan_Fire_Demon
1434 -1 -1 504 -1 # Dragon_Asian_Mount
So it's changed from a ver to another.
Did you know if the necro goat is a mount, a summon or...?
No I checked all bodyvalues on myself. Can't find any info online about it either. May not even be called Necro Goat in game. Sorry I am not more helpful. Just don't know. It is neat animation though.
"necro goat" is not a mount, and its correct name is Ossein Ram. The only mount added recently (client is the Ethereal Serpentine Dragon (mount ID: 0x3ECE / shrink ID: 0xA010)

anyway, many recent npcs/items names used on UO files are really messed (empty / wrong). Here's the correct name of most recent NPCs:

1417 = Dragon_Small_Platinum = Platinum Drake (default color)
1418 = Dragon_Ele_Platinum = Platinum Drake (elemental color)
1419 = Dragon_Small_Crimson = Crimson Drake (default color)
1420 = Dragon_Ele_Crimson = Crimson Drake (elemental color)
1421 = Dragon_Small_Stygian = Stygian Drake (default color)
1422 = Dragon_Ele_Stygian = Stygian Drake (elemental color)
1423 = Fox_Small = Blood Fox
1424 = Beetle_Rhino = Frost Mite
1425 = Goat_Necromancer = Ossein Ram
1427 = Titan_Water_Tentacle = Hydros (quest monster)
1431 = Titan_Earth_Head = Lithos (quest monster)
1432 = Titan_Air_Whirlwind = Stratos (quest monster)
1433 = Titan_Fire_Demon = Pyros (quest monster)
1434 = Dragon_Asian_Mount = Ethereal Serpentine Dragon (mount, only found on UO store)
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Hi I was looking through these bodyvalues and cant seem to find the horse that has a saddle on and bigger feet/hoof's andone know that one??


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Hi I was looking through these bodyvalues and cant seem to find the horse that has a saddle on and bigger feet/hoof's andone know that one??
That horse is an import from WOW I have all saddled horses. they are saddless but when you mount them they have saddles. There is actually two animations to make these work. Two animation bodyvalues for each horse. One of the bodyvalues is just mounted animayion blocks that show up in equipment.
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Also the very newest client has one more mount I just found :D
1526 ANIMAL 10000 # War_Boar_Mount (this is in mobtypes.txt)
1526 -1 601 -1 -1 # War_Boar_Mount ( In bodyconv.def file).
That horse is an import from WOW I have all saddled horses. they are saddless but when you mount them they have saddles. There is actually two animations to make these work. Two animation bodyvalues for each horse. One of the bodyvalues is just mounted animayion blocks that show up in equipment.
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Also the very newest client has one more mount I just found :D
1526 ANIMAL 10000 # War_Boar_Mount (this is in mobtypes.txt)
1526 -1 601 -1 -1 # War_Boar_Mount ( In bodyconv.def file).

do you know what the itemid for the mount is? I can change things to that body value but havent figured out the mounted id yet, have you?
Im not sure if this will work but the old way was to look at the tiledata file because the mounted id is actually the id in the tiledata file
Any updates on this list? seems to be more stuff that isnt on here
I will have to check I manually set my body value to each number on the list. So the values would be towards the end of list the higher values not shown. In theory. This doesn't include clothing.
Hi I was looking through these bodyvalues and cant seem to find the horse that has a saddle on and bigger feet/hoof's andone know that one??
You are using a custom animation file I think. That is not a standard UO horse that I know of. Those are customs released by, the emulator community.
"necro goat" is not a mount, and its correct name is Ossein Ram. The only mount added recently (client is the Ethereal Serpentine Dragon (mount ID: 0x3ECE / shrink ID: 0xA010)

anyway, many recent npcs/items names used on UO files are really messed (empty / wrong). Here's the correct name of most recent NPCs:
Thank you
LOL anyone know the Bodyvalue of these two things?
1425 = Goat_Necromancer = Ossein Ram. The other I do not know of it's newer than my knowledge.
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That horse is an import from WOW I have all saddled horses. they are saddless but when you mount them they have saddles. There is actually two animations to make these work. Two animation bodyvalues for each horse. One of the bodyvalues is just mounted animayion blocks that show up in equipment.
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Also the very newest client has one more mount I just found :D
1526 ANIMAL 10000 # War_Boar_Mount (this is in mobtypes.txt)
1526 -1 601 -1 -1 # War_Boar_Mount ( In bodyconv.def file).
wondering what the mount id is for these and the two saddled hourses are?
These were not on Otimpyre's original list. I thought I'd add them if anyone still uses this thread as a resource:

826 - Stygian Dragon
1440 - Peacock Mount
1441 - Skeletal Tiger Mount
1479 - Giant Undead (can't remember his name, Aztec style)
1484 - Krampus
1510 - Giant Crab
1511 - Crab
1512 - Giant Crab (larger)
1527 - Capybara Mount
1528 - Capybara, smaller
1542 - Rabbit (or mini Doom Rabbit)
1546 - Giant Dog
1547 - Giant Dog, Husky
1548 - Dog, Great Dane
1549 - Giant Dog, Saint Bernard
1551 - Giant Dog, Schnauzer
1552 - Giant Dog, Rottweiler
These were not on Otimpyre's original list. I thought I'd add them if anyone still uses this thread as a resource:

826 - Stygian Dragon
1440 - Peacock Mount
1441 - Skeletal Tiger Mount
1479 - Giant Undead (can't remember his name, Aztec style)
1484 - Krampus
1510 - Giant Crab
1511 - Crab
1512 - Giant Crab (larger)
1527 - Capybara Mount
1528 - Capybara, smaller
1542 - Rabbit (or mini Doom Rabbit)
1546 - Giant Dog
1547 - Giant Dog, Husky
1548 - Dog, Great Dane
1549 - Giant Dog, Saint Bernard
1551 - Giant Dog, Schnauzer
1552 - Giant Dog, Rottweiler
Thank for you additions added to list

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