
Hi guys,

I came up with the idea of making a bit more sophisticated teleporters, so instead of using the Teleporter item, I've been trying to work something out with xmlspawner. I started with a quite simple dungeon.

Here comes the trouble...

If not engaged in combat, the teleporter works instantly. And this is fine, just as intended.

SETONTRIGMOB/x/23/y34/z/0/MSG/*you find your way out of the dungeon*

What I'm trying to accomplish is that when a player is engaged in combat, there's a delay to exit the dungeon.
How would I like it to work:

1. If a player is engaged in combat and steps on the teleporter spawner, it pops a message: *you're trying to exit the dungeon*
2. The player must remain still on the tile for 8 seconds to succesfully exit the area.
3. If the player moves away from the tile, the countdown breaks and he has to try again.

Is it possible to make it work like this with xmlspawner?
Never used much on the XML stuff but this honestly wouldn't be too tough to code
Number 1 is possible by having the spawner do a test on the trigger mob's properties . See PlayerTriggerProp

Number 2 and 3 MAY be possible by using a combination of a spawndelay and proximity trigger. However, as Goober said, This would be infinitely easier by coding. Why are you against the teleporter item? What you are wanting to do would be trivial using the teleporter item as a model for your advanced teleporter item.
have it attach a xmlattachment to player with a self delete timer
you would also need something to watch for movement on the player and delete the attachment if they move to stop the timer
have it attach a xmlattachment to player with a self delete timer
you would also need something to watch for movement on the player and delete the attachment if they move to stop the timer

Not bad, could maybe just have the attachment check proximity to the spawner each tick.

Plus you need to remove the attachment after they teleport. I don't doubt that it can be done with XML, and I love the xml system as much as the next guy but I always cringe at someone trying to make XML do what can be done in seconds by scripting, lol.

In the time it would take to script the xmlattachment, you can script the item itself, lol.
thats true, attachments are scripted though. its just the attachments are a supported feature of the xmlspawner pack.

I hate doing anything with the xmlspawners besides spawning
XMLSpawners are good for two things, spawning and testing ideas.
Spawning cuz you get more control over the spawn.
Testing ideas because you don't have to constantly restart to test what is going on.

However in order for xmlspawner to do x,y,z it has to read a string and convert and blah blah to execute and that slows things down. If you want more info I'd recommend asking Voxpire as he's the one that explained it to me and I forgot the fancy words he used.

When you script it up in C# however you speed the process up dramatically because there is nothing extra for the server to do to run the code.

my 2 cents, 98 more gets you a dollar.
The spawner would be constantly reading, converting, then executing the code vs. the server compiles/reads all the code at startup.

It's like having to check a flash card to know what 2 + 2 is every time instead of just knowing it from memory.

At least that's how I understand the difference.

@Talow accidentally 'disliked' your post at first. Nothing makes me feel I have fat fingers more than typing on my iPod touch -_-

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